SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 270: 270 Jared's Brilliance

Everyone saw it!

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It didnt matter where they were, or what they did.

Friends and enemies alikethey all looked in the direction of the golden explosion that seemed to consume the sky itself.

Struggling students were grateful for the timely intervention of the blast, as the strong Demons that assailed them instantly vanished the moment they laid eyes on the explosion.

How happy they were that they were able to get rid of the overwhelming adversaries that oppressed them.

Even the Rankers found themselves in thanks to the one who rescued them from their awry situation.

Jared finally did it, uh?

The Lecturers must be free now!

Were saved!

The Demons ran away!

Guhk! I thought I was going to die.

Wohoooo! Help has come! That crazy guy pulled it off!

I just wish this night was over

Its bright as day!

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As the comments rang out from various students in their respective groups, one particular group was also staring at the golden eruption of light that grew bigger with each passing moment.

A boy and a girl were side-by-side. The latter was supporting the former, so he could walk. It was obvious who was more beat-up out of the two.

Haa haaa I couldnt beat it The boy spoke with strained breaths.

He was Stefan Netherlore, one of the brightest in Ainzlarka genius.

Who would have expected such a prodigy to look so disheveled and dumbfounded? Disappointment and frustration swirled in his heart and he cursed his weakness. Despite how hard he trained, despite everything! He still couldnt do shit when faced with the adversary.

Jared did it, uh? A voice interrupted his thoughts.

It belonged to the girl who was supporting him.

Her silver hair was shining brightly, reflecting the light that enveloped the surroundings for miles.

Her name was Maria Helmsworth, a genius who had even more recognition than Stefan. She was also powerless when they were confronted with the enemy, so her pride must have been bruised as well.

Yet no single wrinkle of frustration could be seen on her face.

Rather, what was akin to gratitudeand intense admirationcoursed through her. She beamed at the bright light, and her eyes reflected the image of a single person.

He must have succeeded in his mission. Another whisper escaped from her lips.

Stefan was still caught up in his deep frustration, but he caught on to her wordsas well as the tone she used to speak.

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You really like that guy, uh? He spoke in a grumble.

At that moment, there was silence.

The other students around who were rejoicing and clamoring in delight didnt hear Stefans questionno, more like an affirmation. Still, an air of awkwardness enveloped the two.

Marias slightly pale face gave a faint pink glow as she blushed and smiled softly. Her memories seemed to trail back to the first time she met the boy in questionhow he had approached her so abruptly and brazenly.

Even though she had just nearly died now, Maria couldnt help thinking about him now.

Back to Stefans question, the boy stared at her with all conviction that he was right, and then Marias eyes moved in his direction. He seemed to be expecting an answer.

Well I dont know

Stefan was the closest thing Maria had to a friend, though they were mostly rivals. Since the two were cousins, it was clear that they would have some sort of link. Their families also seemed to be competing to see who would be better.

These expectations brought them together, and before they knew it, they became quite close.

Maybe Marias eyes returned to the blast.

A smile formed on her parted lips.

It was silly, but she felt quite fuzzy inside.


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I messed up! Kahns thoughts chided him.

He had managed to survive Jareds attackthough barely.

If he was merely ten percent short of his eighty percent form, he would have died. The blast was that strong!

Still, Kahn wondered what happened to the remaining twenty percent. He couldnt sense them at all, so he had to conclude that they were dead.

That fact didnt surprise Kahn too much, seeing that the 12-year-old before him was capable of killing him at 70 percent.

This kid is strong too strong!

While he gritted his teeth in contemplation, Kahn realized that this whole invasion had been a mistake from the very start.

He jumped the gun, and his information was too little. Plus, his flawed alliance with his shady partner was what nearly got him killed.

As a result of his near demise, his neural link to all the Clones became severed, causing them to disappear.

They were all gone, and he was practically all that was left of the enemys force.

SHIT! Kahn cursed internally as he glared at Jared who was practically a vegetable.

He got me good

Not only had he somehow replaced the Miasma around with pure Mana through some strange means, but he was also capable of controlling Mana to such an extent and his plans were so perfectly executed that Kahn didnt have the faintest clue that he was falling for a trap.

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In a wayeven though the Shadow Demon didnt want to admit itthe kid reminded him a lot of Lewis Griffith!

Damn looks like the mission is a failure He mumbled to himself.

Kahn had lost, and he was too weak to scour the Campus for the information and objects he desired. He was sure the students would have also been weakened and there was a chance to still obtain what he wanted, but

Its too risky. I should count my losses and just retreat

The problem was the kid in front of him.

He was too dangerous to be left alive. The boy was a major threat. Both his intelligence and power were abnormal. If left alone for a few more years, he would be able to defeat a Demon Lord.

Kahn was certain of it!

I need to eliminate him here!

Though he didnt like the fact that he was still following the bidding of his shady partner, Kahn was going to execute Jared Leonard for the sake of his people.

You are going to die here, Jared Leonard you fought well.

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