SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 280: 280 Reminiscing

After the Demon Invasion on the Academy, the students were taken to safe zones within the premises.

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Since these shelters were made before the Class System was implemented, there werent separate spots for those of different standing. As a result, even if it was only temporary, the students enjoyed equal treatment.

Naturally, the boys residence would be different from the girls, so there were two large faculties that served the purpose of an emergency shelter.

These shelters were underground, but they were not uncomfortable in most ways.

The cooling system was fully functional, and luminous stones made it easy to see. It wasnt much different from being in a building above ground. However, despite the amenities provided for the students, there were a few things most werent expecting.

Four people were assigned per room, and they would also share a bathroom and toilet. This came as a shocker to a lot of nobles and rich folk who had never shared their sleeping space with anyonetalkless of a place they bathed.

Still, no one could complain.

It wasnt out of fear for their lecturers or out of a sense of gratitude. No it was trauma.

They had just been through hell.

A few of them died, and even the many who survived had either suffered terrible injuries or even experienced death before being revived. As a result, they were shaken to their core.

They accepted their rooms without complaint..

The assignment was random, so even Lower-Class dregs found themselves in the same room as the Upper-Class kings.

The only ones who were given special treatment were those that achieved phenomenal feats in the crisis.

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Kuzon, Ana, Edward, Ciara, Stefan, Maria, Jerry, Ivan, etc. Fabian and the other Rankers also had the V.I.P. treatment. While Aloe contributed a great deal, compared to the other Dorm Masters, she was busy handling staff duties.

Though there was a decision to have her rest properly, she vehemently refused to sit idly since she was a staff. As a result, Aloe was mobilized to earn her keep.

The exceptional students had a lounge to themselves, and also stayed in two-man rooms. They could even pick their partners.

Coincidentally or not, Edward ended up with Kuzon, and Stefan was with Jerry. For the girls, Ciara was in the same room as Maria.

This state would remain until the envoys from the Capital arrived. As a result, the roomies were bound to get comfortable with one another.

Many anticipated the presence of a Grand Mage and those from the Capital, while othersno, maybe only Fabiandreaded it.

He had only achieved the barest minimumsame as most Rankersto enjoy special treatment.

People like Ciara, Kuzoneven Edwardwere supposedly higher in terms of contribution.

Since Jared had recorded everything with his Automatons, there was ample proof to support this. Fabian, as a Prince of the Kingdomhad disgraced his family. He was sure of it.

And he could only direct his dissatisfaction at someoneJared Leonard.

Speaking of the devil, the brat was currently in a separate room from everyone else. He wasnt even in the Shelterbut another structure entirely. No one knew the details, not even the staff that attended to them.

His achievements earned him that much.

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This pained the bitter heart of Fabian. His roommate was Richard Novo, who also had quite the beef with Jared, so they both got along swimmingly.

While their hatred for Jared festered, concern for the same young boy was growing within the hearts of many.

No one had seen him since they began the mission to recapture the Academy Grounds from the Demons. Tension was high, and feelings bloomed.

How is he doing?

I hope hes safe

He must have heard of those deaths is he letting it weigh him down?


Hell be fine

You think hes the one who activated that explosion we all saw? Thats insane!

He said he would take responsibility, but hes not here hmph!

Please be well


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And so, the mixed emotions of everyone in the Shelters reached out to a single soul who was oblivious of that fact.


Alright looks like thats about it!

I smiled, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

It was already dark, but that didnt affect me in the slightest. Usually, my room would be illuminated with Magic stones if I desired, but this wasnt my newly-given room, but the old one in my Dorm.

I came here to retrieve some decent clothes and something extra.

Its a good thing no one came here before me

It wasnt like they would be able to gain access to my secret stash even if they did show up, but still

Haa Ill miss this place

Looking around the small room, I smiled and recalled the many experiences that I went through there.

Alchemy. Research. Augmentation.

It had only been a span of three months since I arrived here, but it had been an unforgettable experience.

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Unfortunately, there would always be an end to everything.

My stay here was short-lived, but maybe that was for the best. Despite all I achieved here, it was incomparable to the level I would have gotten to if I left earlier.

It was just my selfishness.

Looks like this is it I murmured and left the room.

Walking down the dark hallway, and being reminded of the Shadow Demon invasion, I smiled wryly.

It was something unexpected, but it had been handled better than expected. While I played an integral role in the survival of everyone, it would have been impossible to do everything alone.

I can now understand what Alphonse meant by that statement

Being alone was never the answer.

Not in my past life nor in this one.

To reach the heights I desired I needed comradespowerful ones!

Which was why I left behind a legacy for my friends something that would help them in their endeavors.

I hope that the next time we meet, youll be strong enough for me to rely on once again

With that final thought, I vanished into the darkness leaving the premises.

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