Special Fondness

Chapter 5

Special Fondness – Chapter 5

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       This has been the most peaceful night Fang Su has ever slept in recent years.

       It was clear that there was a time when his life experience was drifting and became confusing, but for some reason, he now felt a strong sense of belonging, as if for the last ten years he had been living like an outsider in his own family. Now that he has inexplicably come to an unfamiliar place, his heart instead feels at ease, and there is no need for him to worry about others anymore.

       Before going to bed, Tang Qiaoyuan didn’t do anything to make a move, after he only rubbed his ankle, he went to wash away the residual medicinal liquor on his hands, and went to hug him in his arms and kiss his brows, eyes, nose and lips with gentle movements without any lust. 

       Fang Su did not resist, he felt that these warm lips were giving him just enough comfort, he closed his eyes and relaxed as his thoughts gradually drifted away

       When he woke up again, he had taken the initiative to cuddle up in Tang QiaoYuan’s arms, with his cheeks against his neck. He slept so much that his whole body was feeling nice and warm.

Tang QiaoYuan woke up long ago, but didn’t dare to disturb him, he embraced him motionlessly, hence when Fang Su’s movements couldn’t be concealed, he felt too ashamed at the time, but it was too late for him to hide it.

“Did you sleep well?” Tang QiaoYuan loosened his arms and lowered his head to kiss his hot cheeks.

            “En.” Fang Su nodded.

            Tang QiaoYuan sat up, slightly moved his numb arm and leaned over to support Fang Su while saying: “I originally thought of taking you outside for a stroll, but your leg has not healed yet and it is inconvenient to walk.”

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            Fang Su raised his eyes, he wanted to say that it was only a minor sprain and there was no need to exaggerate, so why treat it with so much care. But after giving it some thought, he felt that whether he said it or not would make no difference, after all, he has to depend on one, he just has to listen to this person’s arrangements. 

            Tang QiaoYuan didn’t notice what he was thinking, so he casually added: “We can go later, for now let’s remain at the estate to recuperate. I will teach you how to write, and if you are tired of it, I can also read books to you.”

            Fang Su’s eyes were bright, repeating what he just said brainlessly: “Read to me?”

            “You don’t like it?” Tang QiaoYuan asked with a smile.

            Fang Su promptly nodded his head: “Like it.” His eagerness caused Tang Qiao Yuan to look down and grin.

            So after breakfast, Tang QiaoYuan carried him to the courtyard, sat him at the stone table, and after a short while, people brought high stacks of books from the library, arranged them into categories and genres, making it easier to choose. 

            Fang Su sat at the table, he didn’t know many words, so he couldn’t understand what these books were about, he could just wait for Tang QiaoYuan to finish picking one. Tang QiaoYuan picked a book, he suddenly saw a picture book mixed among them, there was little text, but the pictures were vivid, he smiled and asked: “Is Su Su afraid of spirits?”

            Fang Su did not understand, only when Tang QiaoYuan brought the book to his eyes that he understood that it was about the folk legends. The picture showed a monster with a splitting grin, with eight limbs, three heads, but it wasn’t scary. In broad daylight, looking at a picture like this wasn’t scary, Fang Su slightly smiled and shook his head, looking up at Tang QiaoYuan with some expectation on his face. 

            Tang QiaoYuan felt that he chose the right one. He brought the book beside him, flipped it to the first page, and started to tell him the story from the beginning. 

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            This book is actually composed of short stories, a ghost was drawn on every page, with a caption describing its appearances and its power, letting people imagine the rest of it. Tang QiaoYuan simply made things up, only wanting to make him happy. When Fang Su was fascinated by it, he would ask a few simple questions, Tang QiaoYuan carefully answered them, speaking very well, as if he had seen them himself. 

            After narrating, again and again, the thin book reached its end. 

            Fang Su was still immersed when finished, eventually, he asked: “En… Do you know what the big-headed ghost looks like?”

            “Big-headed ghost?” Tang QiaoYuan had never heard of it, he roughly had an idea, but he still asked, “Where did Su Su hear of it?”

