Source Of Calamity

Chapter 98


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Zhang Zixin really came to report in, and Shen Zhen still felt a little disbelieving. Zhang Zixin looked like a very mature person, and there was no sign at all of the funny personality he had when chatting on the phone. He was a little shorter than Shen Zhen, but not too short. He had a good figure and looked very steady and mature when he smiled.

Li Xiaolin also liked him very much, and in just half a day, Li Xiaolin was willing to take Zhang Zixin to lunch and chat together.


Zhang Zixin was a master at socializing, which was why he had not been replaced at Liu Huan’s side for so long, and even becoming Liu Huan’s confidant.

He knew when enough was enough, what kind of words to say on what occasion, and even clearly knew the bottom line of his boss, and lived as comfortably as possible above the bottom line.

Shen Zhen knew that such people were not common. Among Qin Xing’s many assistants, the most capable Brother Ma was the same as Zhang Zixin. However, Brother Ma had been in the industry longer and had more experience than Zhang Zixin, so he did even better. Even so, Zhang Zixin was already very impressive. He could even talk about cosmetics with Li Xiaolin during the lunch break, and he even knew which brand of face cream was better.

But the strange thing was that Li Xiaolin’s attitude towards Zhang Zixin was not that of a woman towards a man.

It was more like the attitude towards a playmate who she had a good relationship with.

But Shen Zhen could see that Zhang Zixin’s attitude towards Li Xiaolin was closer to one deliberately getting closer to another, but also keeping it to a certain degree.

Not only that, he had only been here for three days, and he had already figured out Shen Zhen’s habits.

Including what kind of tea Shen Zhen liked to drink at different time periods, what was the preferred temperature of the tea, and the favorite temperature of the indoor air conditioner. And according to Shen Zhen’s habits when reading documents, he would also adjust how he organized the documents.

Such a talent, Shen Zhen, had only seen in Brother Ma.

This made Shen Zhen feel like he had found a treasure. Even if Liu Huan came to snatch him back, he would still try his best to keep Zhang Zixin.

If the secretary was capable, one’s work efficiency would be greatly improved. Although it seemed that these were small tasks, it was these small things that required more attention.

Li Xiaolin probably also noticed that Shen Zhen valued Zhang Zixin more and more, and she also started to panic. Shen Zhen had only her as an assistant before. After the break-in period passed, her sense of urgency was not so strong, so she began to relax.

Now that Zhang Zixin came, she also started to learn from Zhang Zixin.

All in all, Shen Zhen had never felt so comfortable working.

Maybe Zhang Zixin would be more accomplished than Brother Ma at Brother Ma’s age one day.

“Without you, Liu Huan will have a headache.” Shen Zhen said to Zhang Zixin when he got off work, “Where do you live, I can drop you off.”

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It was not easy to take a taxi at this time, the subway and bus were crowded, and Zhang Zixin didn’t drive himself, so he accepted Shen Zhen’s kindness, knowing that it was the new boss showing his favor.

The driver was already waiting downstairs.

Both Zhang Zixin and Shen Zhen sat in the back seat. Zhang Zixin took out Shen Zhen’s itinerary for tomorrow and put it next to him. This copy was for the driver to see, so that the driver would know when and where to send Shen Zhen.

In the past, Li Xiaolin only called the driver when he needed to use the car. Although there was no delay, this method was more convenient.

Shen Zhen had never educated Li Xiaolin. As long as his work was not delayed, he was not very interested in how assistants and secretaries coordinate the relationship between departments. Besides, Li Xiaolin had not worked for as long as Zhang Zixin. Some things were accumulated by time and learned by experience.

Zhang Zixin was renting a house on the second ring road, with two bedrooms and one living room, but he lived alone.

“Occasionally, if a friend comes by, they could stay with me for one night.” Zhang Zixin said with a smile, “This way I don’t have to sleep on the sofa.”

Shen Zhen nodded, but he was still a little curious: “Why don’t you buy a place?”

Zhang Zixin: “I bought one in my hometown. I bought a duplex in the city center for my parents.”

Shen Zhen smiled: “You are quite filial.”

Zhang Zixin sighed: “I can’t help it, I’m an only child, and I’m under a lot of pressure.”

Shen Zhen asked again: “Why were you willing to come to me? Liu Huan won’t offer you bad conditions, right?”

Zhang Zixin said sincerely: “Because CEO Shen, you are more handsome than CEO Liu.”

Shen Zhen was amused: “If I were Liu Huan, I would never let you go.”

Zhang Zixin sighed: “If I were him, I wouldn’t let me go either.”

Shen Zhen thought Zhang Zixin was very interesting.

But he still had to ask clearly: “What if Liu Huan asks you to go back?”

Zhang Zixin: “Then he has to get a skin lift first, or have plastic surgery to look like you.”

Shen Zhen’s gaze was serious: “Please answer me seriously, so that I can decide how to assign work to you.”

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Zhang Zixin looked at Shen Zhen, and finally said, “I probably will go back.”

Shen Zhen continued looking at him.

Zhang Zixin: “I have been with CEO Liu since I graduated. To be honest, I probably know him better than he himself. He seems to have a bad temper, but he is actually very patient and tolerant. He likes challenges and new things, during the holidays, he would never forget to give my parents gifts either.”

“To be precise, the reason I have today is thanks to CEO Liu.” Zhang Zixin smiled at Shen Zhen, “This may sound a bit affectatious. My parents gave me life, my teacher gave me knowledge, and CEO Liu gave me a future.”

