SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 242: Chapter 242 - Blitz


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My body tingled with excitement as I practically vanished in the darkness thanks to my speed.

At my current pace, I would reach Anabelle before she died, and probably before anyone else she had with her.

With a wild smile on my facepleading internally that I made it in timeI rushed to the rescue of a comrade.


Anabelles body grew weak as she sensed the converging figures of darkness. Her consciousness nearly gave out in fear, but willpower kept her at the very brink.

They had spotted maybe two or three Shadows move togethernever exceeding six in the same groupearlier. But now, it seemed like they were at least a hundred. This concerned Ana no, it frightened her.

Those numbers were well beyond her means. She was barely struggling to move as she was. She was fighting bravely for her life and those she led, but

Everyone had a breaking pointhers was arriving, surely. No, it probably had.

Slick sweat clung to her skin as her shaky body slowly ceased movement.

The Shadows grew closer, as though ready to swallow her whole. Ana didnt check, but the girls behind her had also halted as a result of the intense pressure.

Many had even passed out!

She couldnt possibly lead anyone in their condition. She couldnt bring herself to abandon any of them either. It wasnt out of the kindness of her heartthough that may have been partbut because her body completely refused to listen to her.

With what seemed to be a thousand needles piercing her body, the bloodlust was too much for her to handle. The Automatons that hovered around her had already begun converging close to her now.

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Ana wasnt certain what they planned on doing, but she was certain they wouldnt be able to keep a hundred of the terrifying beings at bay. Sweat fell, fear swelled, and the petite girl had now become completely immobile.

Ana was certain now only death awaited.

Im sorry Jared, Edward, Mom, Dad Sir Lewis Griffith. I I couldnt do it in the end. I wasnt good enough

Her long-held dream flashed before her eyes. The image of her friends and family appeared. Andeven though she didnt exactly know what he looked likeLewis Griffith appeared within her thoughts.

na! A somewhat distant thought tried to call her, but Ana was too certain of death to make out the sound.

The Shadows converged in their legions, nearly colliding with her group.

nabelle!!! The voice called out againthis time it was closer.

Death descended like a curtain, and a wave of malevolence shrouded what little light remained of the dim moon.


The moment the girl heard the voice for the third time, so many things happened all at once that only one word could describe itOVERWHELMING!

J-Jared?! Anas thoughts rang, but before she could completely process anything, golden glimmers of light appeared all around her.

Not even a second later, the bright glimmers turned into bursts of energyshooting out like a beam.

The darkness that enveloped her cleared, and before Ana realized it, she was standing within a barrier of some sort.

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It had a golden ambiance, and it seemed to be bursting with so much power that almost anyone would consider it unreal. Ana felt the intensitythe warmth of the barrier. It was constructed with light; a highly concentrated one for that matter.

Before she could completely observe the gold dome that covered her and the rest of the girls, her eyes caught somethingno, someonejust up ahead.

It was a young boy with yellowish-golden hair and a bright expression on his face. He was covered in an absurd amount of Mana that seemed to converge atop his fingertips which were raised to the sky.

A highly concentrated spark of great intensity that cackled with yellow electricity and burst with light stood aloft on his index finger.

He stood by his lonesome, unfazed by the hundred Shadows who were now baring their darkened fangs at him.

A confident smile cracked on his face, and the moment Ana saw it, she knew the moment of salvation had arrived.

His clothes fluttered with the wind and more Mana converged, yet his unfazed expression remained.

J-Jared! Youre here!

The look in his eyes told her Yeah, I am

But that wasnt all they said. Within a mere fraction of a second, Ana could decipher one final meaning hidden within his two retinas.

Enjoy the show!

With that, Anas tensed muscles relaxed and she did as her instincts told hershe watched from within the haven that her friend madeas the Demons would get obliterated.


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Im a bit reluctant to do this, but whatever.

I was also quite excited to see its effectsso motivated that I even quickened my pace unconsciously and arrived at the scene on time. No one had been hurt.

Quickly using Spellcraft, I shielded Ana and the rest of her deadweight acquaintances.

Yes! I said that!

Once that was done, I gathered all the Mana I could muster and sent them to the tip of my index fingermaking them as concentrated as possible.

Demons were weak against Light Magic the most, but I wasnt too adept at it that I could use Advanced Magic based off that Attribute. To do something of that scale, I had to combine it with a Spell I was very specialized in.


Combing Light Magic and Lightning wasnt difficult, making the usually blue color of electricity emit a goldennear yellow complexion.

Lightning crackled, and illumination swelled.

I could see the Shadow Demons shrink back in fear, but it was too late.

This is the end

I was about to use a powerful Spell one that specialized in Area-Of Effect damage.


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The air itself rumbled and illumination covered the whole area.

The little orb I had atop my finger freely flew in the direction of my adversaries with light speed, and then exploded once it reached their midst.

The Shadow Demons were too slow to reacttoo weak to resist. The spark of judgment descended upon them and turned the creatures into nothing but dust.




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