Source Of Calamity

Chapter 92.2


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This was the closest Qin Yue was to death. Whether it was the car accident or the operating table, he felt the threat of his life dying, but at the same time, he felt that something had changed.

He watched Shen Zhen walk into the room, and this glance made Qin Yue feel an unstoppable sadness.

Qin Yue raised the corners of his mouth with difficulty, and greeted Shen Zhen: “You’re here.”

Shen Zhen also found that something was up with Qin Yue’s state. The expression on his face was like sorrow but also joy, which made Shen Zhen feel a little awkward.

Qin Yue raised his head and said to Zheng Xiao, “You go out first.”

Zheng Xiao greeted Shen Zhen and walked out of the ward.

Now there were only two people left in this space, Shen Zhen and Qin Yue.

Shen Zhen didn’t sit down, he got an uncomfortable feeling, so he just stood one meter away from the hospital bed, and asked Qin Yue: “Are you okay?”

Qin Yue finally had a smile on his face: “Fortunately, I didn’t die.”

Shen Zhen nodded. Qin Yue said to Shen Zhen: “Can you sit over?”

Taking into account that he had just experienced a car accident Shen Zhen sat on the chair next to the hospital bed.

“Xiao Zhen, I feel like I’ve had a dream.” Qin Yue breathed out, as if something that was pressing on him in the past but which he couldn’t see was finally shaken off by him, “I recalled our past, when I first learned to drive, it seemed that I almost had a car accident as well.”

Shen Zhen then said, “You stepped on the gas pedal but thought it was a brake.”

Qin Yue laughed, but his chest hurt, and his laughter turned into a cough.

Shen Zhen didn’t move. He knew that he should step forward and help Qin Yue, but he didn’t want to do it.

Qin Yue recovered by himself. He reached out to get the water glass beside the bed, but this time Shen Zhen reached out, picked up the water glass and handed it to him.

Qin Yue seemed to be much better after taking a sip of water.

“Do you remember the first time we fought?” Qin Yue seemed determined to recall the past with Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen didn’t speak.

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Qin Yue spoke as if to himself: “I remember that time, I joked with you that when we grow up, you will leave the Shen family, and I will not stay with the Qin family either, we would go abroad together, regardless of things at home.”

Shen Zhen had long forgotten these things.

Qin Yue said again: “You said you still want to go back to the Shen family to have a look, and then I said that the Shen family doesn’t want you anyway, and if you do go back, they won’t welcome you either.”

“That was the first time you hit me.” Qin Yue smiled at Shen Zhen, with nostalgia for the past in his eyes, “That was a painful punch.”

Only then did Shen Zhen remember that he really beat Qin Yue badly that time, and Qin Yue didn’t fight back, but passively endured his anger.

Probably due to talking about the past, Shen Zhen’s attitude gradually softened, and he said, “Yeah, you looked quite tragic at that time.”

Qin Yue also noticed the change in Shen Zhen’s attitude, and the smile on his face became more sincere: “At that time, I thought, it’s a good thing for you to let out the discomfort in your heart rather than to hold back all the time. If I get beaten, I’ll get beaten. If it could make you feel better, then the beating was worth it.”

Shen Zhen didn’t speak, and Qin Yue didn’t continue. Shen Zhen lowered his head and asked after a few minutes: “Why did you suddenly recall all this?”

For Shen Zhen, these things had happened in his previous life.

He still remembered, but he was not as moved as before.

Qin Yue: “After the car accident, these memories surfaced by themselves.”

“I haven’t forgotten any of it this whole time, it was just like it had been covered in dust, but now I remember it very clearly.”

Shen Zhen asked indifferently: “What’s the point of saying this now?”

Qin Yue stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hold hands with Shen Zhen, but Shen Zhen didn’t reach out, he just looked at Qin Yue.

The Shen Zhen in front of him made Qin Yue feel as if his heart was squeezed by a pair of big hands. It was so suffocating that he couldn’t breathe, or even gasp for breath.

Before he met Su Shiqing, he even bought an engagement ring.

He said: “I used to think that when we were in our twenties, I would accompany you to visit the Shen’s, and then we could go abroad together. We could start our own company after accumulating a few years of experience. There might be some hardships, but we would always get through them together.”

Shen Zhen listened to Qin Yue talking about his previous plans, just listening, and didn’t have any feelings in his heart.

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Qin Yue probably thought of the past after returning from the gate of hell.

But the past was no longer important to Shen Zhen.

He had a new life, his own company, a lover, and a promising future.

He would not look back at the old scenery.

Besides, the old scenery was not so beautiful.

Qin Yue probably had a lot to say, and he likely didn’t expect Shen Zhen to give him any reply. These words were just what he wanted to say: “Actually, I bought a ring a long time ago, it was a platinum and diamond ring. You said you liked that style of ring at the time, so I asked someone to design it without telling you.”

At that time, Qin Yue, who was not yet 20 years old, had to follow Qin Xing during the day, accompany Qin Xin at night, and had to keep it a surprise from Shen Zhen. His daily sleep time was extremely short. He had to contact many jewelry designers and diamond sellers.

