Source Of Calamity

Chapter 97


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Shen Zhen found that Qin Xing’s mood improved, at least it was not like the previous two days of having a dark expression on his face every day, anyone knowing he was unhappy at just a glance. When Qin Xing was in a good mood, his work efficiency also became higher. Recently, he now went home an hour or two earlier than usual every day, and didn’t bring home any documents. All the materials were stored and remained filed, and he didn’t even turn on the computer when he had nothing to do.

“What did you do to Liu Huan? His secretary has been contacting me recently.” Shen Zhen took out his mobile phone, Liu Huan’s secretary Zhang Zixin had been sending him messages for the past few days, basically explaining to him how the rumors spread.

Shen Zhen thought this secretary was quite interesting, and his words were also quite amusing. He even said that he wanted to hire Zhang Zixin, but unfortunately the other party didn’t accept.

It was a pity. With such a treasure by his side, his work would be much easier.

Qin Xing reached out and hugged Shen Zhen into his arms, saying softly, “Just teaching him a lesson.”

Shen Zhen was speechless: “Liu Group’s stock has fallen like that, and this is just a lesson?”

Qin Xing said seriously: “Warning to future troublemakers.”

When Qin Xing first took over the Qin family, it was not that no one or the media didn’t want to spread rumors about him.

But his methods at that time were very tyrannical. If any entertainment gossip dared to write about his gossip, he could drive others out of the industry.

In short, the industry’s default rule was that no one could say anything about Qin Xing. Qin Xing used to have a bad temper, and he only began to restrain himself after he was twenty-five years old. Now, some people who were not familiar with his past would think that he was a gentleman, a nice guy.

But the word gentle actually had nothing to do with Qin Xing.

Although he was always smiling, it didn’t mean that he had a good temper.

It was just that it was not as easy to get angry as before.

What Shen Zhen didn’t expect, he thought that Liu Huan would not come back after being so fiercely deflated. After all, Qin Xing would not keep targeting him forever. All he had to do was wait a while, and when Qin Xing’s anger subsided, things would eventually go back to normal.


Looking at Liu Huan standing at the door, Shen Zhen sighed helplessly and welcomed him in.

With a smile on his face, Liu Huan looked very respectful. It was the first time Shen Zhen saw Liu Huan like this, so he couldn’t help but look twice more out of curiosity, which made Liu Huan very embarrassed.

Of course, Qin Xing also saw Liu Huan, and looked Liu Huan up and down with disdain in his eyes.

Shen Zhen still welcomed Liu Huan in, and he wondered how Liu Huan even passed the gate of the building.

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But if you think about it a little bit, you would know that Liu Huan could always find a way to come up, as long as someone in the building was willing to help prove that he was a friend or relative who was a guest, or simply bring him up together.

This couldn’t be blamed on the doorman either.

“Mr. Liu.” Shen Zhen greeted with a smile, “Have a seat.”

Liu Huan sat on the sofa, and when Qin Xing stared at him, he felt his heart was about to pop out of his chest, nothing could compare to offending Qin Xing. But on the surface he had to maintain a polite demeanor. He smiled at Qin Xing: “CEO Qin, I haven’t seen you for a while.”

Qin Xing also smiled: “What a rare sight.”

Liu Huan also wouldn’t speak directly about his request. He first uttered some pleasantries, and then said: “I didn’t make it clear what happened before, and I didn’t intend to damage your image.”

Qin Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Huan.

Sweat beaded on Liu Huan’s forehead, he forced himself to remain calm, and waited for Qin Xing to speak.

Qin Xing glanced at Shen Zhen, and Shen Zhen shrugged, expressing that you could say whatever you want, so don’t worry about me.

Only then did Qin Xing say: “CEO Liu didn’t seem to clarify it after, did you?”

Liu Huan wanted to say that he had clarified, but it was useless. Rumors spread quickly, but no one would spread the truth.

But he knew it was useless to say that now.

Qin Xing suddenly said: “It seems that you have to make it up to me, don’t you?”

Liu Huan: “CEO Qin can speak directly, as long as I am capable, I will do it.”

He had been driven crazy by the stock drop lately.

Qin Xing smiled and said, “CEO Liu has a secretary.”

Liu Huan was taken aback, but nodded anyway.

Qin Xing added: “Xiao Zhen likes him very much.”

Liu Huan understood now, but he said: “My secretary has a very big temper, I’m worried…..”

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Qin Xing: “I thought CEO Liu was sincere.”

Liu Huan said: “At least my secretary must agree to this matter.”

Qin Xing: “En?”

Liu Huan’s sweat dripped down: “I’ll discuss it with him.”

Shen Zhen didn’t expect that Qin Xing still remembered that he had said that Liu Huan’s secretary was interesting.

After Liu Huan left, Shen Zhen asked Qin Xing, “You wanted to let him off a long time ago.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “We must teach him a lesson.”

Shen Zhen: “That secretary is very important to him?”

Qin Xing smiled and said: “I investigated him before. Except for that secretary, even the people who followed him in the most difficult period were fired by him in the later stage. He is a lone wolf who only believes in himself. But at the side of this kind of person, there is a secretary who he hasn’t changed despite seven to eight years passing, of course, there is a reason.”

Shen Zhen: “The secretary is not his property, and he may not agree.”

Qin Xing: “We’ll find out later.”

The secretary was only there to work, not Liu Huan’s slave. Liu Huan could not command the other, so if the secretary himself refused, Qin Xing would not continue to target Liu Huan, but find another ladder to go down.

