SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 204: Chapter 204 - Ranker Versus 'Tras

Hey, brat! Who do you think you are? Are you sure you want to do this?

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The first to speak among the two was Richard Novo.

After attacking Jared and failing in that venture, he promptly retreated to the air where he retained his position. To some, it might have seemed like Richard simply controlled himself and chose not to attack the young First Year anymore, but to those with keener eyes, it was obvious that Richard was flustered and had chosen to make a tactical retreat.

In essence, the undisputedly superior Ranker had just run from a Lower Class noob!

The emptiest barrels make the loudest noises.

Jareds calm words shook Richard where he was. He, who was already agitated by the fact that he couldnt get his prey the first time, was now filled with more fury.

Richards bloodshot eyes murderously glared at Jared.

Know your place YOU BRAT!

The boy in the air abandoned all form of mercy and common sense, choosing to resort to his ace from the very beginning! This was the fastest, surest way for him to assert his dominance.

Plus, he simply wanted to watch the defiant kid scream in pain!

[Descending Gravity] Richard smiled in delight, aiming for Jareds location.

Descending Gravity, like most Spells, could be evaded. For an Area Of Effect Spell like this, it was very difficult to dodge, especially since the effects were invisible and also instant.

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The most effective measure in dealing with the Spell was to constantly keep moving. At least, the caster, depending on speed, may not have been able to keep up with ones speed.

Then why why wasnt Jared moving a single step from his location?


The earth around Jared cracked, rumbling to Richards Spells but then a surprising sight became evident.

The area where Jared stood was intact! Even though, everything else rumbled and broke, Jared was still unfazed same as the ground he stood on.

W-wha-?! Richard was dumbstruck.

He had never seen anyone resist his Spell to this degree. Well, except for the current Second Chair among the Rankers.

You little

The arrogant boy didnt let any thought seep in before increasing the pressure of his attack in an instant.


The heaviness of the air could crush a human and turn their bones to powder now that is if they didnt use enhancements. Even with Magic enhancements, the damage would still be considerable, yet Jared was still fine.

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Fine! You asked for this! Richard, not even considering for a second that his Spell would yield the same result, chose to resort to its highest power.


The ground shattered apart in response to the intensity, causing it to collapse. In response, Jared budged from his position.

It wasnt because he was affected, but it was hard to retain balance with the way the platform turned to debris.


Jared floated now, ascending to the air, since the ground had grown unsuitable for use.

Gasps escaped the mouths of everyone who observed this. Why?

Because, unlike the whirling wind spell that Richard used to maintain his position in the air, little to no wind could be seen around Jared except perhaps a gentle whisper of the surrounding elements. Yet, Jared floated so effortlessly.

Are you done? Jareds calm voice sounded.

The smooth way he spoke caused Richard to slightly lose his nerve.

H-how are you? The senior stuttered, now utterly confused and frankly a little frightened.

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He wasnt the only one taken aback by Jareds actions, though. Everyone who watched was trying to figure out the boys trick or how in the world he could resist getting crushed to such a degree.

Once you know the nature of such a simple spell, its easy to protect yourself from it. As long as you reverse the air flow in my vicinity, it will neutralize the effects of your Spell. In essence, your [Descending Gravity] is completely useless before me.

The boys short explanation was outstanding. Though it was in a gentle tone, people wondered how they were able to listen so fluidly to his words.

I took the liberty of using a Sound Amplification spell so everyone in this Hall can hear us. With that in mind, I would like to ask Jared answered the question on everyones minds.

Is this all you have?

To his words, Richards heart skipped a beat.

How was he to answer such a condescending question? He was still recoiling from the explanation Jared gave concerning counteracting his Spell.

I-Is he really a First Year?! His thought rang as he gulped.

You brat! Of course its not! Im a Ranker! Im the 5th strongest in this whole Academy. You think blocking one of my Spells will be enough to give you an advantage? Dont make me laugh! Richard rambled on, even though he was deep in panic.

Everyone who knew Richard well were aware of the fact that [Descending Gravity] was his Ace Move.

He would simply crush those who opposed him, that was how he had climbed up the ranks. Of course, Richard had other great Spells, but none were even remotely as impressive as his crushing attack. If Jared could stop his greatest move how would he fare against his lesser ones?

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Calm yourself, Richard! This is just a kid! Theres no way hes stronger than you yeah!

Since Jared said he understood [Descending Gravity]s nature, that meant he couldnt be immune to the others. He would have required time to completely analyze the Spell. That meant Richard could still win if he surprised the young brat with a new move.

Heh, your luck has run out now, kid! With a dark gleam in his eyes, Richards spirits were now elevated and he began considering what Spell he would use against the one who dared to defy him.

Im happy to see you so motivated. Jared remarked, now smiling in a relaxed manner.

Richard was a little taken aback by the boys reaction to his obvious malevolence, but before he could voice a comeback, Jareds voice appeared once again.

Since you have more in store, I suppose its time I showed you a little trick up my sleeve as well

An air of unease began to radiate around the stage as both flying boys gazed at each other.

Ill be crushing you now. So, resist with all you have okay?

Richard couldnt understand where the boys confidence was stemming from. He hadnt even attacked since the match began, and it was common knowledge that First Years couldnt achieve more than Low-Tier Intermediate Spells especially those in the Lower Class.

Here I go Elemental Chamber.

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