Special Fondness

Chapter 26

R 18+ warning – Smut in this chapter between brackets 【】

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  After a while, servants carried a few buckets of hot water and entered the room, poured it into the bathtub, a mist raised behind the screen. 

  Fang Su walked closer, his left hand pulled up his sleeve, and the other hand tried the water’s temperature, and felt that the water was slightly too hot, and thought that he would wait a bit more, and did not expect the person behind him to hug him, stretching a hand to untie his belt. 


  “En,” Tang QiaoYuan answered in a low voice, not concealing his desire, tilting his head and gently biting his earlobe, the body behind him sticking even closer, coaxing him, “Let’s finish washing up earlier…”

  Fang Su felt tickled and slightly laughed, twisted his head wanting to avoid him, but his waist was tightly hugged, could only move a few inches away. 

  That person got to kiss him, but still wanted to tease him, and absolutely wanted to make him numb until it was unbearable, the deep voice slowly laughing along with him. Summer clothes only had a few layers and they were quickly loosened. 

  Fang Su held Tang QiaoYuan’s hand that was touching the side of his waist, finally stopping him and said: “The water is too hot, let’s wait for a little longer…”

  But Tang QiaoYuan thought that it was just right, answered: “One should bathe in hot water in summer, on the contrary, it isn’t good to wash in cool water.” While saying that, pulled off his robe, then his thin inner pants, peeling Fang Su cleanly. 

  The air around the bathtub was warm and humid, Fang Su wasn’t cold, his cheeks were flushed red. Tang QiaoYuan liked this expression of him the most, his palm caressed the warm side of his face for a while, turned his body around, and led his hand to his waist, his intention was obvious. 

  Before Fang Su was always ashamed when cooperating, usually didn’t refuse but didn’t take the initiative either, but this time his fingers just twitched imperceptibly, then his moves were gentle, on one hand, he moved his head to meet the kiss of that man, on the other hand, helped him undress, letting the slippery clothes fall down to the ground layers by layers.

  Tang QiaoYuan felt his heart softened and remembered his first wedding night with Fang Su, although it was under the influence of the love poison, and the image was quite distant and vague, but the inner feelings were very clear. Just by thinking at the inexperienced and submissive look Fang Su had, he couldn’t help but feel his whole body heating up, and just wanted to take good care of him.

  —— And after the poison has been cured, he has decided that he doesn’t want to restrain his lustful thoughts, and it was actually the first time that they have surged. 

  Now, Tang QiaoYuan could recognize his deep affection, no matter if it was because he has gotten used to it, or if it was developed over the time, all in all, he wasn’t confused and at a loss anymore, and with a clear train of thoughts, he has always loved Fang Su, and had never forgotten it after falling in love. 

  Fang Su had once thought that he had lost him but was picked up as soon as he left, at that time, everything between them was just like usual, but both of them were clear and knew that under that appearance was some elusive strangeness mixed to it. After Fang Su has encountered a danger, Tang QiaoYuan finally came to realize and understood that his attempt to give his sincerity was superfluous, because he deeply loved Fang Su to begin with, he has never taken back his sincere heart and had always loved him to the point that he cannot extricate himself. 

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  —— Then after that until now, the feelings of the two of them were completely exposed, and they got along like glue compared to before, as if they were afraid that they weren’t greasy1 enough in front of everyone in the mansion. 

  Tang QiaoYuan looked at Fang Su, wanted to kiss him at all times, touch him, and be intimate with him, but Fang Su’s forehead was wounded, had headaches from time to time, and that person was distressed, so he could only suppress the desires in his heart. To kiss in the bed during the nighttime, and could only stop before causing unintended consequences, Tang QiaoYuan always stoked Fang Su’s back and waited for him to gradually relax, coaxed him into sleeping, then splash some cold water on himself, and wait for the fire to extinguish by itself. 

  Fang Su said nothing but kept everything at heart. 

  So to this day, Fang Su’s wound has healed quite a lot, and Tang QiaoYuan wasn’t the only one who did not want to bear with it anymore.

  Fang Su closed his eyes and kissed him, his tongue took the initiative to enter that person’s mouth, Tang QiaoYuan’s arms tightened, with a moment of pity, sighed and carried him into the bathtub. 


