SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 244: Chapter 244 - Intellectual Brilli


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I was very confused at the moment.

Kuzon showing up out of nowhere, and now Ciara Epilson. Both had causal reactions, and the latter said something I never expected.

Wheres Jerry?

I nearly screamed, but controlled myself instead.

Even after spotting the disaster going on in school, how could these students act this way? I knew they werent normal, but

And whats with that outfit? My eyes sharply stared at the enchanted clothing she had on.

The black bodysuit was made quite shabbilyI could tell an amateur was the one who designed it. However, the power it held was the real deal.

Did she make it herself? Shes quite skilled then

And the effects of the suit were good too. I could tell, seeing that I was quite interested in that field.

Hey, didnt you hear me? I said wheres

The girl must have either failed to notice my surprised expression, or simply didnt care. She just pressed me for an answer.

Huu, Im done trying to figure these guys out I gave up internally, spotting Kuzon simply smiling beside me.

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I left him with the others in a secure place. Were heading there right now. Want to come along?

Where? Her reaction was sharp.

Whats with this girl and Jerry? I eyed her suspiciously.

Normally, I would start considering if she was an enemy, but I couldnt draw that conclusion. Firstly, I didnt sense any ill will from the girl. Plus, even if she wanted to cause us harm, why would she be interested in someone like Jerry?

I dont think I can trust you enough to divulge that.

Silence prevailed amid us, and I could somewhat sense some discomfort well up in the vicinity.

Frankly, I was mildly intimidated.

Uh? What do you mean by that? Her voice contained a hint of annoyance and she seemed to be impatient.

Whats with her?

The Ciara Epilson I met at the Oasis was so easygoing, yet this time she was acting strangely. I wondered if she was being manipulated by someone since she wasnt acting like her usual self.

It could also be that the girl in front of me was an imposter, but who could replicate the amount of pressure she was currently generating?

Besides, I wasnt sensing any motive from her actions. Just what could be going on in her head?

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I think what Jared is trying to say is that its pretty suspicious how you appeared out of nowhere and brought up the topic of Jerrys whereabouts. Kuzon suddenly interrupted our deadlock.

My gaze, and what I sensed to be Ciaras, tilted in his direction.

I mean, its odd that youre out here in the first place, and also wearing that peculiar outfit, dont you think?

Um, its also pretty sus that youre here too, Kuzon. I thought to myself, but agreed with the rest of Kuzons assessment.

Wwhat are you trying to say? Theres nothing suspicious about taking a night stroll! Ciara snapped, looking so flustered that hues of pink clouded her cheeks.

Why is she acting up? Is she really hiding something? She could be the enemy!

By asking about someone of little relevance like Jerry, Ciara could cause us to drop our guard concerning her true target. She was actually quite smart if that was the case.

This girl My gaze intensified on her as many countermeasures began forming in my head on how to deal with the situation.

Suddenly, I felt a warm touch on my shoulder. I turned in the direction of the hands owner, and it was Kuzon.

He had a meaningful smile on his face that seemed to read the words Trust me.

What is he? Has he figured her out?

Was I overreacting? Was the tension making me imagine things?

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Well, I dont mean youre suspicious, Ciara. What Im trying to imply is that your actions are. Youve seen the black creatures lurking around, right? Its reasonable to say that this campus is in a state of unrest. Your actions, your outfit, and your question make you somewhat odd, dont you think?

I was surprised by Kuzons logic and the oratory skills he displayed to make them known.

Hhey, you dont have to go that far. I was just curious, no big deal. Besides, how can you suspect a student of something like sabotage? Ciaras voice lacked composure.

Kuzon had the upper hand in the conversation now. So much so, that I was amazed.

Well, its past curfew and youre on your own. Thats already breaking the rules of Ainzlark Academy, right? Care to give a reason for that? Do you have an alibi? A valid rationale? Then why do you want to see Jerry?

His flurry of questions made Ciaras flushed cheeks take on a brighter form of red.

Wwwhaat are you shaying!? Her words lacked coherence at this point.

Arent you the same, though, Kuzon? My thoughts trailed as I stared at the confident young man.

He was equally guilty of breaking the rulesnot that it mattered now that there was an emergencyyet he managed to twist the facts to his advantage. Ciara didnt even have any defense or counterarguments to give.

I mean, Im guilty of the same thing. I snuck out of the Dorms too He added, making me wonder why he threw away his advantage.

EEXACTLY! Were equally guilty of the same thing! Ciara seemed satisfied that Kuzon lost his high ground.


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This made Kuzon and I smile at the same time.

Well, thats true. This is why Im cooperating with Jared as he evacuates these people to the base. If you did the same, there would be no issue, right?

I realized what he did!

By abandoning his high moral ground, he stood on the same level as Ciara and appealed to her as a sympathetic figure. Since she had a stubborn personality, it was optimal for him to rely on mutual appeal and benefits.

With this, Ciara would be bound by the concept of the collective and have no choice but to play along.

If she failed to comply, even she would realize that her actions were unreasonable.

Such an impressive strategy I stared at Kuzon with surprise.

I had thought he had great powers and talents in Magic, but who would have thought he was this skilled in intellect as well.

Could he also be a?!

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