SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 206: Chapter 206 - Absolute Dominance


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Flashes of electricity proceeded from my spherical fortress and charges at the drowning target.


The result was a surge of power that erupted the water, as well as the screaming figure of my target.

Richard bellowed out in pain, clearly feeling the overwhelming sting of currents invading his body. I could only imagine how much they tickled no my bad. How much they hurt!

Of course, I didnt go overboard, stopping at what would not kill him bit still leave him with enough pain that he wished things ended very quickly.


Upon seeing his smoked body being assailed with so much voltage, I stopped before actually going too far. This caused his jerking body to powerlessly collapse in exhaustion and unspeakable agony.

I was sure because this was proven fact.

At this point, steam proceeded from the ground, forming some sort of mist around us. This would make visibility poor and impair the vision of the spectators. I couldnt very well allow that to happen.


My wind sphere blew away all the white smoke, once again allowing the shattered stage to be completely visible. With that, I was ready to proceed.

Next were the rocks. My hardened, compressed rock particles that circled me like pebbles. Each one had been super condensed to be extremely strong and durable. Plus, they had been heightened with my Magic!


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In an instant, I fired several, not all, bullets at the target on the ground, assailing with so many small hails of projectiles he could not avoid. Much to my chagrin, the weakened boy raised a defensive spell as a last resort since he was too hurt to evade them.

Guess he isnt a Ranker for nothing. But


The barrier shattered like glass and my rocks bit their target.


All at once, they bored holes into Richard Novo, shattering the ground even more.

As I saw blood spurt of the agonizing boy and tears flow from his eyes, I noticed the tiny sounds of bones shattering from within him.

Of course, I missed all vital spots so he couldnt die by my rock bullets. But, still, having suffered such a barrage, it was impossible for him to move any longer. With all options of resistance gone, I decided it was time for the main course




I landed directly on Richard, pressing his battered body with my sphere causing him to yell and cry bitterly. He seemed to be apologizing and begging me to stop, but we had gone beyond that!

His lips were also moving to say something like I give up! but, of course, I wasnt going to let him finish!

Currently, I was bound by my sphere, so I couldnt directly touch Richard. Seeing that is was in the way, I compressed the elemental properties that surrounded me until they formed layers on my body and shrouded me instead.

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With this done, I was sitting atop Richard readying my hand to deal a strike at him.

I-I gwib u-

Before he completed his distorted statement, my highly powered fist, which contained the might of five elements, descended with a heavy impact.


I felt his flesh squish like soft butter. It wasnt even my full power, yet I was met with no resistance.

Still hitting his soft face felt nice more satisfying than just sending spells his way. It was so nice, in fact, that I decided to do it again.


And again


Another round!


One more time!


Blood and flesh now clung to my fist but I kept firing my fist at the target. As long as he still had breath as long as he still clung to life like a cockroach, I would keep hitting and hitting and hitting him until he was on the verge of death.

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And then, maybe he would


At this point, I heard a sharp, authoritative cry and someone was already tightly gripping my hand. Feeling the warm touch of a person, firm than the bloodied body I was used to hitting, I felt like a jolt coursed through me and turned to see the identity of who interrupted me.

It was Klaus!

His face depicted what could only be interpreted as complete shock with a hint of deep fear. The lecturer stared at me with an aghast expression, looking at my bloodied hands and back at my face. I slowly grew irritated by his silence.

What is it?

My voice rang cold and dark, with my eyes narrowing in inquisition. I was in the middle of a match why was I being interrupted?

I Im ending this match! The lecturer seemed to be trying a firm stance, but his hesitation wasnt so convincing.

I wasnt supposed to be interrupted, right? What is the meaning of this?

My words seemed to hit the mark! He fidgeted uncontrollably. He knew I was right, so why did he-?

I I shurend-

Hearing Richard give a weak sound in an attempt to escape his due punishment, I used my unoccupied hand to smash his head in, making another squelching sound. Due to my aggravated state, I may have gone a tad bit far since my blow rendered my opponent unconscious.

Tsk My tongue clicked in dissatisfaction.

This automatically meant he had lost.

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Fine its over anyway I turned to Klaus who was still looking at me with disbelieving eyes.

I won right? My lips curled into smile and I wiped off a bit of sweat on my face, smearing quite a bit of blood on my already blood-stained face.

My eyes went away from Klaus and I wondered what he was doing away from Jerry, whom I had left in his care.

His expression was lit with shock, and even though fear was hidden within his eyes, they contained mostly a feeling of triumph. Watching the person who tortured him now suffer such a fate must have appealed to his darker aspect.

My eyes trailed to the audience, most of which seemed appalled by my actions. I couldnt care less about those and faced my friends and the few acquaintances I had made in the past few days.

They were grinning widely, pleased by my actions, and the terrible state my opponent was. Despite the overwhelming silence that filled the area, I was certain of one thing and that made me smile genuinely.

Thats one win for the Lower Class!



I have a new book called Rise Of Evil Santa.

Please endeavor to check it out, read it, and add it to your library.

I promise itll be worth your while.

Ill be Mass Releasing on Spellcraft once the new Novel gains 1k Collections. Dont miss out!!!

Also this beatdown feels very satisfying.

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