Special Fondness

Chapter 25

Special Fondness – Chapter 25

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  The wound on his forehead took about ten days to heal, Tang QiaoYuan took off the white gauze for Fang Su for the last time, seeing that the wound had completely scabbed over, he finally let out a sigh of relief. 

  He carefully rubbed the skin around that was intact, and asked: “Does it still hurt?”

  Fang Su shook his head, Tang QiaoYuan didn’t dare to really touch it, but he didn’t have any worries, stretched his hand and used his fingertips to gently touch it, replied: “It hurt a bit when it’s pressed…but I don’t feel a headache anymore.”

  Tang QiaoYuan frowned, hurriedly pulled down his hand and held it, and said in a reproaching tone: “Then don’t touch it, the gauze was just taken off, don’t know how long it’s going to take.”

  Fang Su pursed his lips, and didn’t refute, nodded to him, and replied: “I will be a little more careful.” As soon as the voice died down, he was secretly thinking when old things suddenly popped into his mind. 

  He remembered something that happened a long time ago, Fang Su was pitiful at that time, but now he only found it funny, but although he found it funny, now looking at the anxious expression of that person, he didn’t dare to tell the story, so as not to distress him. 

  Fang Su wanted to talk about when he was punished by kneeling down when he was little, he has forgotten the reason why he was punished by his second mother, and only remember that it was already nighttime, he was extremely tired, but he was still punished the whole night, and reflecting in the courtyard outside.

  While kneeling, he didn’t have enough stamina at a young age, Fang Su quickly dozed off, his head lolled and lolled, in the end, his body “thud” and fell down, his forehead fell in the soil, as luck would have it, a rough pebble cut through an inch of skin. 

  Fang Su “wah-wah” burst into tears in pain, Fang father got up and went out to take a look, and couldn’t bear it and took him back to the room to rest, and his second mother seeing the drops of blood on his head, stared at it, and didn’t continue to make it difficult for him. 

  He obviously cracked his head, but the young Fang Su felt that he was lucky, he could finally sleep on the bed. The crackled area on his head did not get any expensive ointment, only a few medicinal leaves that Fang father picked in the forest were applied to it, and unknowingly, it was as good as before. 

  Now, even if one looked at it closely, no scar could be seen. 


  Fang Su was thinking about it and then lifted a hand to touch that place from what he remembered, and turned toward Tang QiaoYuan and said: “QiaoYuan, my wound isn’t shallow, is it going to leave a scar later?” 

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  Tang Qiao saw that he was absent-minded, didn’t know what he was thinking about, hearing that he couldn’t help to smile and drop a kiss on his wound, and replied: “The doctor said that it won’t, although I don’t know how it will be, I think that it doesn’t matter whether it leaves a scar.” 

  “Hm?”  Fang Su showed some hesitation and didn’t completely agree.

  He was not a girl, and did not care if he was handsome, but even if it was like this,  he didn’t want to be ugly, moreover, he now had a companion by his side… In his opinion, Tang QiaoYuan had a dignified appearance and initially deserved someone better, Fang Su didn’t wish to not be able to raise his head when standing next to him and was afraid that if he had a scar, it would make him lose face. 

  Fang Su was thinking like this in his heart, thus also voiced it out: “If it leaves a scar on the forehead, other people will be afraid if they see it…” 

  “What is there to be afraid of,” Tang QiaoYuan held his chin and turned his head over to take a look, made a contemplative look, and pretended to be serious, replied, “It is not scary, but it’s a distinguishing feature, I can change my previous way to address you and call you ‘ugly Su Su’” That man said, and purposely lifted one hand to cover a side of his face, “This is pretty Su Su”, then immediately changed his hand again, and said amused “This is ugly Su Su”. 

  “Huh? Such a good Su Su, I actually have two of them.” Tang QiaoYuan laughed and pulled him in his arms. 

