Special Fondness

Chapter 6

 Spring became slightly hot, Summer was coming quietly.

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            Fang Su has been staying in the Tang Mansion for more than half a month, but still hasn’t gone outside yet, it was not like it was hard to find an opportunity, but he just didn’t make the request. Tang QiaoYuan was also constantly worried about his foot injury, he even rarely let him leave the main courtyard, not to mention other places. 

         Tang Qiao Yuan has been staying by his side for several days now, one could even say that most of the time he was inextricable from his side, he taught him how to read and how to write, accompanied him to study and chat. When Fang Su let his mind wander, he would think about Tang QiaoYuan’s identity, he didn’t know what he did for a living to be able to stay in the mansion every day, nor why everybody around him would address him as “Zhuang Zhu”.

            He thought about that many times but never really asked. Since Fang Su got along with Tang QiaoYuan, he has gotten more relaxed and was no longer worried about being embarrassed. However, being obedient like that made it rare and hard for him to take a step further, and didn’t want to ask about the other party’s private affairs. 

            Tang QiaoYuan sympathized with him, although he could see that Fang Su was still not comfortable enough, however, the slight changes were enough to make him feel relieved, thus he will not break their current situation, and could only wait for everything to get better step by step. 

         Besides, Fang Su’s sprained ankle gradually healed during this half-month timeframe.

         Whether it was thanks to the medicinal liquor or the injury he got that day was not too serious, in any case, Tang Qiao Yuan believed that he was completely fine. Fang Su was now able to walk briskly on his own and could even jog, nothing was wrong with his stance.

         From daytime till nighttime, Fang Su was sitting alone behind the desk practicing his writing. A gust of breeze was blowing outside the windows, it surged into the room and sent the rice papers flying all around the room.

            Fang Su hurriedly used the paperweight to press them down, then turned around to run towards the windows and carefully closed the windows. 

         Tang QiaoYuan was sitting at the table drinking tea, he looked at him running back and forth, with a smile in his eyes, then walked up to him and asked: “What are you writing?” looking down, he saw that Fang Su was copying a storybook, there were many uncommon words inside that he could not recognize, yet he also managed to copy them very decently. 

            “It is getting neater and neater.” Tang QiaoYuan’s lips curled up, embraced him and let out a low chuckle for a short while, then turned him around to ask: “Your foot doesn’t hurt anymore?”

            At that moment, Fang Su suddenly came to a realization, he lowered his head to look at his left foot, nodded and replied: “It doesn’t hurt anymore, it seems to have healed.” 

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            Tang QiaoYuan loved his confused expression, he bent to kiss his ear shell until it became red and hot, then coaxed: “Then tomorrow I will take you outside of the mansion to play, how about that?”  

         Fang Su nodded as his eyes revealed his happiness.

         Although Fang Su’s foot was already healed, Tang QiaoYuan still kept on rubbing medicinal liquor for him, since this medicine was harmless to the bones and muscles, rubbing it a few more times was just for precaution, thus he refused to neglect it.

         Warm hands kept on massaging Fang Su’s ankle, until this part of the skin felt burning.

         It has been like that for many days, and has never ceased. However, over time Fang Su still couldn’t get used to it, he always looked at him quietly with a red face, even tonight he seemed noticeably awkward, and pressed his lips as if he wanted to say something.

            Tang QiaoYuan saw it clearly but did not ask him anything, he would wait until he was ready to speak, only, he did not know that this wait would be quite long. Fang Su remained silent when he applied the medicine, until he put away the bottle, washed his hands and returned to bed, Fang Su finally was no longer embarrassed and started talking.

            At this moment, the candlelights in the room were extinguished, only vague shadows could be seen, Fang Su gently tugged at the corners of his sleeves, and whispered: “It’s already healed.”

  Tang QiaoYuan inexplicably understood the meaning behind his words, it seemed that he wanted to thank him, but it also carried a hint of cuteness that Fang Su himself seemed unaware of, Tang QiaoYuan couldn’t help but smile happily: “Alright, I won’t rub the medicine tomorrow.” 

