SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 201: Chapter 201 - Intervention


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Pure, unimaginable pain seared through Jerrys body as he felt crushed by an insurmountable pressure!

He couldnt think or speak since all that registered in the poor boys mind was the unfair agony he was experiencing.

Make it stop! Make it stop! His mind rang.

No, the moment he thought this, Jerry instantly chided himself and returned to his resolute demeanor. Gritting his teeth and enduring the hardship that was already breaking the bones in his body, the Lower Class boy held on to his determination.

I cant lose I cant give up now

If he was to go down here what inspiration would be left for those behind him? Once again the Lower Class would live in the shadow of those of higher status. There was no way he could allow that!

Besides there was one other reason he couldnt back off now.

The image of a girl appeared in the boys head as he nearly blacked out. Her name was Ciara Epilson someone he once called friend. Before so much had occurred, they had vowed to reach the top together. It seemed like an impossible goal for him now, especially considering how far Ciara had gone ahead of him.

The burning pain his chest made Jerry want to scream out in anger, frustration, determination, but his opponent took that moment as an opportunity to increase the pressure that weighed down on him.


This was dangerous.

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The people who watched the match may have noticed thanks to their distance, but if one took a closer look it was very clear that Jerry would die at this rate. All the crowd saw was Jerrys unyielding spirit despite being faced with a force he couldnt resist.

Some even wondered why he hadnt surrendered yet. Well, the truth was that Jerry couldnt even if he wanted to. That was how bad his situation was.

Of course, the stubborn boy wasnt going to surrender, in the first place. Still, wasnt there a way to end this match seeing that Jerrys forfeiture was less likely and he couldnt even resist if he wanted to.

It made one wonder what the moderator was doing.

Perhaps he chose not to interfere in order to represent the boys wishes. No, that couldnt be it. Moderators werent swayed by emotions like that, and the rules of the Exchange made sure he could interfere if things got too awry.

Then why didnt he?

Hehehehe, look at you being crushed like the insignificant insect you are. Just give up like the other losers before you. You cant win! Richard mused, bathing in his superiority.

Jerry couldnt speak, but his silence spoke plenty.

I wont! Gahhh! I wont surrender!

This was beyond him now it meant everything for his whole Class!

The image of a few people flashed in his mind; His companions, his colleagues and even one exceptional boy he had only met for a brief moment. If this could at least show them the unwavering spirit of a senior, a leader, then he wasnt budging!

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Hahahah! You must have thought you had a chance back then, didnt you? I was going easy on you then, yet you thought you could actually win? Pathetic! You think youre strong you carry the same Elite Ten Title as me? Dont kid yourself!

That wasnt even what motivated Jerry, yet Richard used his own values to demean his opponent even more.

Youre not strong! You never were!!!

Jerry was powerless as those words sank into him.

Youre WEAK!

The bombshell landed, and the strong mind Jerry had cultivated began to crumble.

Jerry had always known he was not as powerful as he aimed to be. The truth was made even more obvious to him when Ciaras aptitude for Magic surfaced drastically. Still, he never really considered himself weak. While the boy wasnt arrogant about his strength, he didnt dwell on his weaknesses either.

Hee only strived to get better, stronger!

But these words broke him when he was at his lowest. He was

W-weak I am weak?

Was all he did for nothing? Had it been a fools crusade to give up so much and train hard instead. He practically lived his life with study and training at the forefront of his schedule. Before he slept, when he woke up, after classes every day, he improved!

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Yet was this all he could amount to? In the presence of sheer talent and true power was this his limit?

Ah I see

The tiny fragments of his mind trailed.

Before geniuses like them perhaps he truly was



The floor quaked and a sudden explosion assailed the stage.

This blast sent gusts of wind to flying across every corner of the stage, and the audience was flabbergasted by the presence that suddenly appeared.

It wasnt an understatement to say that the eyes of everyone bulged, even those who had been composed earlier on. Someone had just landed on the stage, a place meant for competitors. His attire was simple, a light-grey jacket and a blue inner shirt. The shorts that the boy wore suggested a casual aura. He had slippers on as well.

It was fairly certain he was merely here on a whim, not for any serious matter.

What surprised the audience most was not only the boys appearance, but his identity as well. It wasnt an overstatement to say everyone sort of knew his identity, or had heard of him at the very least. Having a blond, nearly golden hair, atop his very young face, the young lads bright eyes sharply expressed dissatisfaction and disapproval.

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His name was Jeremy Lewis, a First Year Lower Class student!

What was someone of his standing doing in such a match?

Jeremy, who was now facing the boy on the ground, looked with a resolute expression on his face. His pursed lips opened and words came out.

You are not weak!

Upon hearing those words coming from Jareds lips, Jerry didnt know why those words brought him so much relief so much comfort and strength. It was almost as if the pressure that completely vanished.

Oh wait, it really had!

Jerry could no longer feel the deathly weights that crushed him, and could now somewhat raise his head despite the throbbing pain. Once he did so, Jareds encouraging smile washed over him and a look of acknowledgement filled the boys eyes so much that the struggling boy felt like he might cry.

Youre strong!

Those words carried more meaning than the taunts of his enemy, so Jerrys heart resonated with them. His struggles hadnt been in vain.

Now, then Jared turned away from Jerry and faced Klaus Tallman, who was very much shocked to see the young boy interfering in the match.

Ill take it from here!

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