  Fang Su was unable to restrain a smile, his eyes full of laughter, and put his arms around his back when he was pulled in a tight hug.  

  His heart felt sweet as honey, the childhood grief and the dangers he went through were probably something that others may never encounter in a lifetime, and be thankful because of this, and was pleasantly surprised that it happened to be him who got such a Tang QiaoYuan. 

  Fang Su was reluctant to let go, and heard Tang QiaoYuan make a joke at this moment, gently coaxing him: “My Su Su is so good looking, even if it leaves a scar, he’s still good looking.” 

  After that person said this, bowed down and kissed the top of his head.

  Fang Su didn’t want to break the pleasant atmosphere, but eventually couldn’t bear it and moved, after he got a few inches away from him, he hesitantly said: “QiaoYuan, I haven’t washed my hair for days…” 

  Tang QiaoYuan was slightly startled, he raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud, and was thinking that his Fang Su would obviously not have spoken in this way before. Just a dozen days ago, Fang Su’s face would have gotten red from embarrassment about boiling water for the bath and didn’t expect that he could also poke fun at him now. 

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  That person laughed for a long while, stretched a hand to touch Fang Su’s hair that “hasn’t been washed for days”, nodded, and said: “Then I will wash it for you, however, it is already late, it just so happens that it’s bath time.” 

  Fang Su nodded, Tang QiaoYuan got up from bed, went to the courtyard to order people to boil some water, walked to the corridor, and suddenly remembered something, and knocked on the windows: “Su Su, now that the gauze has been removed, then let’s go out for a walk tomorrow, you were trapped in the mansion for half a month already.” 

  Fang Su immediately replied “ok”, because he was accustomed to it, and rarely said “no” to this person. By the time the footsteps outside have gone further and further away only then was he slowly stunned, and remembered the scar on his forehead, all in all, he still did not want strangers to see it…

Read the original translation at milkteatranslations.wordpress.com


   Just when he was worried about it, another voice approached, the girl stopped behind the curtain and greeted: “Madam, this servant has brought you the medicine, if it is convenient for you, this servant is coming in.” 

  “Alright,” Fang Su nodded in agreement, Bai Ping opened the curtain, bent her brows and handed him the medicinal soup, and heard him shyly say, “I’ve troubled miss Bai Ping.”

  Bai Ping was used to him being courteous and knew that he is just naturally like this, and wasn’t trying to distance himself, thus did not try to tease him like before, smiled and just replied “Madam is being polite”. 

  Holding the bowl of medicine in his hands, Fang Su silently looked at it, and did not even use that spoon, holding the bowl, he quickly chugged it, it was so bitter that it made him frown. 

  Bai Ping looked at it on one side and slightly smiled, took the empty bowl, and asked: “Does madam want to try some candied fruits? This servant will go to fetch some for you.”

  “It will not be necessary,” Fang Su waved his hand, “It is just bitter and will get better…miss Bai Ping, until when do I need to drink this medicine, the wound on my forehead has crusted, and I don’t get anymore headaches, the gauze was taken off today, and it’s healed.” 

  He said these words very seriously and somewhat tactfully, but the clever Bai Ping could immediately hear the inner meaning behind them. The young woman smiled and noticed that although Fang Su was smart, he was very simple most of the time, all his inner thoughts were written all over his face, just now, it seemed to be a simple statement, but it was actually complaining about his bitterness, and not wanting to drink that medicinal soup anymore. 

  Bai Ping intentionally did not expose him, and replied just as serious as he was: “Although the wound has scabbed over, it cannot be counted as healed, madam still needs to nurse it, there are still several sets of medicinal soup and still need to carefully take them.” 

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  Fang Su’s expectant eyes showed some disappointment for an instant, did not say anything, and obediently nodded. 

  Bai Ping let out a “pff”, hurriedly lifted her sleeve to cover her lips, overjoyed, and really couldn’t bear to bully him anymore, and comforted me: “Madam, bear it for a few more days, next time when this servant will also bring you some candied fruits along with the medicine.” 

