Source Of Calamity

Chapter 96


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Not only Qin Xing, Shen Zhen also heard the gossip about Qin Xing and Liu Huan. Shen Zhen didn’t come back to his senses for a long time, what kind of fantastical gossip was this? It’s amazing to be able to spread this kind of gossip, right?

It was just that Shen Zhen was able to be calm and didn’t go to Qin Xing immediately. After all, he knew very well the relationship between Qin Xing and Liu Huan. The two had no contact or even business cooperation at all.

Don’t know how this gossip was even spread in the first place.

When Qin Xing came back in the evening, Shen Zhen also mentioned this baseless gossip.

Qin Xing’s face was complicated, and his expression was very bad: “You know?”

Shen Zhen was taken aback for a moment——he just wanted to tell it to the other as a joke to make Qin Xing smile. So what was up with Qin Xing’s reaction?

Could it be…..

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Xing, and his expression became weird: “You really…..”

Qin Xing denied it flatly: “I have nothing to do with him.”

When he learned of the groundless gossip between himself and Liu Huan today, his whole person felt uncomfortable.

Fearing that Shen Zhen would misunderstand when he knew about it, he worried for an entire day, and when he came back, Shen Zhen really mentioned it as expected.

Shen Zhen asked strangely, “Then what’s up with your reaction?”

Qin Xing sat on the sofa beside him, his face was so dark that ink could’ve dripped from it, and he said to Shen Zhen, “I will investigate this matter.”

Slandering his reputation! He couldn’t just sit back and ignore it.

Those who spread such rumors would have to pay the price.

Shen Zhen: “Investigate what?”

Qin Xing said seriously: “Check where the rumors came from.”

Shen Zhen was surprised and said, “Can this be found out too?”

Qin Xing sneered: “There is no impenetrable lie. If they dare to spread rumors, of course they have to pay the price.”

Only then did Shen Zhen realize that as the person involved, Qin Xing’s anger was about to break through the surface of the earth. He quickly sat over and patted Qin Xing on the back to comfort Qin Xing: “It’s okay, it’s okay, this kind of thing is not a big deal, few people will believe it, and at best they will just talk about it among themselves.”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen with an expression of “Why don’t you even share the same hatred with me”.

Shen Zhen actually understood Qin Xing’s expression, so he could only comfort him: “No one will believe it.”

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After living for so many years, there had never been any rumors or gossip. Yet once there finally was something, it was not about Shen Zhen, but Liu Huan, who had nothing to do with Qin Xing.

Qin Xing was expressionless.

Argh! So angry!

“How about I make a call and ask Liu Huan?” Shen Zhen asked.

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen’s shoulders, but his expression was still very bad: “I will find out, you don’t have to worry, as long as you don’t believe it then it’s okay.”

Shen Zhen asked in surprise, “Believe what?”

“Do you think I would believe such weird rumors?” Shen Zhen smiled, very brightly, “I’m not that stupid. Seeing that you are in a bad mood today, let me cook.”

Qin Xing, who was still sitting on the sofa and looking like he wouldn’t get up unless he sat a hole on the sofa, stood up instantly, and said to Shen Zhen: “Let me go, you take a rest, I will call you when the meal is ready.”

After speaking, Qin Xing walked towards the kitchen without giving Shen Zhen another chance to speak.

Shen Zhen sat on the sofa, thinking in a depressed mood: Was the food he cooked really that bad? But he felt that it tasted alright?

Shen Zhen made up his mind that when he found an opportunity, he must show Qin Xing his cooking skills and let him know that he was actually talented in cooking.

Qin Xing breathed a sigh of relief in the kitchen. He no longer wanted to eat dishes that smelled like soy sauce or vinegar or were too salty and too bitter.

Although he loved Shen Zhen, he couldn’t say against his conscience that Shen Zhen’s cooking was delicious.

If Shen Zhen was praised, and Shen Zhen really thought that he was a good cook, was he not the one who would be unlucky?

The reason was that Shen Zhen himself was too casual and not picky at all, and because he cooked the dishes himself, the food took on a delicious halo. No matter what the real taste was, Shen Zhen himself thought it was quite delicious.

At first, Qin Xing thought that there was something wrong with Shen Zhen’s taste buds, but it turned out that Shen Zhen’s taste buds were quite normal. Not only was it normal, but he was also picky when he went out to eat. He only lost his sense of taste when faced with the food he made himself.

This…..was also a kind of talent.

After dinner, Shen Zhen went to wash the dishes. He was a little full, so he decided to go for a walk with Qin Xing in the nearby park after cleaning up the kitchen.

The treadmill at home was already retired.

Shen Zhen felt fortunate that he had the foresight and didn’t buy more fitness equipment, otherwise this treadmill would be their common destiny and would take up a lot of space.

When Qin Xing learned that he was going out for a walk, he also changed into sweatpants and a black tank top. As soon as he came out of the room, Shen Zhen couldn’t take his eyes off.

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“What’s the matter?” Qin Xing changed shoes in the entrance, “Don’t you want to go for a walk?”

Shen Zhen strode over, threw himself on Qin Xing’s back, and said very seriously: “We can do some other exercises before going out.”

The corner of Qin Xing’s mouth curled into a smile: “What exercise?”

Shen Zhen hooked his arms around Qin Xing’s neck: “Don’t play dumb, or I’ll top you.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “Go on.”