            Fang Su let out an “en”, closed his eyes to sleep, and as usual drew himself closer to Tang QianYuan. Tang QiaoYuan would also stretch his arm to circle him like usual, but something was different today, the hand wrapped around his back wasn’t gently patting him, but was instead touching his back in a detached way, sliding down and gently scratching, making him feel an itch. 

            Fang Su wasn’t thinking anymore, after a while he really felt itchy, laughter spilled from his lips, he squirmed forward a bit to avoid it: “itchy…” before he could even finish his word, he was suddenly stunned, the moment he leaned forward he seemed to have bumped into something incredible.  

        【 Tang QiaoYuan did not reply, his hand was pressing against Fang Su’s lower back, the little pressure drew the person in his arms even closer, letting his thigh feel the vigorous thing in his lower part while keeping a calm expression on his face, and slowly kissed his delicate eyebrows.

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         Fang Su immediately understood, he was a man himself, he knew what that hard and hot thing was. Tang QiaoYuan’s breath became heavy, but his kiss was not rushed as if he was deliberately restraining himself, for fear he would frighten him. 

            Fang Su’s body tensed, he indeed felt a little panicked, but fortunately, this person did not urge him to respond and gave him enough time to relax. He calmed his heart, and inexplicably remembered what this person had said before, that he was already married to him. They were clearly already married, yet they have waited until now for what they should have done that day, it wasn’t hard to see how much he was cherished, was it?  

       Thinking about this, his body slowly loosened its strength, Fang Su raised his head and gently brushed his lips in the dark to meet his kiss.

            Tang QiaoYuan let out a low sigh, he rolled over and pressed him underneath him. The originally cautious little pecks turned into a fiery kiss, from his earlobe then down to linger on his neck, branding him with ambiguous marks one after another. 

            This person’s gentle hands carried a sense of dominance that was hard to be ignored, he pulled open the collar of Fang Su’s inner robe, his lips falling on the exposed chest, and kissed it for a while trying to find the weak and soft little dots, and opened his mouth to suck on them. Fang Su couldn’t stop the low moan that spilled from his closed lips, the quivering sound fell into the ears of the person on top of him.

            Tang QiaoYuan straightened himself, rutting against Fang Su’s lower parts through the fabric of their underpants, sucking on the little nubs and sighed: “Su Su..”

            Fang Su’s eyes were filled with emotion and dampness, the indulging calling made his whole body soft, he obediently let this person take off his pants. Tang QiaoYuan squeezed his body between his legs, he used a hand to stroke the base of his thighs to spread them more apart, while his other hand reached under the pillow to find a case of scented cream.

            Fang Su did not understand what it was at first until he felt the slippery cream-like substance being smeared on a certain place behind him, that he suddenly thought about how that thing had been left under his pillow for many days… 

         A finger broke into the tight entrance, Fang Su’s legs tightened, biting his lower lip restlessly. 

         Tang QiaoYuan kissed his lips until he opened his mouth, only then did his finger slowly start moving inside, carefully stroking the warm place, waiting patiently for him to relax more. Fang Su panted as he moved, the fear in his heart gradually subsided. When his mind started to drift a little, that person stretched in another finger. Fang Su frowned slightly, but fortunately; he was able to adapt. He tried his best to cooperate and endure it, but groaned with pain when a third finger entered. 

            “Bear with it a little longer…” Tang QiaoYuan felt sorry and kissed his face, the arrow was already placed against the bowstring and it was hard to stop, he could only use his other hand to comfort his front, trying to divert his attention.

           Fang Su’s front was originally slightly erected, but at this moment, it lost some energy because of the pain, after being held inside the palm of that person and rubbed for a while, it finally recovered once more. Tang QiaoYuan could hear the slow changes in his groaning, he was reassured and slowly pumped his fingers. 

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            The acupoint was rubbed until it was soft and wet, after the fingers withdrew, Fang Su breathed a sigh of relief. But before his misty eyes could find focus again, he saw Tang QioYuan leaning down and pressing him, lowering his head and whispering: “Bite me if it hurts.”

Fang Su looked at him absentminded, before he could think clearly about these words, a hard object reached up behind him, the thing did not wait any longer and firmly pushed inside. 