At that time, Qin Yue felt that it was probably the first big thing he did in his life. At that time, he was just a brat, his mind was full of the person he loved, and everything else was not important.

For the sake of his love, he could not inherit the Qin family that his mother had been urging him to inherit, and he could also give up his status as the eldest young master of the Qin family. He just hoped to go to a country with Shen Zhen that did not look at a same-sex couple strangely, and the two of them would start from the beginning and build their careers and love.

It was not until today that Qin Yue finally remembered the throbbing in his heart at that time, and his longing for that kind of future.

But now everything had become impossible.

He experienced Su Shiqing and Zheng Xiao successively, and Shen Zhen didn’t look like he was single either.

“Xiao Zhen, are you with Uncle now?” Qin Yue suddenly asked softly.

Shen Zhen didn’t answer.

Qin Yue smiled: “Don’t hide it from me, I was muddle-headed before, but now I figured it out. Uncle, he… better than me…..”

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Yue, and the two looked at each other, but there was no longer any lingering affection they once had.

Qin Yue coughed: “How is Uncle treating you?”

Shen Zhen didn’t hide it from him: “Pretty good.”

Qin Yue didn’t speak, he lowered his head, seeming to be in a very complicated mood. Just when Shen Zhen was about to get up and leave, Qin Yue suddenly asked: “If Uncle treats you badly, you can come to me.”

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Qin Yue explained: “I don’t plan to restore our old relationship, the past is over and can never come back. But just as your once closest friend ever…..”

Shen Zhen: “I understand.”

“Zheng Xiao loves you very much, you should think about it.”

Shen Zhen thought of Zheng Xiao’s almost lowly and inferior attitude when he came to beg him, and he couldn’t help but say something.

Qin Yue was taken aback.

Shen Zhen: “I’ll be going now.”

Qin Yue watched Shen Zhen leave.

As soon as Shen Zhen left, Zheng Xiao came in from the door, and Su Shiqing also rushed in.

This time Su Shiqing pushed Zheng Xiao away again, and he accused Zheng Xiao of persecuting him: “Ah Yue! He kicked me out just now because he doesn’t want me in front of you. I didn’t do anything, I just wanted to take care of you, that’s all.”

Qin Yue looked at him calmly.

Su Shiqing didn’t know what happened yet, and continued talking about how rude Zheng Xiao was to him, practically saying that Zheng Xiao wanted to harm him.

Zheng Xiao was also feeling irritated. He didn’t fight with Su Shiqing because he didn’t want to give Qin Yue a headache, and he didn’t want to behave too pathetically. However, being accused by Su Shiqing all the time, he really wanted to rush over and beat Su Shiqing up.

“Zheng Xiao.” Qin Yue called Zheng Xiao’s name.

Zheng Xiao walked to Qin Yue’s side, and Qin Yue said: “Please take Mr. Su out, I don’t want to see him again in the future.”

After speaking, he said to Su Shiqing: “Mr. Su, you can pack up your belongings in my house. If you want money, I will also wire a sum of money to your account.”

Su Shiqing was speechless for a while. He didn’t know what happened. He suddenly recalled Shen Zhen who had just left, and shouted in a panic: “It’s Shen Zhen, what did Shen Zhen say to you? Everything he says is a lie!”

Su Shiqing’s emotions were on the verge of collapse. He had no way out. He couldn’t go back to the Su family. Chu Haoyi hadn’t contacted him for nearly half a year. None of the people who had shown interest in him before could compare to Qin Yue’s status. Moreover, he had offended Li Zhao now, and those who were not qualified enough dared not approach him at all.

“He’s just jealous of me!” Su Shiqing grabbed Qin Yue’s hand, his once pure and innocent face became extremely distorted, “He’s jealous that I can live well without needing to work as hard as him.”

“He’s jealous that I have your love.”

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“He’s jealous of me!”

Zheng Xiao finally couldn’t listen anymore, and said beside him, “Aren’t you the one jealous of Brother Shen?”

Su Shiqing turned his head to look at Zheng Xiao, his eyes were bulging, and he looked a little scary. His eyes were bloodshot, and he said in an almost neurotic manner, “I’m jealous of him?”

“Why am I jealous of him? The people he loves belong to me, and the things he likes also belong to me.”

“Whatever I want, others will give it to me. But him? With that blank face of his, even if he cries, no one will sympathize with him.”

“He just has more money than me.” Su Shiqing said through gritted teeth, “But I’m not lacking at all when compared to him.”

From the time he came to the Qin family, no, from the time he first saw Shen Zhen, he kept wondering about why Shen Zhen had a life that was so much better than his.

Clearly, they were both people who were not liked by their own families.

Clearly, they were both living under someone else’s roof.

But Shen Zhen had Qin Yue, while he had nothing.


Su Shiqing had been thinking about this question.

But never found a real answer.

He tried many methods, he wanted to snatch everything that belonged to Shen Zhen into his own hands.

Would this prove that he was actually not lacking compared to Shen Zhen?

Su Shiqing looked at Qin Yue, and said almost crazily: “He is not as good as me, he is not as good as me in everything, you can’t choose him.”

“I love you the most.”

“I have all the qualities you like.”

“Let’s forget about the past and start over, okay?”

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