Then…..then Shen Zhen was topped.

After finishing up, Shen Zhen went to the bathroom to take a shower. He felt that he had become very naturally talented now. After all, he didn’t feel uncomfortable in that place after going for a round in bed recently.

So a refreshed Shen Zhen came out of the bathroom, and called to Qin Xing who had also showered: “Let’s go.”

The two went to a nearby park together. The park was at its busiest time. There were many open spaces where old ladies were dancing, and there was also a senior band playing and singing, which was actually very talented.

Shen Zhen said to Qin Xing: “When we reach this age, will we also dance in the public square?”

Qin Xing: “No.”

Why would they dance in the public square? Was skydiving not better? Was skiing not better? Was swimming not better?

Why pick dancing in the public square when there were so many options?

Shen Zhen said regretfully, “I think they are all very happy.”

The elderly were indeed happy. Although they didn’t dance very well, they were full of energy and had smiles on their faces. The park stipulated the time for dancing, and they were not allowed to dance after nine o’clock in the evening. This was to be considerate to the surrounding residents.

Because of the good management, this area had no complaints about the elderly dancing in the public square.

They got along very harmoniously.

Shen Zhen walked with Qin Xing for nearly two hours. He originally wanted to take a walk to digest food, but Shen Zhen ate more than a dozen skewers of lamb meat, a bowl of bean curd, and an ice cream cone before returning home. He completely forgot what the purpose of taking a walk was.

Back home, Shen Zhen revealed his tummy that was full of food, and Qin Xing gently rubbed Shen Zhen’s stomach with a doting face.

Shen Zhen turned sideways: “Don’t rub it, it’s easy to rub it into belly fat.”

Qin Xing: “…..”

Shen Zhen sighed: “Ai, I still can’t help paying attention to my image.”

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Qin Xing couldn’t hold back, hugged Shen Zhen and laughed.


Liu Huan’s life had become really difficult during this period. Several of his projects were ruined, and several of the original company’s mainstay employees also jumped ship. It was not a big deal at first, but it was a bit strange that they all lumped together.

After calling many old friends, he was finally sure that he had offended someone.

Someone was actually messing with him?

Someone actually had the guts to mess with him?

While Liu Huan was in disbelief, he started to investigate who was messing with him.

The results of the investigation surprised him.

Because the other party didn’t hide their identity in the first place, openly letting Liu Huan know that it was him who was messing with him.

Seeing Qin Xing’s name on the investigation report.

Liu Huan felt a headache.

What did it mean to shoot yourself in the foot, this was what it meant.

Hus secretary was even at the side mocking him: “Look, who told you to tell others that you are having an affair with Mr. Qin, look how embarrassing it is now, and you now even have to suffer a retaliation.”

Liu Huan: “…..What do you mean I told people that I am having an affair with Qin Xing? I’m not crazy.”

His secretary sighed, and said helplessly, “Was it you or not who said it in the chat group?”

Liu Huan’s eyes widened: “I wanted to tell them the exciting news that Qin Xing, who had been a perpetual bachelor, is finally in love, and we should also pursue our new love.”

Secretary: “Yeah right, you just can’t restrain your gossipy nature.”

Liu Huan: “Hmph.”

No matter how much Liu Huan comforted himself, Qin Xing would just give him a warning and would not take any further actions.

This illusion was completely shattered when he saw his own company stock fall.

Liu Huan: “…..”

This damn mouth…, that wasn’t exactly accurate. Damn his two thumbs that were used for typing on the mobile phone! He finally understood what it meant to stir up trouble with his hands.

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Liu Huan had no choice but to bow his head, and asked Qin Xing and Shen Zhen out for dinner.

What was face?

Was it worth it compared to actual benefits?

However…..that couple actually rejected him!

Liu Huan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, so he could only swallow this insult and find someone he and Qin Xing both knew to be a peacemaker.

“Peacemaker” said: “I can’t do anything about it. Who told you to say that you and Qin Xing are sleeping together, I am also very embarrassed. Besides, I can’t persuade Qin Xing either.”

Liu Huan could only speak nicely: “I still have a bottle of 1992 Moutai here.”

The “peacemaker” sighed: “It’s useless for you to use this to seduce me. If I can help, I won’t refuse you.”

There was no other way, Liu Huan could only go to Qin Xing’s company to plead guilty. He really didn’t want to remain enemies with Qin Xing.

People who go against Qin Xing don’t end well, and he didn’t want to be a new unlucky example to act as a warning to others.


“I can’t go up?” Liu Huan’s face was almost contorted.

The security guard looked at Liu Huan who was dressed quite finely, but couldn’t even get out his pass card, and said impatiently: “You people think you can go upstairs if you dress better? We are not so easy to fool, I advise you to at least forge a pass card next time.”

“But even if you fake it, our machines won’t let you pass.”

The security guard said proudly: “I was specially trained before going to work, and I don’t fall for such petty tricks.”

Liu Huan had never encountered such a thing in his life, and he was instantly furious: “Do you know who I am?!”

The security guard looked Liu Huan up and down: “Could it be…..”

Liu Huan straightened his collar, waiting for the security guard to give an answer and then make the security guard feel utter embarrassment.

Security guard: “Could it be that you are Li Gang himself?” (TN: cultural ref. regarding a rich second gen. shouting “my dad is Li Gang!”)

Liu Huan: “…..”

Someone give me a knife!

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