         “QiaoYuan…” Fang Su tightly clenched that person’s shoulders in panic, with enough foreplay, the pain was not too intense, but the feeling of a foreign object breaking into his body made him particularly nervous, he subconsciously called for him, wanting to hear some comforting words.

         Tang QiaoYuan’s lower body kept thrusting, the arm on the back of his waist tightened to hug him closer, he whispered in his ears, and replied, “Don’t be afraid.”

         Fang Su tightly wrapped his arms around his neck, his eyelashes flickered and let out a trail of tears in grievance. Tang QiaoYuan slowly thrust deeper, stopping to kiss the wet corners of his eyes.  

         Faint moonlight shone through the paper windows slowly illuminating the room, his eyes had already adapted to the darkness, now that they were close, Fang Su could see the smile in this person’s eyes. After slowing down his movements for a while, Tang QiaoYuan stretched his waist shallowly, as if looking for something in his body, he asked with a gentle smile “Where is my Su Su, uhm?”

         Fang Su was puzzled and stared at him with teary eyes until he felt it hit somewhere incredible, he couldn’t help but let out a low moan while twisting his waist.

         “Here…” Tang QiaoYuan hugged his waist, with a deep smile he bowed his head to kiss his lips and started to thrust at that same spot.

         “No…” Fang Su shook his head while hugging Tang QiaoYuan’s body tightly, and begged for mercy with a trembling voice.

         Tang QiaoYuan has always been caring towards him, but at that moment he was just smiling while whispering sweet nothings and coaxing him slowly, while his lower part rammed home and gradually went faster and harder.

         “QiaoYuan… don’t want…” Fang Su wasn’t even sure what he didn’t want, he felt waves of intense pleasure and lifted his head in excitement, Tang QiaoYuan buried his head in Fang Su’s neck and inhaled.

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         Fang Su slowly became unable to speak, he inadvertently used his hands to scratch on Tang QiaoYuan’s back, his stiff cock rubbed against Tang QiaoYuan’s hard abs and spurted some fluid. Finally, with a cry, he came on Tang QiaoYuan’s stomach. 

         After his climax, Fang Su’s hole desperately squeezed on the object inside him with a tight grip, Tang QiaoYuan narrowed his eyes and sighed, his hands remained on Fang Su’s waist and comforted him with gentle caresses. After the initial surge of pleasure passed,  he recovered his stamina and once again penetrated continuously.

         Fang Su’s body turned weak, it was his first time and it was hard for him to accept the strong pleasure, his legs became soft and trembled on the bed, all he could do was wait for the man to be satisfied. Tang QiaoYuan knew that he was insufferable, that’s why he purposefully didn’t ask for too much, he rammed in the blissful spot a hundred times more, and at last he released inside Fang Su who at the same time was also reaching the peak.

         The light in Fang Su’s eyes had long faded away, he could feel above him the man’s scorching breath against his neck, and the lingering effects of pleasure made his body tremble uncontrollably. 】 

         After a short while, Tang QiaoYuan regained some clarity and made a move to leave, Fang Su let out a faint and low sound as he stretched out weakly his fingers to scratch on Tang QiaoYuan’s back.

         Tang QiaoYuan lay down on his side, and hugged Fang Su’s with a smile, he grabbed his fingers and started to knead and kiss them. After feeling satisfied, he repeatedly called out ”Su Su” so much that Fang Su felt his cheeks become hot, when he finally stopped, Tang QiaoYuan still teased him deliberately: “Once you get used to it, I will thoroughly love you.”

         Fang Su’s body turned rigid once he heard what he said, they have been getting along for some days now but he had never seen this person with this look, he didn’t know how to respond, so he could only bury his head and refused to pay attention to him.

         Tang QiaoYuan chuckled, and took the opportunity to let him lean on his chest, ran his hand along the back of Fang Su’s head while pondering in his head that besides performing the wedding ceremony and drinking the nuptial cup, they were only missing the wedding night, which has finally been completed today.

         The soft words’ ambiguity floating in the air slowly calmed down. 

         Tang QiaoYuan rested for a while before getting out of bed with Fang Su in his arms, who was too ashamed to say anything and went behind the screen to wash up.

            The weight between his arms was very light, but he was worth everything.

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