We were supposed to have this meeting tomorrow, as per the norms. However, after considering the opinion of a senior lecturer, I decided to make an exception and allow it for this night.

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Usually, the Academic Review occurred a week after the Inter-Class Exchange, or whatever event that went on during that period before the Exchange was invented. However, this time it couldnt be done in that manner.

After all

We will also use this as a medium to decide what Penalty to give the young student who interrupted the Exchange.

Jared Leonards punishment was tomorrow. One of their goals was to determine what to do with the troublesome lad. As a result, the meeting had to be tonight!

Any objections?

No one said anything.

It would be a long session, so they probably wanted to get the troublesome bits out of the way. Besides, anyone would common sense knew it was practically impossible to change the mind of their Vice Head.

Its a shame one of us, Neron Kaelid, wont be here today. It cant be helped, though


Everyone kept silent.

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They knew full well that their colleague had a complicated work relationship with Ainzlark Academy which allowed him to be very unconventional in most of his endeavors. Unlike others, he never properly got sanctioned by the higher-ups as well.

Besides, everyone in the room knewto an extentthe mans identity. He wasnt to be trifled with.

Fortunately, he had been content with teaching the Lower Class First Years. That alone made it a relief for everyone.

Since there are no objections, we will begin the meeting.

And so, in the Hall cut off from all of Ainzlark Academy, the powerhouses began their meeting unaware of what was lurking in the darkness.

Unknown to those within the secret confines of their very important meeting a very terrible storm was brewing

And this storm would completely alter Ainzlark Academy as they knew itStudents and Staff alike


Ainzlark Academy, being one of the strongholds in the Eastern Kingdom, had one of the highest amounts of security.

The barrier protecting it contained layers of Advanced Magic. Also, the level of Mana radiating within, for various purposes, made the Academy self-sustaining. There were guards who defended the institute from intrudersnot that their services were especially needed.

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No fool would dare to invade a powerhouse that contained some of the most powerful figures in the Kingdom. They would simply be signing their death certificatesthis was the general view of the public, and they had every right to think that way.

However, an establishments security is only as good as its information management.

Once the enemy has intel on the inner workings of a place, it becomes easier for it to fall.


How annoying A voice emerged from the darkness.

The barrier around Ainzlark prevented Kahn from infiltrating the Academy from any other angle except the front gate. As a result, he had to take the long approach, entering as though he was a legitimate visitor of the place he was invading.

After taking in a lot of information from the humans, Kahn was well aware of guerrilla tactics and the intelligence of invasion. With him by his lonesome, it would be difficult to seize the Academy especially if he needed to use such a straightforward approach.


Dont worry, itll go along well. The other Lecturers wont disturb you since were going to be in a meeting. The man who had partnered up with him had said.

Even if Kahn didnt fully trust him, he had to invade while relying on the strange mans intelligence. If what he said was right, then all he had to do was take care of the small fry guards that blocked the major areas he needed to pass through.

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Kahn was aware that their meeting would take very long, but that didnt mean he had to as well.

Ill end this quickly

He would simply finish the job, retrieve the information and treasure he needed from Ainzlark, and return to his homethe Demon Realm.

Lets go!

In a blur, the Shadow Demon charged at the grand entrance of Ainzlark Academyblending into the darkness.

His movements barely made any sound. It was swift and masterful, as a shadow that traversed an area. In quick lashes, before the unsuspecting guards could even react, Kahn lunged his limbs at them, impaling the guards with the sharpened claws proceeding from them.

The guards, taken by complete surprise, seemed to scream, but their voices didnt reach even their ears. They were forcefully silenced by Kahns Magic, and as if that wasnt enough, Kahn completely absorbed them into his shadow, dissolving the human bodies within himself.

Once he was done with this role, he ventured into the Academy.

The gates were locked, but that proved no problem for someone like him.

Looking at the smallest gaps in the gates, Kahn slipped into the Academic walls, arriving at a grand compound comprised of several buildings. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but the Demon didnt have the time to gawk. He had a mission to fulfill!

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According to him this isnt the true Academic grounds The darkened creature reasoned, following his accomplices description to spot the actual location of the true Ainzlark Academy.

Making his way through several buildings, undetected by the guards on patrol, he charged for one that seemed to ascend high into the night sky. Within were no small amount of people, as well as defensive Magic.

Kahn was confident in his stealth abilities, but since the defense was very thick, he realized that fighting was the only option.

And so, he sharpened his claws and coated his body with the evil Mana of DemonsMiasma. Upon enhancing himself, he charged at the guards stationed at the front of the building, butchering them before they could make a sound.

Blood spurted in the air, staining the floor and walls. A great amount of the red liquid flew in the Demons direction, but was quickly evaporated by Kahns Miasma, allowing none to even touch him.

The dark being opened the doors of the building, gaining access within.

He saw several other humans who had yet to notice him. It was only a matter of time, though. So, he brandished his arms, ready to resume the slaughter.

How bothersome

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