Source Of Calamity

Chapter 93


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“I’m going out.” Qin Xing stood at the entrance. Shen Zhen walked out from the living room, hugged Qin Xing and adjusted Qin Xing’s tie. Shen Zhen then kissed Qin Xing’s face and said, “Very handsome.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “We just have to be busy for the next while.”

They had agreed to go on vacation together in two months.

For this reason, Qin Xing had to deal with some business matters well in advance. Sometimes when the company was too big there were also troubles.

After seeing Qin Xing off, Shen Zhen made himself a cup of tea, then lay on the sofa to read through some documents.

Huitong Real Estate was expanding. Shen Zhen originally only rented three floors of office space, but later bought it when he had money.

If the company expands, there must be more office space. He was negotiating with people recently and wanted to buy the five floors of office space upstairs.

However, the other party’s asking price was very tight, and the five floors were also already rented out, and Shen Zhen would have to pay the penalty fee for breaking the contract at that time.

Shen Zhen pressed the bridge of his nose with some headache.

It was not that he couldn’t afford the money, but he also wanted to control it within a more acceptable range.

The other party was obviously asking too much.

Shen Zhen changed his perspective. He began to look at the unsold land that he had bought and whether there were any places suitable to build an office building on it. Since it was troublesome to rent and buy, he would build an office building himself.

Only one piece of land close to the city center was eligible for building an office building.

Shen Zhen called his assistant to prepare the materials first, and then hand them over to the government for approval.

After sorting out all the budget and materials, it was already dark, and Shen Zhen finally got some free time. He went to the bathroom to take a bath, and read a book while soaking in the bath. He had recently become obsessed with psychology books, although he wasn’t likely to learn anything, it was good to pass the time. When reading, he would have the feeling of “so it is like this”, but then he would almost forget it all after reading it.

On the other hand, after Qin Xing left the company, he didn’t go home directly. He asked the driver to drive the car to the entrance of the hospital.

He hadn’t seen Qin Yue for some time.

Regarding Qin Yue, Qin Xing’s mood was also very complicated.

He had cultivated Qin Yue’s talents sincerely, and he really thought about letting Qin Yue take over from him.

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Although he killed Qin Yue once, this time, he wanted to let Qin Yue leave using a more gentle method.

Qin Yue was startled when he saw Qin Xing walking into the ward. He reflexively wanted to get out of bed, but his body couldn’t support him to do so. Zheng Xiao stood by Qin Yue’s side, so he could only help Qin Yue sit up at this time.

“Uncle.” Qin Yue’s voice was a little hoarse.

Zheng Xiao also left the ward tactfully. He kept his head down, and only raised his head after walking out of the ward, and exhaled.

So that was Qin Xing?

Zheng Xiao thought, indeed only such a person could be the head of the Qin family.

After staying in the hospital for so long, Zheng Xiao became very familiar with the hospital. He went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to wash his hands, but when he came out, he saw Su Shiqing waiting near the window.

Zheng Xiao had no expression on his face, but just as he was about to walk past, Su Shiqing stepped into the middle of the narrow corridor, blocking Zheng Xiao’s way.

Zheng Xiao had no choice but to stop. He didn’t even look at Su Shiqing directly, but said, “Mr. Su, you’re blocking my way.”

Su Shiqing sneered, “So you got your wish, huh? What did you tell Ah Yue to make him be under your spell?”

Zheng Xiao: “Mr. Su, I haven’t said anything, even if I did, it has nothing to do with you now, does it?”

“So you really said something!” Su Shiqing wanted to pull Zheng Xiao’s collar, but he was not a physical person, and Zheng Xiao waved his hand away easily.

Zheng Xiao frowned: “Mr. Su, show some respect.”

Su Shiqing stared at Zheng Xiao: “Respect? How do you deserve my respect? Did you feel a sense of accomplishment when you were a third party?”

Zheng Xiao sneered and said, “Let’s not talk about whether I am a third party or not, Mr. Su, were you even Brother Qin’s official partner?”

Su Shiqing: “What did you say?”

Zheng Xiao: “Then what qualifications do you have to accuse me? After all, I was with Brother Qin after you broke up with him, but what about you?”

Su Shiqing was furious: “What do you mean, you mean that I am a third party?”

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Zheng Xiao chuckled lightly: “You said this yourself, it has nothing to do with me.”

Su Shiqing felt insulted, and his voice became louder and louder: “Do you think you have the moral high ground? Where were you when I met Qin Yue? What do you know?”

Zheng Xiao said with a look of surprise: “It turns out that when it comes to feelings, you believe in first come first serve?”

Su Shiqing was taken aback for a moment, somehow feeling that these words sounded familiar.

Zheng Xiao added: “The one who is not loved is the third party, isn’t it?”

Su Shiqing suddenly remembered that he had said this to Shen Zhen before.

But he was different from Shen Zhen!

How could Zheng Xiao compare him to Shen Zhen?

Su Shiqing’s eyes were red: “Zheng Xiao, you will regret it, one day you will regret talking to me like this today.”

