SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 205: Chapter 205 - Elemental Chamber


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It was a sight so unreal that everyone gave gasps of surprise and terror!

The air vibrated and deafening roars pervaded the hall. The only event that could be compared to the phenomenon taking place could only have been Ciara Epilsons match. It was like the elements themselves unified and gathered all over one person

Jared Leonard!


A sphere of wind covered my body, swirling and whirling so violently that it could skewer anything that attempted to pierce through. This served as both an offensive and defensive mechanism.

This was only the beginning, though

Bursts of water appeared, swirling diagonally to my left, while blazing flames diagonally stretched to my right. They crisscrossed around the sphere at the center, sending both heat and cool radiating everywhere.

I clenched my fists and commanded the debris that littered the ground, using Earth Magic to compress the shattered platforms. After forming extremely concentrated rock particles thanks to condensing them to their limits, I brought the several lumps of rock to me, making them encircle my sphere horizontally.

With this, four elements gathered, having only me in the center.

This was enough to attract the shouts and gasps of the audience, but I wasnt done! There was still one left to go


Flashes of lightning appeared and electricity buzzed. I summoned the crackles and used them to coat my elemental sphere, further empowering my already extreme shell of multiple elements.

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Haaa this should do it I whispered with a content look while opening my eyes for the first time to take a good look around me.


Floating in the air, I was surrounded by water, earth, fire, air, and lightning and so I faced my opponent with a calm glare.

There was no longer any smile displayed on my face. My calmness also began fading away slightly and all that was on my mind was

Ill crush you!


The impossible sight caused even Kuzon to marvel in wonder.

He had expected Jared to pull out something unexpected, but not to this extent! Simultaneously controlling five elements was no mean feat. No, it was even considered impossible! Especially for a Magic User of Jareds caliber.

Amazing! Simply amazing! Was he holding back in our fight! Kuzon marveled as he spoke.

He was getting more and more interested in Jareds character the more he got to know him. How could someone so seemingly weak pull off something like this? Kuzon wondered if he could do the same. The answer was obvious.

He couldnt!

Kuzon glanced to his side and watched Ana and Edward making the same surprised expression he was giving. Clearly, they too hadnt been expecting this.

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It made the golden-haired boy wonder just how much Jared Leonard was truly hiding!


Elemental Chamber I wonder when I thought of doing something like this

After using my Multi-Elemental move against Kuzon, I realized how effective it could be if I made it more versatile.

Then, after watching her use Mage Mode, I had an epiphany! It was at that moment that my mind went to work and I devised this special state I was currently in.

While it wasnt as phenomenal as Mage Mode, this state placed me in an extremely heightened state. Also, compared to Mage Mode which only those with Mana Cores of extreme quality could use, I could achieve Elemental Chamber with my current resources.

Which was more difficult, though?

It was without a doubt, mine!

Compared to Mage Mode, it was practically impossible to achieve five elemental layers all at once, and even stabilize them not unless you had multiple Magic Cores.

In essence, this was a Mode specially designed for me. My Mage Mode Elemental Chamber!


Y-you are-!!!

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Before Richard could open his filthy, entitled mouth, I lunged at him at frightening speed!


Lightening crackled and the elements trailed in my wake. It didnt even take a moment for me to reach him.



I used my wind sphere to hit him, causing the high-speed spiraling air that surrounded me to shave through the boys enhancement Magic and slice off some of his skin. Lightening afflicted him as well, giving off a slight smell of something cooking.

Blood spurted out as he screamed, but I paid him no mind

Just as you ignored Jerrys pain!


I commanded the spiraling wind to push Richard from its agonizing hold, sending him crashing to the devastated platform beneath.

More rocks shattered as Richards body collided with the surface, causing him to cough out blood in recoil.

Dont overreact thats just one element I still have more left!

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I sent a wave of water his way, allowing it to wash up on him in large quantities so he felt like he was drowning. He powerlessly squirmed, fighting against the impossible currents as I watched from above.

That should keep you conscious, then.

With a single thought, I sent Mana coursing through the large body of water turning into ice in an instant.

Gahhhhhhh!!! Richard screamed, feeling the frost seep into his skin and shuddered in pain. Mist proceeded from his mouth and his frozen body could not even mood even though he would have violently spasmed from that much pain.

You seem to be in pain Im sorry let me warm you up a bit

Interrupting his frozen hell, I sent blazing flames to scorch him next. The fiery attack licked his entire body, and while it got rid of the ice the burns inflicted were also severe.

Guarghhhhh!!! Richard gave more screams of pain, most likely unable to think of nothing else.

The water must have boiled him while the flames torched him at the same time. What a horrible fate that would have been. Refusing to be merciless, I offered relief and doused the suffering Ranker with more water.

Guburbuuu!!! More drowning sounds were made, but I naturally ignored them.

Richard must have been grateful for the water and tried offering his thanks. That was the only thing I understood from the distorted noise he made.

In that case let us proceed.

Next flashed lightening the several crackles of electricity now manifested even more as I summoned them.

With water currently enveloping my opponent and lightning being prepared it was left to anyones guess what the outcome would be.

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