            Fang Su recalled: “I heard it from my mother when I was young, every day, once the darkness comes, my mother forbade me to go out, saying that there would be a big-headed ghost that only fed on children.”

            Tang QiaoYuan understood, no wonder he had never heard of it, it was actually something made up by the mother-in-law that he had never seen, to frighten Fang Su, he chuckled and said: “En, then I have heard of it. This ghost looks like a Tanghulu, there is only one hawthorn fruit on its stick, it would move around the top of it.”

            Fang Su let his imagination run from those words and curved the corner of his eyes.

            Tang QiaoYuan saw that he liked it, and started to make it up.

            “That head was too heavy, it was easy to slosh around while it was walking, it would spin around like this.” Tang QiaoYuan moved his head to demonstrate it while speaking. Fang Su looked at him seriously with a pair of bright eyes, his gaze following his movements, and he was kissed when he wasn’t aware. 

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            Fang Su was dumbfounded, he actually thought for a while whether Tang QiaoYuan was making up a story or the big-headed ghost really does exist… while his doubts have not been thought through yet, Tang QiaoYuan wrapped the hand that was holding the book behind Fang Su’s back and bowed his head, he did not have the slightest teasing expression he did a while ago, and softly caught his lips. 

            Fang Su closed his eyes, stopped thinking, and allowed the tongue in his mouth. After a while, he raised his hands to pinch on Tang QiaoYuan’s sleeves and responded in a shallow way. Despite him being stiff and nervous, Tang QiaoYuan went wild in excitement, his original intention weakened and gradually showed his aggressiveness. Fang Su’s tightly closed eyelashes trembled and was gradually pressed against the pavilion’s pillar. After a long time, he let out a suffocating and unbearable groan.

            Tang QiaoYuan recovered his calmness, he finally ended the long kiss, while the book in his hand has long been wrinkled and deformed.

            Fang Su’s chest was fluctuating, lowered his eyes to avoid his gaze, in an instant his chin was lifted and he had to raise his head, seeing that a pair of eyes as fierce as fire were staring at him, his voice was low and could not be refuted: “You already married me, bowed to Heaven and Earth, exchanged wine cups with me, you are someone who is officially married to me.”

            Fang Su did not know what he meant and waited calmly for him to finish his sentence.

            Tang QiaoYuan still asked: “How shall you call me?”

              Fang Su was taken aback. Too shy to speak out, he tightened his lips.

            Tang QiaoYuan had actually noticed it. 

            When he was about to ask, he hesitated for a moment.

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            Fang Su hesitated, not knowing how he should refer to this person before him, even though he already knows his name, he couldn’t say it openly, he knew deep in his heart that he was different from Tang QiaoYuan, he cannot call him in such an intimate fashion, so he could only avoid it. 

            Tang QiaoYuan paid attention to it, his heart ached, and did not want to let this matter go. 

            “You shall call me ‘QiaoYuan’, if you don’t call me so, then I will pretend not to hear you” Tang QiaoYuan knew that he couldn’t bear to lie to him, yet still wanted to pretend, but quickly he followed with a soft and warm voice while smiling “If you call me ‘Husband’, then I would gladly go along with it”  

            Fang Su’s complexion turned red, he couldn’t help himself while listening, but the man who was waiting for an answer refused to let go of his hand, so with a soft and brief voice he called “QiaoYuan…”

            Tang QiaoYuan curved his lips with satisfaction, before retracting his hand, he lightly kissed him on the cheek.

            Fang Su’s eyes started to mist, he didn’t know whether he was shocked or anxious. Tang QiaoYuan looked at him softly, no longer forcing him, and said while holding him in his arms: “You’re still not used to it yet, one day you will understand our relationship, then you will rely on me without question.”

            Fang Su did not comment, it is difficult to imagine the situation from his words but faintly thought that he was not unwilling to rely on him. The reason for hesitating was the fear that remained and the lack of clarity on the road ahead.

            If there really are divinities in this world that could tell him that this person will love him for the rest of his life, then surely, he will no longer have any doubts, and is willing to repay him with his life.

            Fang Su tentatively raised his hand, and slowly returned Tang QiaoYuan’s hug.

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