SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 312: 312 Unexpected Discovery

I was dumbfounded!

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Of all the things that could happen, I wasnt expecting this

You mean Neron Kaelid is?!

Yes. He is the current Headmaster of our Academy


It was almost unbelievable for me, but I had to control my emotions. Anabelle didnt tell me anything about this!

What exactly happened after I left?

I see Was all I could mutter at the students.

They began looking at me oddly. It seemed their suspicion was returning, but I couldnt care at this point.

Alright I dont suppose you could tell me where I could find him?

I knew where the Headmasters office was, but I hadnt been there before. Plus, with all the changes that had occurred here, it was possible that the office had been swapped too.

Wwell, its at the Towering Hall, same as before.

Ah, I see I mumbled.

Looks like its still the same place.

Thanks for your help.

Making sure it was a pure one, I gave the five students a genuine smile. What they had done was nothing special, but perhaps their very existence made me happy within.

So much so that an ideano, more like a questionpopped into my head.

Why did you come to study at Ainzlark Academy? Surely you heard of the incident that occurred here a few years ago.

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The guardians and students had to have been told of the Demonic Disturbance as a warning and a form of indoctrination. Knowing Ainzlark Academy, that much was guaranteed.

Four of the five of them were a bit hesitant to answermost likely because they didnt have a choice in the matter. Their parents must have still made the decision for them, so none of them could have refused, anyway.

Because of the stories I heard! The only confident one spoke.

Oh? So, not only is he powerful he also has charisma I smiled, staring at the kid before me.

What stories?

During the Disturbance, all the students overcame the assault with their own power. Even when the Lecturers were useless, they alone took care of the mess!

I smiled slightly.

These students did you know them?

Nno they graduated before I arrived here, but

A sparkle appeared in his eyes, giving me a good idea of how much he idolized the characters in the stories he heard.

The top contributors in that incident became the 9 Rankers and the Top Honored Graduates of Ainzlark Academy! Their names are recorded in the Ainzlark Hall of Remembrance!

The title of Top Honored Graduates belonged to the ten most outstanding students recorded since the schools inception. If a student surpassed the achievement of a past student, they would be placed in the Ainzlark Hall of Remembrance.

Really? What are their names?

At this point, the other silent students burst with life. This was a topic that interested them all, so it seemed.

Ciara Epilson. Anabelle Frederick. Edward Karl Leon. Maria Helmsworth. Jerry Keller

These five names belonged to those in the generation of those who were involved in the Demonic Disturbance.

As expected, Stefan and Kuzon arent there

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Even my name wasnt mentioned. None of us graduated, after all.

So, who holds the top rank among the Top Honored Graduates? I asked with an amused smile.

His name is a mix of uncertain letters. Its in code

Ah, that so it still hasnt changed

I was also initially curious about the name when I first enrolled in the Academy. However, I eventually realized it could only have belonged to one person.

Neron Kaelid himself.

What of the second?

Ah, that is still Lewis Griffith, the Great Sage!

Ah, I see

So, no one had upturned my achievements yet. I didnt know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

Welp, at least my name is on the list right?

BBut! I believe there is someone who deserves to make the list! His name wasnt just put there simply because he didnt graduate!

That was a surprising remark.

Oh? Really? What do you mean?

The five students grew restless and their faces were brimming with excitementalmost like they were sharing a rumor with me.

Hes the unofficial Ranker of Ainzlark Academy!

Yes! The hero who led the others to victory against the Demonic Disturbance!

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A Magic User of unparalleled power and wisdom!

The Academy was too small for him, so he set forth to explore the world!

He should be the one taking the top spot among the Top Honored Graduates!

The way they introduced this spectacular character almost seemed like a script. Their bodies danced with excitement, and their cheeks blushed fervently. Light of worship glowed in their eyes.

His name is

They paused for an effect, and I gave a wry smile.

JARED LEONARD, the Unofficial Top Ranker!

Ah, figures

Why wasnt I surprised? Well, Anabelle had told me about how I was popular among the students of Ainzlark Academy.

To think it was to this degree.

Is this a sentiment shared only among the First Years?

NO! I was met with a sharp response from all of them.

I heard from the seniors that they knew some of the Top Honored Graduates! And that they would always praise Jared Leonards efforts!

Yeah! He is the hero who saved everyone, after all!

Miss Aloe Vida even told us in a Magic Class that Jared Leonard was powerful enough to be a lecturer in his First Year!

Ah, that woman too?! What were those people thinking?

A surge of emotion assailed me, and before I could control myself, I found myself bursting out

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Pfft Puehehe Puahahahahaha!!!

in an amused eruption of laughter.

Once again, the students looked at me oddly.

But, at this point, I didnt mind them.

Hahaha! You guys thanks for the info. You should get going to Class now.

I laughed, even more, walking away from the group.

Their gazes were still placed on my back, but after a while, they turned and went their way.

I kept laughing even as I heard their departing footstepslooking toward the Towering Hall that stood at the center of the Academy.

So, youre there, Neron.

It had been ages since we had last spoken, and so much had changed. Still, I could find a vast amount of excitement and anticipation well up within me.

There were two major things I was looking forward to in our meeting.

One was seeing how much progress my mentor had made.

And the second?

Let me show you how much Ive grown too!

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