Shen Zhen threw an arm around Qin Xing and said with a smile, “You did not plan to leave no room for maneuver from the very beginning.”

Qin Xing covered Shen Zhen’s hand: “Of course, I will still accept it when Liu Huan shows weakness. He is extreme and conceited and if he really was pushed into a corner and swriously hit back, I will also have a headache.”

“I wouldn’t have cared about this before, but it’s different now.”

Shen Zhen didn’t understand, and asked, “What’s the difference?”

Qin Xing’s voice was gentle enough to drip water: “I have you now, no matter what, we must consider our family.”

Although there were only two people in this family, but the word family was not only used to describe the number of people.

Shen Zhen used to think that he was a hard-hearted person, but now Qin Xing said a few nice words and he couldn’t bear it anymore. He grabbed Qin Xing’s hand, dragged Qin Xing up from the sofa, and said in a hurry: “Let’s go.”

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Qin Xing smiled and said, “Where?”

Shen Zhen pushed Qin Xing from behind: “To the bedroom, I want to indulge during the daytime.”

Qin Xing didn’t hold back, and laughed out loud.

Shen Zhen had become more and more adorable and straightforward.

Probably after the open and honest conversation between the two, Shen Zhen was completely different, and he became more and more willing to express himself.

Qin Xing was pleased with Shen Zhen’s change.

He always hoped that Shen Zhen could face himself and him more frankly.

The curtains were drawn, and the room was plunged into darkness. There seemed to be a more ambiguous mood in the darkness. In this private space, the smell of each other was on the tips of their noses, and they could feel each other’s breath when they kissed.

Between lovers, even the smell of sweat was an aphrodisiac.

Shen Zhen touched Qin Xing’s skin and came away with Qin Xing’s sweat on his hands. He could feel Qin Xing’s muscles and strength. At the beginning, he could still maintain a trace of clarity, but later on, he became more and more lost to the pleasure.

He didn’t even know if he had made embarrassing noises or not, he only knew to wrap himself tighter around Qin Xing, more and more, wanting nothing more than to integrate Qin Xing into his own flesh and blood.

That way they would never separate.


Liu Huan, who returned to the company, was in a bad mood. He sat on his chair, not even wanting to drink a sip of water, and had a splitting headache, his feelings conflicted. On the one hand, he knew that Qin Xing’s request was very low and that he intended to let him off, on the other hand, he didn’t want Zhang Zixin to be Shen Zhen’s secretary.

Who knew if Shen Zhen and Qin Xing had any special hobbies.

“Zhang Zixin.” Liu Huan called his secretary’s name in a hoarse voice.

Zhang Zixin was slacking off and watching videos. He could do something relaxing after finishing his work, this was discussed with Liu Huan long ago. When he heard Liu Huan’s voice, he asked strangely: “What is it?”

Liu Huan took a deep breath. He knew that Zhang Zixin would definitely not agree. Then he would go to Qin Xing again. Liu Huan said, “Qin Xing wants you to be Shen Zhen’s secretary. He mentioned it to me today. If you don’t want to, I will reject him.”

But who knew that Zhang Zixin immediately asked, “Really?”

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Liu Huan: “Really.”

Zhang Zixin: “Great! CEO Shen asked me before, I thought he was teasing me, so I didn’t agree. I was afraid that if I agreed too quickly, he would have a bad impression of me. It seems that he really likes me!”

“Just like I said before, for a piece of gold like me, there must be someone out there with good sight.” Zhang Zixin said proudly, “CEO Liu, although you are great, I have been working by your side for seven to eight years, and I have long wanted to change my work environment.”

Zhang Zixin found that Liu Huan had nothing to say, and continued: “I can finally ignore those exes of yours! CEO Shen is simply an angel! I love him!”

If Zhang Zixin paid attention, he would definitely find that Liu Huan’s expression looked as if he had eaten sh*t.

Liu Huan: “You won’t miss me at all?”

Zhang Zixin: “I will.”

Liu Huan seemed to have been comforted a little. Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Zixin said, “So, if I go to CEO Shen’s side, will it be a resignation here or a firing? If it’s a resignation, will I get the next three months’ salary compensation? If not, can I go through the dismissal process?”

Liu Huan…..Liu Huan was completely dumbfounded.

Zhang Zixin finally realized that Liu Huan was in a bad mood, and quickly said: “Don’t worry, you see, such an excellent person like me have been with you for so long, so it can be seen that you are still quite capable, and you will definitely be able to recruit someone who will just be a little lacking to me, but that’s still a comparably excellent secretary.”

Liu Huan: “…..Leave.”

Zhang Zixin quickly packed up his things, and asked, “I’ve organized all the documents into categories. If you recruit a new secretary, I can come and help.”

Before Zhang Zixin left, he said, “Does CEO Shen have any personal hobbies? Or any habits?”

“Forget it, you definitely don’t know, I’ll ask myself when the time comes.”

When Zhang Zixin left the office, Liu Huan still couldn’t recover. How could Zhang Zixin abandon him so easily?

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open again, Liu Huan turned his head eagerly, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Zixin’s face.

Liu Huan opened his mouth: “You…..” Sure enough, you still can’t bear to part with me.

Zhang Zixin said in a low voice: “I still have a key for your house. I will mail it to you when the time comes, and won’t be coming over. Okay, I’m going now.”

After speaking, he left excitedly like a wild horse being let loose.

Liu Huan shouted in his heart: Am I so lacking in charm?!

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