SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 202: Chapter 202 - Dilemma

Klaus Tallman, the moderator of the Exchange, was still dazed when Jared turned in his direction.

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The boys eyes were full of a gleam that didnt belong to a child. With a resolute voice that made even the moderator a little nervous, the first year student spoke.

Ill take it from here!

Klaus was puzzled by the boys statement. So much so, that it took him a moment to decipher his words despite how sharp the man normally was.

Take over? Does he mean?

Before Klaus could complete his thoughts, however, an irritating sound filled the air.

What are you doing, little brat? Have you no manners? Two seniors are fighting here, so scram!

The person who bellowed was Richard Novo. His obsessive smile flashed as his narrowed eyes ogled Jared. A part of him wanted to crush the defiant boy, so he had to quickly send him out of the stage before his urges took over.

Jared, on the other hand, wasnt even looking at Richard. His eyes were only on Klaus Tallman, who, for some reason, delayed in his response.

What are you talking abou-

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Dont play dumb, you know what I mean! But, if you want me to spell it out for you then

The young boys voice had no semblance of politeness, despite speaking to a lecturer. Even if Klaus position in Ainzlark wasnt very high, it still surpassed Jareds. Any student with common sense, except maybe the Rankers, would accord lecturers with at least tiny bit of respect.

This was even more so among First Years!

Im going to take Jerry Kellers place and duel Richard Novo. You have no problem with that, do you? Jared dropped the bombshell as if it was an obvious thing to demand.

The crowd, some of which had been paying rapt attention to the whole thing, entered an uproar the moment the young boy said what he did.

J-Jared, you know I cant allow

And why not?!

At this point, Klaus wanted to caution Jared on his tone, but the boys glare discouraged him greatly.

The rules state that-

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You clearly dont care for the rules since you didnt stop the match even though Jerry was nearly killed. Isnt it your job to stop a fight if it gets out of hand, or if one challenger can no longer fight?

The face of the Middle Class student who fought Ciara crinkled a bit, remembering how Klaus had stopped the massive tornado from hitting him during the match and even halted the whole fight. If he did that then why didnt the moderator do the same in Jerrys case.

Ill be fighting in Jerrys stead after all Im stronger than he is! That makes me a member of the Elite Ten, doesnt it? Then this is my rightful match.

Jareds common sense clashed with the schools protocols, so Klaus couldnt possibly condone his actions. He wasnt wrong, per se that is, if he was stronger than Jerry, but

Jared, I cant allow you to participate in this

Oh, I see Jared once again interrupted, giving a rueful smile.


Everyone could undeniably hear Jareds elevated voice including the one whom the insult was directed at. Faces of disbelief spread among everyone who watched and they gulped in fear as well as anticipation for what the Ranker on stage would do.

You You brat!!!! Richard screamed with rage.

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He had kept his lust for sadism in check, but now he couldnt hold himself back any longer. An arrogant brat like Jared had dared to insult him. How did that even work? A First Year Lower Class student, the lowest of the low, dared to challenge him?

Im the fifth most powerful student in this Academy! His thoughts raged.

Where did someone, who would be considered among the weakest in the whole school, get his confidence from?!

Well, if only Richard Novo had been present during the earlier Inter Class Exchange, or bothered to hear about what had happened there, he would have realized that Jared wasnt an ordinary Lower Class First Year. Still, though he was a Ranker!

He was invincible!

I need to show you your place! With those words, Richard darted from his height and lunged at Jared.

He was moving faster than normal people would be able to perceive. Jared didnt seem to have any enhancements on his body, so he stood even less of a chance. In a moment, he would grab Jareds head and crush it!

No, I should reach for his neck and squeeze it instead! Richard gleefully eyed Jared who still faced Klaus.

He reached out his hand to capture his prize, widening his eyes and stretching his lips in anticipation. Richard was already within range and was a few inches from Jared, when

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Dont be impatient

A wall, an invisible barrier, suddenly shielded Jared from Richards deathly grip. The Rankers hand could not pass through it, causing him to wonder in confusion.

Just then, Jared turned to face him for the first time. He didnt even move his whole body. Just tilting his head until their eyes met was enough.

I dont think Klaus has approved of this match yet so, hold your horses.

The condescending words of Jared, as well as his nonchalant eyes, seemed to mock Richard in his position midair. It was as if time had stopped and the seemingly superior being was frozen.

H-how did he? Richard wondered how Jared beat him in speed.

As these two had their brief exchange, Klaus elevated his face and looked above where the judges sat. Of course, being confused, he had to seek their inquiry. Suddenly, a sharp ringing appeared in his head and words followed

~Do not give your direct consent, but dont stop him either. Lets see how this plays out. Also~

Klaus feared that this would be the verdict of the judges, but he most despised the words that would come next.

~ Do not stop the match no matter what happens! That Jared let him have whats coming to him.~

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