Shen Zhen nodded: “Do you like him?”

Zhang Zixin was taken aback, and was amused by Shen Zhen’s words, and said: “That’s not the case. My feelings towards CEO Liu, for example, is like Zhuge Liang’s attitude towards Liu Bei. He is my mentor in many ways. I admire him very much and also respect him. At the very beginning, I even kind of worshiped him.”

Shen Zhen understood.

Zhang Zixin was very loyal to Liu Huan.

No matter what the reason was, he probably only came here to keep a distance from Liu Huan for a period of time.

“It’s a pity.” Shen Zhen sighed, “I also hope to have a secretary as capable as you by my side.”

Zhang Zixin quickly said: “Before I leave, I will mentor Xiao Li. She is quite smart, but she didn’t find the right way before.”

Shen Zhen: “Then I will trouble you.”

Zhang Zixin: “No trouble, I want to get paid.”

Shen Zhen pursed his lips and smiled: “Okay.”

Zhang Zixin looked at Shen Zhen, and thought as he got out of the car, no wonder Liu Huan was attracted to Shen Zhen before.

This man was simply too attractive.

He didn’t even need to say anything, he just had to sit there and he would be able to attract everyone’s attention.

But Shen Zhen had a lover, and his lover was Qin Xing.

When Zhang Zixin thought about this, he felt that Liu Huan was really unlucky. After all these years, he had finally kicked an iron plate.

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In short, Liu Huan failing in the romantic field, Zhang Zixin felt quite pleased.

He was also fed up with taking care of Liu Huan’s exes. Those men and women who were pursued by Liu Huan because of the challenge, he was the one who took care of them in the end. He wanted to use action to tell Liu Huan that enough was enough.

After Shen Zhen came home, Qin Xing had already prepared the meal. The two of them lived a very regular life now. They could have breakfast together most of the time, usually ate lunch in their respective companies, and then come back to eat together at night. If Qin Xing came back earlier, then Shen Zhen could have dinner directly when he got home.

After dinner, the two would watch the news or TV together in the living room, or talk.

Then take a shower.

As for the matter on the bed, it depended on their mood that day.

To be precise, it depended on Shen Zhen’s mood. In short, Qin Xing never refused when Shen Zhen wanted it.

But even so, Shen Zhen was still worried that Qin Xing couldn’t bear it. He was already very restrained. After all, he was at the age to be relatively hot-blooded. Because he was considerate of Qin Xing, he usually controlled it to three to four times a week, afraid that Qin Xing would be squeezed dry by him.

During the meal, Shen Zhen suddenly said to Qin Xing: “Should we buy some snake wine, I heard…..”

But he didn’t finish speaking, his instincts directly telling him that Qin Xing might be unhappy if he finished speaking.

Qin Xing didn’t think much about it: “What? Suddenly gaining a taste for that kind of wine?”

Shen Zhen mended the situation: “It’s nothing, I just thought of it suddenly, and I’m not very interested, so it’s better not to buy it.”

Shen Zhen sat in the living room with Qin Xing after dinner. He took out his mobile phone, and then said to Qin Xing, “Let’s buy some sea bass tomorrow, I want to eat it.”

Of course Qin Xing would not refuse.

Then they ate sea bass the next day. From this day on, Shen Zhen, who had never made requests on meals before, began to make requests.

Including scallops, oysters, cuttlefish, lamb loin, veal loin, and caviar. Leeks were too obvious, so he didn’t mention them.

After eating like this for a while, Qin Xing finally noticed something.

One night before going to bed, Qin Xing drank an unknown drink. Shen Zhen’s eyes widened, he was just a little suspicious, could it be that Qin Xing really…..

After Qin Xing finished drinking, he said to him, “Do you want a cup too?”

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Shen Zhen said cautiously: “I…..probably don’t need it?”

Qin Xing raised his eyebrows: “Really? I thought you would want to try it.”

Shen Zhen: “…..Then let me try it.”

When he drank it, he tasted something fishy, which made him a bit nauseous. He pinched his nose and drank it, and was kissed by Qin Xing after drinking it.

The two quickly rolled onto the bed.

Shen Zhen felt that what he drank must be an aphrodisiac, and he felt that he was extremely fierce that night.

Usually he couldn’t last long if he took the initiative, but tonight, he lasted for at least half an hour.

Still tired, but much better than usual.

Shen Zhen asked Qin Xing after the two of them took a bath: “Where did you buy that aphrodisiac medicine? Although it doesn’t taste good, the effect is quite good. If there is no problem, you can buy more and store it. It’s quite rare to see this kind of medicine that is both effective and harmless.”

Qin Xing remained calm: “Really? You think it’s effective?”

Shen Zhen nodded: “Yeah.”

Qin Xing finally couldn’t help laughing out loud.

Shen Zhen looked at him inexplicably: “What are you laughing at? What’s so funny?”

Qin Xing: “So you’ve been giving me ‘tonics’ all this time?”

Shen Zhen said in a small voice, “I’m also eating them myself.”

Qin Xing muffled his laugh: “You don’t need to worry about it, I know my own body.”

“That was just Houttuynia cordata juice. If you like it, there are still more in the kitchen. You can squeeze it yourself.” Qin Xing said a little evilly, “Is it very effective?”

Shen Zhen wanted to find a crack in the ground to stuff himself in.

How embarrassing!

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