  The slightly hot bath water enveloped the bodies, it was midsummer to begin with, Fang Su was so hot that his face became slightly red, a layer of pink spread on the fair skin all over his body, but after a short while, the him who usually doesn’t sweat also slowly started to sweat from his neck. 

  Fang Su felt so warm to the point he felt weak, leaning on Tang QiaoYuan’s shoulder and letting his hands caress his body, thought that the tub wasn’t spacious enough, and was afraid that it won’t be very convenient, the person next to him restrained his extremely ambiguous breathing in a blink of an eye, thoughtfully and carefully helped him to turn his body sideways, holding the wooden spoon and slowly poured water on his hair, helping him to wash his hair. 

  “Be careful of your wound.” Tang QiaoYuan coaxed him, only afraid that he would move his head; 

  Hearing that, Fang Su leaned against him motionless, it wasn’t the first time since he got injured, he naturally knew how he should be careful. He slightly closed his eyes and enjoyed it, his whole heart was warmed up. 

  Tang QiaoYuan’s movements were particularly gentle, curved his eyes looking at his lazy appearance, took the matter of serving others full of pride, and was getting addicted to it.

  His movements were too gentle, it took a long time, Tang QiaoYuan washed Fang Su’s clean and soft from head to toe. The water’s temperature was getting colder, he held the person who had already sunk into a deep sleep, wiped off the drop and took him back to the bed.

  Fang Su who was half awake and half asleep turned around, the wet hair made a damp spot on the bedsheets, Tang QiaoYuan hurriedly picked him up, wrapped a cotton towel around and wipe it patiently, and freed one hand to pinch his cheek, said: “Wake up Su Su, your hair is still wet, you will catch a cold if you sleep like this.”

  Fang Su confusedly woke up, turned around to look at him, then gradually regained his senses, and opened his arms.

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  Tang QiaoYuan stopped his movements, curved his lips and hugged him to sit up, he initially thought that Fang Su only wanted to sit up, but unexpectedly, the person under him raised his head to kiss him in such a posture, the warm arms wrapped around his neck, taking advantage of the fact that both of them were not separated by clothes to gently rub against him. 

  Tang QiaoYuan’s eyes suddenly darkened, 【 now, how could he still endure it, immediately regained momentum, and kissed Fang Su ‘till his tongue felt numb.

  “QiaoYuan…” Fang Su called out in a low voice.

  The box of ointment quietly opened next to the pillow, the cool paste was rubbed and dispersed in the body by the burning hot fingers, Fang Su’s feet stepped on the quilt, until he couldn’t endure it anymore, raised a leg and hooked it around that person’s strong waist, urging him to hurry up without a word. 

  Tang QiaoYuan’s eyes showed the trace of a smile, withdrew his fingers, holding the robust thing on his lower body that has been enduring for days and propped it into Fang Su’s pleasurable intimate spot, as if to torture him, pushed it in very slowly.

  “Su Su, does it hurt?”

  That person kissed the corners of his eyes in a query, Fang Su hearing that shook his head, and used his cheeks to rub against him.

  Tang QiaoYuan let out a low laugh and hug him into a sitting position, the object on his lower body went deeper and deeper, Fang Su was ground until his waist went soft, silently sitting on the other party’s body, after he waited for a while but couldn’t feel for any movement, then who knew what he was thinking about, closed his eyes and held that person’s shoulders, and moving up and down by himself.

  “hm…” Fang Su’s cheeks were burning hot, was swallowing and spitting it at his own will, his eyes getting confused, he buried his head in this person’s neck, licking and biting at random.

  Tang QiaoYuan was breathing heavily, at that moment, felt the happiness of someone who got his wish fulfilled, enjoying the fact that Fang Su was taking the initiative, only occasionally holding his buttocks and slamming into his deep sensitive place, then would hear a sweet moan. 

  Fang Su was more and more interesting, his waist was sore and tired but did not want to stop, at the end, he really did not have any more strength, and could only sit on this person’s body and shallowly grind from time to time, the place where they were joined was a sticky mess, making a slightly wet sound. 

  Tang QiaoYuan stroked his long wet hair, seeing that he didn’t have any strength, he took control, kneaded his buttocks and started to thrust, vigorously going in and out, which naturally wasn’t like before. Fang Su was pounded until he slightly choked with sobs, couldn’t bear it, and bit his shoulder, the pleasurable sensation was getting more distinct, after a long time, he ascended to climax with the deep tooth mark.