  It would be better if she hadn’t comforted him, being comforted like this, instead, Fang Su’s cheeks were flushed with shame, the hidden meaning was mercilessly exposed, he thought that he was eighteen or nineteen but was still afraid of bitter medicine, even more, it was a young woman who found it out, it is really embarrassing. 

  Fang Su lowered his eyes with his lips pursed, Bai Ping was worried that he would be even more embarrassed if she continued to laugh, and purposely changed the topic: “That’s right madam, the master has reminded me that the weather is getting hotter in summer, and it’s time to add new clothes that are lighter and thinner for you. The clothes were prepared at will when you first came, now that new additions are going to be made, it’s better to ask for your preference.”

  “En?” Fang Su sure enough was distracted, raised his eyes to look at her, shook his head, and answered: “I am fine with anything, you may do as you please, there is no need to consider my opinion.”

  “We cannot not consider it,” Bai Ping answered with a smile, “The master would only be satisfied if it’s what you like, or else, even the best things can be thrown out of the courtyard by him.”

  It was simply a joke, but Fang Su was suddenly nervous, hastily replied: “Then add some light colors… I like them all, what a pity to throw them away.”

  ”Yes,” Bai Ping heard this and bowed, and replied, “this servant will remember that.”

  Fang Su heard the smile in her words, understood it afterward, and found out that Bai Ping took advantage of him while he was nervous to play a trick on him with good intentions — what throwing it out in the courtyard, aren’t the clothes he is wearing just fine in the chest?

  Fang Su looked at the young woman helplessly and did not know what to say. 


  Just at this moment, the person who went to ask people to boil water has returned, Bai Ping turned sideways, saluted Tang QiaoYuan when he came in, and left the room with the empty bowl, leaving the both of them alone. 

  Tang QiaoYuan sat back on the couch, gathered Fang Su’s long hair scattered on his back to one side in front of him, stretched his hand to touch the back of his neck to see if he was sweating from feeling stuffy, his palm felt warm but saw no sweat so he asked directly: “Does Su Su feels hot?” 

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  “It’s already this time, I don’t feel hot,” Fang Su shook his head, “it did feel stuffy during the daytime, but I don’t often sweat, and won’t feel bad because it’s sticky.

  “But it won’t feel comfortable,” Tang QiaoYuan said with a smile, “in the future, if you feel stuffy during the daytime, then ask people to go to the ice cellar to get some ice, and cool some mung bean soup for you to drink.” 

  Fang Su had never heard about something such as an ice cellar and immediately showed a curious look. Tang QiaoYuan could see it, and said with a smile: “Tomorrow I’ll take you there to take a look.”

  “Alright.” Fang Su happily nodded.

  The hot water for the bath wasn’t ready yet, Tang QiaoYuan and he waited together, they were bored with nothing to do so he asked: “What did Su Su talk about with Bai Ping just now?”

  ”En… Miss Bai Ping said to add some summer clothes for me,” Fang Su pulled on his own sleeves and replied, “QiaoYuan, the one I am wearing is quite thin, there is actually no need to add.”

  ”It’s necessary,” Tang QiaoYuan’s expression was serious, “I have two Su Su, one person’s clothes aren’t going to be enough.”

  Fang Su was first stunned, immediately reacted, remembered what that person had said a while ago, laughed, and was hugged by this person and was kissed twice.

  “Everything has to come in double.”

  Fang Su’s low chuckle was incessant, after a while, he gently touched his forefinger, and replied in a low voice: “But one QiaoYuan is enough for me…”

  Tang QiaoYuan pursed his lips, gripped his hand, and slowly interlocked their ten fingers.


This chapter was full of fluff! They are so cute! The next chapter is the last chapter of the main story! After that, the extras might be released a little bit slower than usual because I am starting a new job in May and I will probably be busy.

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