Source Of Calamity

Chapter 94


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The Su family was already very different from before. The original Su family had fallen into decline and had been on the verge of falling apart anytime. They had been slapped to the shore in the torrent of the times, and the nouveau riche behind stepped on them one by one to climb up the shore. Since young, Su Shiqing had known from the beginning that their family did not have as much money as other families, so as juniors, even if they wanted something, they couldn’t ask for it directly.

Clearly they were much better off than ordinary families, but their expenses were also very high.

In order not to be rejected by the upper class, they had to drive luxury cars and put on a pretense of wealth, buy all kinds of luxury goods, and hire servants. And the result was that they themselves lived on a tighter budget. Compared to the nouveau riche, people like them cared more about face and decency.

As for Su Shiqing, he always felt that he was the one who was abused. Since he was a child, he didn’t have as many toys as his cousins.

What they had, he often didn’t——he never cared that his belongings were actually quite a lot, he just felt that he had very few things.

After feeling that he had been treated unfairly, Su Shiqing felt he should begin crying.

As long as he cried, and then went to the elders and said that his cousins bully him, and he didn’t have what they have, the elders would buy him the same thing, and his cousins would also be scolded for this, and if it was serious, they would even be beaten.

To be “loving” towards your family, the elders value this very much, and they didn’t want conflicts within the family. Besides, the Su family would always be handed over to the new generation one day and only when they get along well could they be each other’s support. Only then would the Su family become better.

But no matter how popular he was with his elders and friends, the cousins in his family still didn’t like him. They didn’t want to play with him when they were children, and they didn’t want to take him to do things when they all grew up, and they even laughed and ridiculed him.

At that time, Su Shiqing swore secretly that when he became successful in the future, he must come back and let them know how awful they had been. He even thought about how they would cry and beg for forgiveness in front of him.

Just thinking about this for a while, Su Shiqing would feel very refreshed.

But now——the situation ran counter to his original fantasy.

The Su family would not apologize to him in tears, and instead it was him who wanted to go back and seek the protection of the Su family.

He couldn’t support himself now, and he didn’t want to go back to Li Zhao. Li Zhao was a pervert and liked to play many extreme things on the bed. He couldn’t bear it so he ran away from Li Zhao and returned to Qin Yue.

Moreover, Li Zhao didn’t respect him at all. Apart from him, he had several other lovers.

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At the beginning, Li Zhao coaxed him, saying that those lovers were just an act, and now that he met Su Shiqing, he knew what true love was like. With Su Shiqing now, he would never touch those previous lovers again.

But it didn’t take long for Su Shiqing to discover that Li Zhao always lied about being in the company and then went to stay at other people’s places.

Sometimes when he came back in the middle of the night, he still smelled of unfamiliar perfume.

This made Su Shiqing feel that he was insulted, so he would never go begging to Li Zhao if he was not in a truly desperate situation.

The Su family’s house had also changed, and a designer was hired to rebuild it. The villa, which looked a little old at first, had become full of modernity. There was a garden and fountain at the entrance, and a swimming pool at the back. The area had also become larger, the old-school building had turned into a modern and fashionable building, and the atmosphere stating that “the Su family was different now” could be seen in every detail.

Su Shiqing stood at the gate, facing the camera, and rang the doorbell.

The butler appeared at the intercom.

Su Shiqing quickly said, “Uncle Zhang, it’s me, I’m back, please open the door for me.”

The butler hesitated: “Please wait a minute, I’ll ask the young master.”

After Su Yutong received the news, he eagerly ran downstairs. He couldn’t help laughing when he saw Su Shiqing’s face on the monitor. He had been waiting for this opportunity to taunt Su Shiqing for many years.

“Didn’t you want to leave yourself? Why are you back now?” Su Yutong’s eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

Su Shiqing also knew that the current situation was not good for him, so he could only lower his head and say, “Big Brother, I’m in some trouble now. I was ignorant before, and I know I was wrong. Please forgive me and let me take my mom and dad to come back, okay?”

Su Yutong smiled and said, “Oh my god, you actually know how to apologize?”

“But it’s useless for you to apologize, I don’t accept it.”

Su Yutong said: “Su Shiqing, you always think that if you apologize, others should forgive you. This time, your old method will not work. You have been expelled from the Su family, and I have no obligation to support you and your parents. Not to mention, according to the will left by our grandparents when they left, there was not a single penny left to your father.”

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“In this family, even if it is a piece of grass, has nothing to do with Su Shiqing.”

Su Yutong saw that Su Shiqing was about to cry again, and the smile on his face became even brighter: “Save it, no one will listen to you, you don’t know, after you left home, I feel that the air had even become fresher. When you were at home, I wanted nothing more than to wear a mask against the smog.”

Su Shiqing stared at Su Yutong blankly, he couldn’t believe that Su Yutong would say such a thing.

“I want to see Eldest Uncle!”