  Tang QiaoYuan held him in his arms, satisfied, and as if he wanted to make up for the part during which he had to endure it, pressed him onto the bed, and very quickly started a new attack…

  The light did not go off for the whole night and the bed curtain did not stop shaking.】

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  The next day, Fang Su was naturally asleep for half of the day, he was originally supposed to go out for a walk with that person, but his whole body really felt weak, each of his bones has been dismantled once, and was too lazy to move even the slightest, not to mention getting out of bed and go out.

  Tang QiaoYuan did not mention it either, he knew that he went a bit overboard last night, and thought that seeing Fang Su aroused like this, it was really hard for him to resist, thus at this time, let him sleep, only waking him up for a while to coax him to eat and drink.

  Waiting until it was another day, Fang Su finally had some energy, only then did Tang QiaoYuan take him out.

  Fang Su sat in the horse carriage, the carriage’s wheels were rolling forward, he did not know where they were going. Outside the curtains, the scenery was getting quieter, they had already left the city, Fang Su was in high spirits, turned his head and asked with interest: “QiaoYuan, where are we going?”

  “Going to the temple,” That person sat closer, and looked outside along with him, said with a smile, “I want to take you to the temple to worship Buddha, and hope that you can stay safe and worry-free for the rest of your life.”

  Fang Su’s eyes softened, looking at him with his lips pursed into a smile.

  This monastery was built on a hillside of a green mountain outside of the city, after leaving the city, the horse carriage traveled for about two hours before arriving. Fang Su was helped off the carriage by Tang QiaoYuan, looking with novelty at the scenery outside the temple, such a place has been depicted many times by the teacher during his childhood, but it was the first time that he was seeing it with his own eyes.

  Tang QiaoYuan saw his happy look, knew that he liked it, his mood was also very good, held his hand and walked inside.

  The temple was very quiet, and one could hear the voice of the monk chatting from afar, unable to distinguish where it came from. In the wide yard, young little monks sweeping the yard appeared from time to time, each of them was not taller than the broom’s handle, but they were very serious, doing a decent job, they would also put their hands together to greet them when seeing them, let out a soft and immature “Amitabha”.

  Fang Su found them cute, and always smiled lightly in return.

  After going through several courtyards, and climbing several steps, the two of them arrived at the hall where the figure of Buddha was. The big figure of Buddha had benevolent eyes, sitting tall, as if he was looking at the visitor.

  After entering the hall, Fang Su followed Tang QiaoYuan and donated merits, offered incense, during this time, not sure about what to do so it would conform to the rules of the etiquette, so let himself be guided by that person. Kneeled on the praying mat, and joined his hands in prayer.

  Tang QiaoYuan came to the temple before, but it could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and never really wished for anything. But now, he was with his heaviest concern in his heart by his side, as if pouring out over twenty-year worth of desires, looked up with a sincere and respectful gaze, curved his lips, and said: “This mortal has three wishes, hope that Buddhas can give me his blessings. The first wish is that my wish can stay safe, without falling sick and without worries; the second is that the mansion can be peaceful, without attracting disaster…”

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  His speech was serious, Fang Su put his hands together with his eyes closed, listening to each word very attentively.

  His voice stopped there, Tang QiaoYuan kowtowed three times, then said with deeper affection: “The third wish, only wish that I can be with Fang Su forever, never parting.” 

  Fang Su opened his eyes, and the person next to him kowtowed twice more.

  He was a little stunned, his eyes looking back and forth between Buddha’s figure and the person next to him, the word2 “forever” was ringing in his ears and a taste that he couldn’t describe overflowed in his heart.

  After a while, Fang Su curved his lips into a smile, imitated that person, carefully bowed, saying in silence in his heart his three wishes.

  The first wish is that his husband could stay safe and without worry; the second wish is that the mansion could be peaceful without disaster.

  The third wish is, to be with Tang QiaoYuan forever, never parting.

【End of the main story】 



Greasy, equivalent to cheesy/lovey-dovey. “生生世世”, means life after life, the original version is four words long, but because of the translation, I’ve changed it to one word.

That’s it for the main story! Sorry for the not very sexy translation of the smut, I am extremely bad at writing or translating smut and I am solely good at reading them, lol. As I’ve mentioned in the previous chapter, extras are going to be translater later since I will be back at my sad adult life (aka work). I think I will be able to post 2 extras/month so this project should be complete by June.

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