SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 271: 271 Final Thoughts

My weak body could barely move and I could hardly make a sound as I watched Kahn approach me with bloodlust.

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I wanted to glare at him, but my facial muscles were all spent.

Many questions welled up in mequestions I shoved down in my fight with him. Why would someone like Kahn do something like this? He wasnt my favorite person back then, and we never saw eye to eye on anything, but

He obeyed the Demon King with absolute loyalty

Was this an order from him, then? No. He was a much more sensible person than that.

Then why?

The only thing I could think of was some sort of interference from some sort of third partymost likely a group to whom my killer belonged to. There was no way a single person would be enough to make Kahnno, the Demon Racebetray the Pact.

Still why am I having these useless thoughts?

I was going to die here.

This time, I had no tricks up my sleeve. I was completely powerless.

While there was one backup plan I devised, it still wasnt quite ready yet. Using it now would also put me in danger.

No, Ill die if I resort to that..

Though, even if I wanted to, my body wasnt in any shape to retaliate. This was truly the end.

Shit despite all the big talk I made the promises I made to everyone

The Shadow Demon loomed closer.

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If I die whos going to take responsibility for the casualtiesthe ones who followed my plan with trust in their hearts?

It brandished its blade, and I could already feel my life nearing its end. Just a few seconds more, and it would all be over.

Its all my fault its because of me

The enemy wanted to get rid of me. If I wasnt here, none of this would have happened.

I knew there was a possibility that harm would have fallen upon Ainzlark even if I wasnt present. After all, the enemy had another agenda other than killing me.

Even though I was able to save so many people from certain death and even managed to revive someone even though so many more would have met their ends without me even then!

I still blamed myself bitterly.

At my last moment, the juncture of truth I found myself in regret again.

I finally got what I wanted more than anything, but even with Magic Im still going to die like this, uh?

Regret. Pain. Sadness. Agony. Worry. Fury. Confusion. Frustration. More regret.

Torrents upon torrents. Myriads upon myriads.

I felt a mix of various things but

I dont I dont want to die

Not like this! Not here, not now!

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I knew there was no way for me to fight back. There was no miracle to pull off now. It was foolish to hope for another alternative, but


With that single thought being my last, I covered my eyes as tears fell, awaiting my end

But, it never came.

You did well, Jared

I heard a voice.

But, you didnt listen to what I said, did you?

My body trembled as I heard the sound.

It was so calm and casual, yet the depth was without question.

Without realizing it, my eyes opened by themselves, and I saw a person standing in front of me.

I told you to take care of yourself

His dark cloak fluttered with the wind, giving off a faint sound of flapping wings. I saw his large back, dyed in the all-black outfit he had on. The mans dark hair danced as he turned to face me.

With a warm and gentle smile, he glanced at me.

Look at the poor state youre in. Its not good for an Apprentice to disobey their Master, you know?

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In an instant, all the flurry of negative emotions that assailed me evaporated. My fatigue melted my despair was lifted.

Replaced by those was a single thoughtthe name of the man who stood in front of me.

Neron Kaelid!

I have to say, Jared youve surprised me again. Neron smiled at me.

I wanted to warn him about the Shadow Demon.

I wanted to tell him not to turn his back on the enemy.

I wanted to scream.

However I knew better than to do that.

So far, I had been dealing with immature students who needed guidance. But now this man was here.

There was no longer any need to do anything.

Kid youve made me proud. Now, just sit back

Sit back? But, Im

Before I could complete my thoughts, I felt my body being soothed by something warm. I was being raised by some unknown, yet familiar energy.

Multiple colors were radiating around me, and I could feel my strength getting restored at a phenomenal rate. I didnt feel any pain or anxiety. No in fact, I felt bliss.

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and enjoy the show. Neron finished his statement, flashed me a brilliant smile and turned in the direction of the enemy.

I glanced at Kahn for a second with my blurry vision.

He hadnt taken a single step forward since Neron showed up. Was it just my imagination, or was he further away?

Ahh, I cant tell Im losing grip

The soothing feeling that permeated my body made it easy to succumb to unconsciousness.

NNeron I looked at the broad back of the man, seeing a phenomenal, unquantifiable amount of Mana swirl around him.

A smile formed on my face and I heaved in relief.

Nerons hair turned white, and his body seemed to be emitting a faint glow I wasnt sure of.

Before I completely lost consciousness, I heard a faint voice that sounded like my Master.

Ill show you my Original Magic Or something like that.

But, I was already too far gone to return. Still wearing a smile on my face, I made a final thought before finally drifting away.

Thank you

And then everything went dark.

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