Zheng Xiao said, “I’ve been meaning to say this for a long time, Mr. Su, your biggest mistake is not being spoiled or quarreling with Brother Qin, your biggest mistake is not being able to see your own position clearly.”

“What are your strengths? You don’t know anything about business, you haven’t even studied in college, you have no money, no social status, and even your face. Do you think there are no people in this world who have better looks than you?”

“What are your skills and capabilities?” Zheng Xiao asked with a smile, “You are worthless, but you feel that you are unparalleled in this world?”

Zheng Xiao patted Su Shiqing on the shoulder: “Maybe Brother Shen is too lazy to say these things to you, but I don’t mind.”

“Short-sighted and self-righteous, you probably think you are very charming and attractive? But in my opinion, you cannot even compare to street performers.”

“Others at least have skills that can feed themselves, what do you have?”

Su Shiqing retorted: “What about you? You know business? You’re capable? Qin Yue loves me because I don’t pretend, because I’m not vain like you all.”

Zheng Xiao turned to look at him: “Is it wrong to be vain?”

“I use the right means to get what I want.”

“Unlike Mr. Su, you have to rob other people’s things in order to get a little bit of pitiful psychological comfort.”

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Zheng Xiao patted Su Shiqing’s face: “You have a good hand of cards, but you wasted it all, and now you come to question me, Mr. Su, have some dignity, don’t come seeking humiliation for yourself anymore.”

Su Shiqing: “You are just a good talker. When Ah Yue changes his mind, you will pay the price for what you said to me today!”

Zheng Xiao clutched at his chest and exaggeratedly said, “I’m so scared!”

“I’m scared to death.”

Just when Su Shiqing was about to say something, Zheng Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Su Shiqing to the ground. He stepped over Su Shiqing, turned his head to look over his shoulder and said with a smile: “I think the most important thing for a person is not to act smart, but to understand what kind of things one should do in what kind of position.”

“So I won and you lost.” Zheng Xiao said, “Mr. Su, see you again if we have fate.”

Su Shiqing could only keep repeating: “You will regret it! You will definitely regret it!”

After Zheng Xiao left, Su Shiqing sat on the floor, biting his lip and muttering, “I’m going to find Hao Yi, and Hao Yi will definitely help me! He loves me so much, he will help me!”

He stumbled up and ran out. He left the hospital, and walked in the sun. The sunlight was very dazzling, and the moment he looked up, tears flowed down his face.

After walking a few steps, Su Shiqing finally couldn’t hold on anymore, and squatted on the ground, covering his face with his hands.

He began to cry silently.

In the past, whatever he wanted, people would rush to deliver it to him.

All the most excellent people love him and like him.

After Su Shiqing had cried enough, he stood up with difficulty, and limped towards the Chu’s. He stood at the door of the Chu’s family house and rang the doorbell countless times, but no one answered. It happened that a neighbor walked by and saw Su Shiqing, and alerted him kindly: “They have moved, is there something you need?”

Su Shiqing: “…..Where did they move to?”

Neighbor: “It seems to be Shanghai.”

Su Shiqing waited for the neighbor to leave before taking out his cell phone tremblingly. He pressed the cell phone number and called Chu Haoyi.

A recorded voice stated that this was an empty number.

Su Shiqing called a few more times, but the voice was the same, each time saying it was an empty number.

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This time Su Shiqing finally broke down. He grabbed his hair and squatted on the ground like a madman.

He called Feng Anyan as well, and this time the call got connected quickly.

“CEO Feng, I’m Su Shiqing, I want to ask about Hao Yi’s mobile phone number, but his mobile phone number has become an empty number, I…..”

Feng Anyan’s voice was indifferent: “Oh, and here I was wondering who it is, turns out to be Mr. Su.”

“No matter what you want to say to Hao Yi, my only warning to you is to stay away from him, otherwise I will have your lame leg broken completely for you.” Feng Anyan threatened indifferently, “Su Shiqing, don’t be shameless.”

After Feng Anyan finished speaking, he hung up the call. Su Shiqing called again, only to find that he had been blocked by Feng Anyan.

With trembling hands, he called Liu Huan.

What Liu Huan said was worse than Feng Anyan’s words.

“Mr. Su, I have had no interest in you for a long time. Didn’t I say it clearly enough before? You are willing to lower yourself, but I am not interested in using someone who has already been used by trash like Li Zhao.”

Su Shiqing was once again hung up on.

The weather was so good and the sun was so bright, but Su Shiqing felt that there was a dark wind blowing from thousands of miles away, making him feel cold all over his body. He bit his lower lip and looked at the phone in his hand with stinging eyes.

It was the first time for him to feel so alone and helpless.

It seemed like he was an isolated island, a trapped beast, and he urgently needed someone to help him.

But everyone else stood on the lifesaving boat, even watching his current miserable state with relish.

Su Shiqing didn’t believe that he had really struck a dead end.

He wanted to go home! Go back to the Su family! His surname was Su! His father was also named Su! The Su family also had his share!

Su Shiqing waved for a taxi, and the destination was the Su family.

And at this time, Su Yutong and Su Jinghan were also waiting for Su Shiqing to find them.

Their anger towards Su Shiqing had been accumulating for many years.

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