SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 279: 279 Hidden Card

If anyone else had asked me that question, I would instantly be wary of them.

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In fact, Neron had already pried into so many of my secrets that it was downright suspicious. However, I had no problem revealing any of those to him for a simple reason.

I trusted him!

How do I plan on winning?


A smile formed on my face.

Do you doubt me? You dont think I can win?

Maybe. You could say that

I didnt blame him.

Even though I spoke all big about killing the culprit, it was still no secret that I lost to Kahn, barely clinging onto life.

It was safe to assume that the mastermind would be a bigger threat than the Shadow Demon.

After you nearly died back then and I patched you up, I noticed something that had changed about you. Youve noticed it too, right? How much stronger youve become. Neron spoke calmly..

He was correct.

All my Mana Cores, except the White One, had all reached the Red stage. Jumping past blue, green, and orange, I had made considerable progress. However

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That still wont be enough to beat him, you know?

I was still not on the level required to safely and conveniently use Peak-Level Magic.

The only reason I achieved it back then was due to the surrounding circumstances, and the inferior intelligence of Kahn.

If it hadnt been for that fact I would have died many times over.

Youve gotten strong enough to give a lot of Lecturers a run for their money, but hes different.

I smiled and nodded.

I know that already

Which was why I was even more certain of my victory.

Mages relied on their Mana Cores and the Spells in their arsenal to grow stronger. However, only the foolish ones solely utilized those.

In the world of Magic, there were several things one could use to augment their abilities. Familiars were an example. However, another crucial elementone that could be obtained as long as a Magic User had the means and expertisewas Magic Tools.

My body was too weak and immature to handle the strain of a great deal of power weighing down on me, so I had to resort to developing Magic Tools.

Mana Stones.

Enhanced Attires.

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Magic Items

And that particular one

When I faced Kahn circumstances didnt allow me to utilize all I had in my arsenal.

Nerons eyes bulged in shock.

You mean you have more tricks up your sleeve? More impressive than that Peak-Level Magic Spell you used?

I nodded.

Aamazing. But, wouldnt that mean that even if you win you would be in an even worse state than before? Plus, you wont make it very far with a beat-up body.

Usually, I would have no choice but to agree, After all, everything he said thus far had been correct. But, if he could think about that now wouldnt I have already considered it?

My ace the trick up my sleeve poses no risk to me at all. I dont need to buy any time. Neither do I need to overexert myself.

It sounded too good to be true. Even Neron seemed doubtful and more curious. But, I had entertained enough questions.

Even an old mans patience has limits

Why dont you see for yourself? Im certain you intend to observe my actionsat least until I leave this Academy. So just sit back and enjoy the show.

My confident smile seemed to win him over, because Nerondespite his doubtssighed and let the matter go.

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Fine. I trust you. Even though this brings up a lot of questions I will concede for now.

Bowing slightly, I thanked him for his consideration.

While it was nice to have people who worried about you ceaselessly, it was better to have an Individual who trusted you wholeheartedly.

At least one person doesnt doubt my capabilities

Unlike before, I was completely caught off-guard and had to compensate. Plus, there were so many burdens and disadvantageous conditions. But, right now, I would play this second round by my rules.

This should be fun


After discussing for a little while longer, Neron left Kahn in my care and went about his other businesses.

Apparently, other than Ainzlark and the Royal Family, no other person had access to the information concerning the Academys breach by Demons.

I understood the rationale behind that decision.

Not only would the prestige of Ainzlark Academy plummet once people knew what had happened, but the invasion of Demons would drive the public into a state of confusion and unrest. So, until the matter was stabilized, most denizens in the Kingdom would be left ignorant.

My mother, my grandfather, my household none of them would know a thing. That was probably for the best.

My father was another matter entirely.

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As a Duke who worked closely with the king in administrative matterslast I heardhe was bound to find out soon.

While I didnt know what his reaction would be, it would be good if I didnt stick around to find out.

The day was Sundaythe day I was supposed to receive my sanction.

It was afternoon already, and considering all that had occurred, the idea of something like that was most likely obsolete.

I wonder how everyone is doing

It pained me to do this, but I had no other choice. To become strong enough to protect myself and those I cared about it was best to leave everything behindat least for a few years.

I needed freedom!

To think I would be resorting to this so early

The Lost Lands would be my first goal and then, the hidden Garden and then the Towering Mountains

Ah, so much to do

I considered taking this journey earlier, but there was no sense of urgency. I thought I could take things slow in this life.

My motive was to enjoy my brand-new life as I explored Magic. However, enjoyment was a privilege only given to the strong or the ignorant.

Since I belonged to neither of those categories, I didnt have a right to enjoy such blissat least not yet.

Now, then I should start getting ready for tonight

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