SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 320: 320 The Exhibition [Pt 1]

W-whoa thats really bad news

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Ana sat, recoiling from shock caused by knowing the imminent threat approaching the Eastern Kingdom.

We had all taken our seats in Maros officeeven the offender himself. I would be hesitant to discuss issues like this with a stranger like him around, but since Neron vouched for his credibility, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Is that tied to the reason youre here? Neron asked me.

Not entirely. I actually came to see you concerning a separate issue. Afterward, Im going to the Capital to finalize matters.

The Capital? You mean Ana exclaimed.

Yes. Im going to see the King and his court. Arrangements have already been made, so I should be granted audience tomorrow at the latest.

Ana and Maro especially looked surprised.

The whole purpose of giving instructions to the people at the Western fort was so they could deliver my message on time.

I even lent them Automatons so they could be quick. I selected a few that could move quickly, based on what their human bodies could handle.

That way, they could transport the corpses of the Demon Beasts I captured, and also deliver my message.

Lets hope the King and his Council members arent idiots.

I see Neron mumbled, looking at me with his usual stoic expression.

So, when are you leaving?

I shrugged a little.

As soon as I conclude my business with you. It has to be private, though.

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Well, do you have an hour to spare before then? Theres a little favor Id like to ask from you.

Neron, really? After telling you how dire the situation is? I nearly heaved in exasperation.

What is it?

Theres supposed to be a special event today in Ainzlark Academy. An exhibition, to be exact. Maro here was supposed to prepare the tools he would use to educate the general student body on Magic and its evolution, but

H-Headmaster Neron w-what are you trying to do?

Neron ignored Maros question and kept addressing me.

As punishment for his reckless behavior, I want to replace his performance with something elsesomething else.

Ah, I see what hes driving at. Neron, you

B-but, wait it hasnt come to that ye Maro once again offered weak resistance.

Zip it! You messed up. Admit it.

I admit it, but isnt this going too far?

Too far? You nearly killed yourself and others!

W-well, it wont happen again I assure you!

This is the one hundred and seventy-fifth time you will spout that lie!

Jeez I winced.

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Ana chuckled at the sight as well, blessing me with her innocent demeanor. Though I could tell that worry was hidden deep in her eyes.

The Demon Invasion must be getting to her, uh?

In any case, Jared, I want you to organize something for the kidsan exhibition of some sort. Think you can handle it?

I was well within my rights to refuse, but Neron knew I wouldnt.


I was curious.

What kind of students has Ainzlark Academy produced?

With a War at hand, it was to be expected that one would assess the military strength of even students. All our assets required examination.

When does it start? I smiled.

The sly bastard gave a grin, breaking his stoic expression.

Ten minutes.

My grin became wider.

Fine, then. Ana, think you can give me a tour of your section in ten minutes? I dont want to be late for the exhibition. I turned to my adorably flustered friend.

W-what? You dont need to prepare?

I tried my best to hold back any form of laughter. Ana was only asking out of innocence, so I was just going to let it slide.

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I dont.

Hahahaha! As expected of you, Jared. Well, dont let me stop you. Neron laughed.

I stood up with Anabelle and began leaving the office. Before I exited, I asked a questionstill facing the door.

Is it that same hall?

For a brief moment, there was silence, and then;

Of course.

Very well. See you then.


As soon as Jared exited the office, Maro sighed and began grumbling.

Are you still angry? The calm man asked.

Na. Just frustrated. I wanted to lead the exhibition The Professor murmured.

Neron shrugged upon hearing the words of his friend.

As unexpected as it would seem, Neron was actually a longtime acquaintance of Maro. In fact, they attended Ainzlark together, in the past.

Maro was Nerons junior, though.

I have my reasons, you know? Im sure Jared realizes that as well.

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Maro couldnt argue with the words of his senior and superior.

Everything Neron did had a purposeeven back when they were still students in Ainzlark Academy.

So, whats the reason?

Nerons cool expression remained unchanged.

Our quality of students significantly reduced in recent years. Since a good number of nobles now prefer to give their children sheltered and private education, thanks to the Demonic Disturbance, we had to give out scholarships and reach out to more desperate families and even made some slots available to common folks.

That wasnt the end of it, though.

We had to lower our standards to allow more students to enroll here. Its affecting the quality of Magic Users, Scholars, and Martial Artists that we are producing.

Sure, Neron had reformed the system within Ainzlark, and the educational methods had been greatly improved. However, what good would that be if the students were not talented or motivated enough?

Jared started out with having a mere White Mana Core Gradeeven when he enrolled in the Academy.

Y-yeah, I heard that. Its unbelievable that he has grown to such an extent

Yeah. Exactly. He had no real talent or affinity for Mana. His current state is the result of tireless practice and innovative thoughts.

That was why

The students of Ainzlark Academy revere his existence as that of a powerful hero. His existence is highly influential for them. However, many forget the fact that he was once a powerless student like them. Thats why I want him to show them.

It was a role only someone like Jared could achieve.

For their growth, its imperative we show them just what the right application of knowledge, determination, and skill can do.

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