SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 222: Chapter 222 - Thorough Preparatio

A day passed in the blink of an eye, and a letter arrived in front of my room.

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While Saturday was filled with mostly leisurely activities, most students were busy with chores. Since they had messed up their rooms and were carried away by the break we were given, they realized that we would soon resume class.

That meant they had to double down.

It was of no consequence to me, though. Using Spellcraft, I maintained the quality of my room just well. My clothes were enchanted with Magic and were in top condition. All my books and materials were neatly arranged and my research items were safely stored away in a compartment somewhere.

With that, I spent most of my time getting a feel of what Neron and I discussedcreating a Subcore within my existing Mana Core.

It was difficult, but I got the hang of things quickly. Since I had been able to perceive and control the microscopic Mana Particles within me a few days from my birth, it didnt take long to get a feel of the concept.

But, as expected, it would take a lot of time to complete a single Subcore. It was mostly due to my inexperience.

Hopefully, it gets easier with time

My eyes closed and I spent a great deal of time meditatingcirculating my Mana and concentrating on my only White core. It wasnt until after I decided to take a break that I felt a strange presence in front of my door.

Whats that?

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Being adept at sensory Magic, I realized a person had been standing directly at my door front. Well, there was no one there anymore but something lingered beyond the structure.

Sighing a bit in annoyance, I jumped from my bed and opened my door. That was when I found the letter.

It came from Ainzlarks council and it was simply reminding me about my scheduled meeting with them the next day.

So, tomorrow at noon, eh? I sighed.

The venue was stipulated there, as well as strict warnings if I failed to show up. I rolled my eyes as I went over the details. One would think they were overreacting, but considering how I ruined an annual event and brutalized someone with high status, this was only natural.

Of course, this was simply the front my attacker was utilizing against me. Whatever card he wanted to use was tied to this punishment being dished out to me.

I still didnt know why someone would be so persistent with killing me, but I would soon find outI guessed.

This has gone beyond some regular noble skirmishes, and its too organized to be someone with a grudge

My adversary was formidable and very intelligent. There had to be a deeper purpose than some shallow reason. Several reasons popped into my mind, but without much to go on, I couldnt rely on any of them.

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This letter is basically your invitation, isnt it? Whatever youre trying to pull will take place tomorrow, right? Or maybe

Pfft. Im not an idiot!

Still, it would be quite the sight to see how things would progress.

I suppose well see soon

After my slight moments of contemplation, I burned the letter and resumed my meditation. Making sure not to push myself so hard, I relied on a few potions for balance. Once it was 7:00 PM in the night, I concluded most of what I was about to do.

In preparation for my big day, I had to sleep no?

I rested my head on my bed and willed myself into unconsciousness.

Ive done all I can theres no way Ill lose! With this resolute thought in mind, everything drifted into darkness and I slept off.


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It was darknot the kind of pitch black that existed in an entirely isolated room, nothis was brought about by nighttime.

It was late at night in Ainzlark Academy, past curfew.

The environment was in a lull, and there was not a single soul in sight. Lamp Posts provided light all around the campus, but even they were shining dimly to reflect the atmosphere of the current atmosphere.

The moon was covered in some strange dark clouds, but it was no bother since Ainzlark hardly had to rely on the illumination of the celestial body. Besides, no one required any form of light during this period. Now was the time for rest.

Well, for the students, anyway.

For the staff, thoughthe Lecturers who taught at the Academythey were simply getting started.

In a secret hall, usually inaccessible to students, were the men and women who served as the nurturers of students in Ainzlark Academy. This hall was protected by a barrier that made it completely undetectable from the outside. It basically isolated the building from all forms of interruption.

Since this was achieved by high-class Space Magic, no student could hope to fumble their way into the large structure.

Within were senior lecturers, who sat on a higher pedestal than others, as well as the intermediate and lower staffall of whom were seated like students in the hall.

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There was someone else present. He had a special seat allocated to him and took the position of Vice Head of the Academy.

As the current highest in command in the Academy, he had the most prestige allocated to him.

With the room filled with Lecturers, all overthree Senior Lecturers at an elevated point and the others behind themall facing the Vice Head, the session was about to commence.

As is trite, well be having our Academic Review. The older man addressed everyone who had eyes on him.

The Academic Review occurred once every semester. During every Academic Session, there were two Semesters than ran for Spring and Fall, respectively. The Review was meant to observe the initial phase of each session and determine modes of improvement as well as other factors moving on in the Institute.

Subjects such as tests and examination questions were also discussed in these meetings. Needless to say, it was very crucial and of utmost necessity.

So important, that all the top players of the institute were in the same room

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