“What you say doesn’t count!” Su Shiqing found his voice, “You didn’t inherit the Su family! What you say doesn’t count.”

Su Yutong raised his eyebrows: “Who told you that I didn’t inherit the Su family?”

“My dad has already handed over the main business of the company to my sister, and the other businesses are in my hands.”

“So, it seems that my sister and I have inherited the company after all?”

“Su Shiqing, how the Su family is doing now, whether we live well or not, has nothing to do with you.”

“In the same way, we don’t care how you live. Whether it is good or bad, it is a result of your own choice. If you are a man, then don’t look back.”

Su Shiqing wanted to say something, but Su Yutong continued: “You don’t need to come again in the future. After this time, I will tell the security guards not to let you in again. Su Shiqing, haven’t you always wanted to be free? Then go, you are free, the sky and the sea are wide, and you can go wherever you want.”

The call ended.

Su Shiqing looked at the dark screen, at a loss, not knowing where he was or what he was going to do.

He squatted at the door of the Su family house for several hours, but no one opened the door.

Finally a servant came out. This maid who had a good relationship with him in the Su family house before now avoided him as if she had seen a ghost. Seeing that he was about to follow, she ran away briskly. Su Shiqing had a lame leg and couldn’t run at all, he could only watch her leave his sight.

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After wandering on the street all night, Su Shiqing could only look for his parents, but his parents had been kicked out by the Chu family long ago, and after being unable to contact their son, could only survive by selling their son’s luxury items. In addition, Su Yuan had a few drinking buddies, and Ge Lan also had some best girlfriends, so the couple didn’t buy a house, but rented a luxury villa, and quickly spent all the money.

They went to ask the Su family for money, but the Su family refused to give it, so they turned their sights on the valuable furniture in the rented villa.

And sold it for even less than the second-hand market price.

After being discovered by the owner, they were sued at court. The couple couldn’t afford the money to pay back, so they had to go to jail.

They wanted to let their son know, but they still couldn’t get in touch, so at this moment Su Shiqing couldn’t get in touch with them at all.

His last resort was cut off.

Su Shiqing finally became desperate, and eventually called Li Zhao.

After Li Zhao learned that Su Shiqing had nowhere to go now, he smiled and said, “Then come and find me.”

Li Zhao reported his address to Su Shiqing, and Su Shiqing took a taxi with the only money left on him to find Li Zhao.

However, as soon as he entered, he found a young and pretty boy sitting on Li Zhao’s lap.

“Shi Qing, come here.” Li Zhao waved at Su Shiqing.

Su Shiqing could only bite the bullet and walk over.

Li Zhao put one hand around Su Shiqing’s waist, and said with a smile: “This is Lin Jing, you two will get along together under the same roof from now on, you are older than him, so you must be nice to him. Be a good boy, don’t let me worry, and don’t let my yellow-faced hag of a wife know of your existence.”

Li Zhao let go of Su Shiqing’s waist, and grabbed Su Shiqing’s chin with his hand. The grip was so strong that Su Shiqing felt that his jaw was about to be crushed.

“If she knows your existence, no matter how much I like you, I can only deal with you.”

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Li Zhao’s smile became more and more amiable: “Good boy.”

Su Shiqing, who had nowhere to go, could only live in the villa owned by Li Zhao.

Lin Jing, who lived with him, treated him so-so, and the two of them did not interfere with each other. It was only when Li Zhao came over sometimes and asked them to serve him at the same time, that Su Shiqing knew what kind of person Lin Jing was.

Lin Jing would even hand Li Zhao a whip, telling Li Zhao what games he should play, and then Lin Jing would watch from the side with a nasty smile on his face, but no matter how Su Shiqing complained to Li Zhao, Li Zhao would not punish Lin Jing, he only said instead: “Xiao Jing still knows how to make me happy, why can’t you learn?”

Not long after, Lin Jing left. Before leaving, he told Su Shiqing that he had found a better financial backer, and he would no longer have to face Li Zhao, an overweight old man with body odor.

Only Su Shiqing was left to face Li Zhao.

It was a pity that even such a life of selling his body and dignity was not stable.

Somehow, Li Zhao’s wife learned that her husband had a male lover outside, so she brought some people over for a confrontation.

His wife was not a simple person either. Her family made their fortune in the gasoline business. In the early days, they were engaged in mining, so she understood some shady methods clearly.

Li Zhao didn’t dare to offend his wife because he was afraid of death.

“Since you like selling your butt and men so much, I’ll send you to a good place.” Li Zhao’s wife said to him with a smile at that time.

Then Su Shiqing was thrown into a high-end club.

Originally, no one forced him to pick up customers, and he only needed to do some odd jobs to survive.

But he simply couldn’t live a hard life at all.

Not long after, he himself found the supervisor and asked to pick up customers.

Maybe in this way, if a customer fell in love with him, he would be able to leave here.

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