SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 314: 314 Mentor And Protege [Pt 2]

Fortunately, Nerons surprising behavior didnt last very long.

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After welcoming me and embracing mewhich was extremely awkwardhe returned to his seat as though nothing had ever happened.

Once he sat, closed his eyes, heaved a deep sigh, and looked at me for the umpteenth time, he finally returned to normal.



How long were you standing there? Im amazed. I couldnt even detect you Neron remarked.

We were both seated, demarcated by Nerons large headmaster table.

Trade secret. Hehe. Besides, it wasnt like you were even trying. I chuckled.

Welp, fair point

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Knowing his personality, even if I didnt reveal myself, it wasnt like I could harm him. Any amount of carelessness on Nerons part was inconsequential.

While were on that topic

I see theres no form of defensive measure in your office. Why?

I thought it was strange.

The whole Academy was saturated with protective Magic, yet Nerons domain was completely bare.

Why was that?

Welp, I figured that would invite trouble. No one would want to target a very fortified place, right? So, if I make it easily accessible, I can have more trespassers. He explained.

In essence, youre just bored? I nearly rolled my eyes in amusement.

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Headmaster, uh? Containing my laughter, I looked around the very spacious office.

Several medals and awards littered the place. A mini-library occupied the left corner of the room, while the right had a shelf dedicated to some pretty neat Magic Tools and special awards.

The office was nicely furnishedas expected of Ainzlark Academys top brassand it had an air of ease.

Please, dont bother with that. Neron sighed, resting his back on his chair.

Its been very boring and uneventful as the head

His complaint couldnt exactly be taken at face value.

Im certain many would argue with that logic

Neron only considered the job to be stale because of the kind of person he was. Being the Headmaster of such a large-scale area meant a great deal of responsibility and pressure.

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However, Neron was smart to a fault. His intelligence was miles ahead of his agewhich was also deceiving. His management ability and innovations were capable of keeping the administrative affairs of Ainzlark Academy in order.

His Magic skills and teaching capabilities also made him the perfect fit for the role. From the nature of his Magic, he also never experienced exhaustion and several other limiting factors.

Since he could also employ the use of thousands of Familiars, Neron could keep a constant watch over Ainzlark. No task was difficult or time-consuming for him, so he probably thought of everything as monotonous.

I know because I would feel the same way!

Neron was similar to me in many departments.

Three of the greatest factors that tied us both were our thirst for knowledge, our love for magic, and the unconventional methods used in our endeavors.

Which was whyof all the people in the Kingdomthere was no one I trusted and respected more than him.

Now that youre here, Im sure I can relieve myself of boredom a little! Neron gave a slight smile.

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I recognized the glint in his eyes. It was the same one that found expression in mine.


How strong have you gotten?

Our voices overlapped as we asked the same question.

Both of us smiled the moment the question was raised.

There was only one way to accurately find out.



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