SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 241: Chapter 241 - Strike Back

Using the tactic of deactivating the barrier anytime she wanted to launch a heavy Light-Attribute Spell; recovering her Mana if she ran out, and even ensuring there was enough time to cast big guns; Ana successfully beat the Demons.

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It sapped a lot of her physical and mental energy, but the girl managed to pull through. Without the aid of the Automatons providing defense and support, she couldnt see herself remotely winning.

Haa haa The girl heaved in relief.

Everyone was happythough secretly surprisedthat Anabelle had nearly single-handedly saved them all. The seniors had no choice but to feel ashamed of themselves; the Elites realized they didnt deserve their title.

Still, no one could complain. It was the opposite, in fact.

The group thanked Anabelle. Miraculously no one had died, and it was all thanks to the petite ladys efforts.

W-what now? Her loyal cluster of girls asked an exasperated Ana.

While recovering her energy, she took a while before responding. In between fighting and listening to Jareds recordings, Ana had been entrusted with the responsibility of manning her female counterparts.

As if that wasnt worse, she now had a mission.

Her next goal, given to her by Jared, was to make her way to the Middle-Class Boys Dorm alongside the group of deadweight girls behind her.

And so, Ana swiftly proceeded to do so, albeit reluctantly.

The journey was arduous, but the group pulled through.

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They had to engage a few times, but so far, they remained undetected by any major forces. Though, this was mainly due to the sacrifice of Jareds Automatons.

Out of the initial five Automatons, only two were left. The rest performed sacrificial duties of buying time for them or distracting the Shadows near their path.

Ana realized her forces were wearing thin, and the group of girls with her were either too frightened or too weak to do any goodmaybe even both. Still

Still, her eyes gleamed with determination. She wasnt going to give up!

Jared was fighting, trying his hardestsame with Edward! She also had to do her best.

I can do this no, I WILL!

With that steely resolve etched into her heart, she continued her march.

But danger loomed once more



I dashed quickly, estimating to cross paths with Anabelle within a few minutes. I used my time to calculate my next step.

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All things considered, things were going fairly easyat least, better than expected.

It felt cruel to think that way, but it was genuine. In fact, I even stifled a sigh of relief so it wouldnt be too insensitive to those who had died.

That doesnt change how I feel, though

Those who had seen war would understand my logicespecially one against Demons.

In the first instance, the monsters we had been encountering were just about as strong as the average Shadow Demon. Warriors or Veterans were on a completely different level.

Then we had Captains, Commanders, Generals, and then Demon Lords! I shuddered at the thought of the latter.

I can probably handle a Captain as I am now a Commander would be pushing it. Im not sure I could win maybe I can buy some time

And that was a big MAYBE.

The problem was if the opponent was a Demon Lord. There was no doubt Id lose.

I highly doubt that, though

In the first instance, the Shadows that appeared were too weak. A Demon Lord could do way better. Also, there was the fact that the Lord of ShadowsNoir Seat of the Demon Councilwas Kahn.

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Kahn wasnt the kind to do such a thing. Well, he was, but I was certain he wouldnt go this far.

Did someone else become Demon Lord in his place?

I also found that highly doubtful. Last I checked no one came even close to Kahns power. Shadowsno, Demons generallygot more powerful as they aged and took in more Miasma and Soul Essence. At least, according to what I knew

And I know plenty

During the war, we killed any even remotely close to his level. Only one of his commanders was left alive, and it was the weakest one. Kahn was still in his prime the last time I saw him. He could easily live for a thousand years more before choosing to retire.

He would have also grown stronger during that time.

There was no way he could create Shadows as weak as this there was no way he would be leading this invasion.

I suppose I have to settle for someone else. Maybe his commander? What was his name again?

In any case, I needed to get to the root of things. No, it was best to get the teachers involved.

Where are they, though?

For now, I could only speculate, but I had something in the works.

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Im close I can sense my Automatons, and!!!

My eyes bulged as I sensed a lot of Shadows converge in a certain location. It was most like Anas since my Automatons were meant to be guarding her.

Whats with this number? There are like a hundred WHY?!

They came from two directions and, judging from their speed, it was like they were running toward something in a hurry or fleeing!

It couldnt be the latter, could it?

I didnt have the luxury to even contemplate the rationale of their actions. Only one thing mattered now.

A hundred, uh? Itll be tough if I conserve resources. I guess I cant help it.

There were lots of tricks I had up my sleeves, but revealing my hand so early in the game left a bad taste in my mouth. There was a chance the enemy was simply probing us by sending such a weak attack force.

If I wanted to gauge someones strength, I would also employ the same tactic. But since these were Shadow Demons, I probably didnt have much to worry about. I was probably overthinking things.

It doesnt hurt to be careful, so Ill do it moderately Alright!

I prepared the Mana around me ad charged at full speed, readying a Spell I had only tried in my head.

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