SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 243: Chapter 243 - Puzzlement

As is trite, Spells are classified into categories; Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Peak, and Transcendent.

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Each of these categories is divided into Tiersthe Lower up to the Highest Tier. There exist Middle Tier and High Tier levels between the two.

However, for every general rule, there is always an exception.

The same is true for Spells, and Magic as a whole.

There are certain Spells that do not belong in the cadres of ranking. They can be used depending on how much Mana a user has, and their proficiency with it. As a result, these Spells are considered very versatile. It is said that many highly regarded Spells are simply offshoots of the exceptions.

The Spell [Shock] is a good example. Its powerful enough to stun someone at the hands of an amateur, but a true monster could use it to entirely fry multiple foes at once.

But, [Shock] has a weakness. Its the range.

Unless there is conductivity or a medium of transfer, the discharge remains at a very limited range. To solve that, I made my version.

Of course, by adding Light Attribute to the mix, the Spell evolved once more. It increased in speed and destructionthe ultimate Lightning Spell I have at my disposal [Blitz].

And sure enough, against targets like Shadow Demons its crazy effective!



The sparks of light and electricity created a blinding wave of illumination that would stun anyone even if they watched from a distance.

Ah, the problem with this Spell is that its too flashy

But that also served as an advantage.

If the Shadow Demons knew what was good for them, they wouldnt dare come this way. From their rapid movements, it seemed like they were running from somethingso that meant they could feel fear or at least an instinctual drive similar to that emotion.

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Well, thats all settled whew. I heaved a sigh of relief.

The sight before me screamed of destruction.

Remnant portions of lightning still crackled, and the ground had a big gaping hole around it. It wasnt very deep, but the smoke that proceeded from it told me plenty about how heated it would be.

I should probably cast a chill Spell so Ana and the rest can leave their isolated spot and traverse the grounds even though its all dust and rubble now

Ana and company were at the center of the explosion, so naturally, they would need to bypass the heated ground to reach me. I disabled the golden dome that surrounded them and the earth platform around them that remained unscathed by my assault.

Im just glad the barrier held out. It was hurriedly made, after all

With that in mind, I used a mild ice Spell to make the heat vanish and rescued the damsels in distressthough I was only really interested in one of them.


At this point, I was exhausted.

Not physically or mentally, even though those were already beginning to pile up. I meant emotionally.

Ana gushed so much when I saved her, and now she was bubbling with so much excitement. It was impossible to tell that this was the same girl that was close to death mere moments ago.

Her face was bright pink and her eyes sparkled while gazing fixedly at me. It seemed she expected a little something from me, but I had no intention of doing more than I had already done.

A little Im glad youre safe. Truly. Was all I could cough up, but even that seemed to be enough to satisfy the girl. Fortunately, that was all it took.

The other girls thanked me as a matter of course, and I roused those who had fainted with my Magic. I didnt blame them for collapsing under such pressure.

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Miasma had quite the adverse effects on regular beingsthough these Shadows only had a very tiny amount.

Since Miasma is said to be a collation of negative energy or corruption, I suppose most living beings would reject it.

Nave people like Ana were even more susceptible to the stuff. I looked at her and she stared longingly at me, genuinely relieved I was with her now. The look on her face told me that she believed I could do anything.

I nearly gulped under all that pressure. The situation was overwhelming for me too; you know? I was just playing things by ear at this point.

Im just glad shes alright, though My smile broadened as I stared at the cute little thing more.

Ah, I knew you were the one responsible for that light! A voice suddenly sounded.

It came from above, so I sharply raised my head to see the newcomer.

Sure enough, it was Kuzon!

Oh, h-hey! How long have you been here? I replied, a bit stunned.

I couldnt even sense him before he spoke.

Ah, I just arrived though I saw what you did back there. Im surprised. Decimating over a hundred of those things with a single Spell thats impressive! The golden-haired boy said as he landed.

I nearly scoffed at his praise.

The fact that this guy was here meant he probably killed off the Demons invading his Dorm and decided to take a view around.

What are you doing out here? I asked him, just in case.

Well, I was looking for you.

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I was a little confused now.

Yeah. I didnt want you to die.


I thought you could use some help, since these guys are you know

I-I see

But, hey, it turns out they were nothing for you. Thats my bad.

A-ah, I see


The air got a bit awkward between Kuzon and me. Why wouldnt it?

So, while I was busting my ass trying to help people, this guy was just hovering around the Academy, looking for me?

This Kuzon character is really sketchy

But, before I could even get another word outor even finish processing my inner deliberationsanother major interruption came our way.


This time it was a girl wearing some sort of black bodysuit?!

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I stared in amazement and puzzlement as the oddly familiar figure descended close to us and recognized her immediately.

It was Ciara Epilson!

What the heck is she doing here?

Now I was utterly confused.

But, before I could ask her anything or even render my greetings, she raised her hand and gave me a bit of an extremely energetic expression. The next words she uttered completely shattered my sense of reason.

Hey, wheres Jerry?



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