SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 321: 321 The Exhibition [Pt 2]

The General Auditorium was packed!

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Students were spread across the nearly circular array of seats. There was no bias as to where anyone could sit, except for the Year to which one belonged to.

The excited students were impatiently waiting for the beginning of the event that was promised to them.

In Ainzlark, there existed quite a few extra-curricular activities and general participatory events that spurred its denizens.

Ever since the Inter-Class Exchange was scrapped three years ago, other interesting programs began popping up.

One of them was the General Exhibition Event.

Simply put, all the students of Ainzlark Academy would gather in the hall, and a highly ranked member of the staff would share some innovations with them.

These innovations included technologies that were still in the beta phase, new Martial techniques being developed, or even phenomenal Spells that were still in the development phase.

It involved the dispensation of knowledge through practical displays, rather than the simple method of classroom teaching.

Thanks to the General Exhibition Event, students would get more motivated and strive to achieve higher scores in their fields. That way, they too could achieve great results.

Unfortunately, the opposite was what happened.

Students began to view the event as a simple means of entertainment.

Since they had worse talent than those of the previous generation, they subconsciously believed they couldnt achieve as much as their predecessors could.

So, they only saw the exhibitions displayed with eyes of amazement and amusementwith only a few of them feeling inspired to work hard so they could meet up to the bar set for them.

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With their eyes lit with passion, expecting another interesting event, the students cheered for the woman who climbed the stage.

The lady was none other than a Magic Professor they knew quite well.

She had only just started teaching Magic, but her exceptional talent in Light Magic, her phenomenal knowledge, and excellent application in the art, made her very popularespecially among the Magic Users.

Adding to her popularity was the fact that she was a very beautiful and fun womanyoung too. This made the boys go crazy, and the girls slightly jealous.

The moderator for this event was none other than Professor Aloe Vida!

Cheers rangmostly from the boysas they witnessed their host smile at them all.

Welcome, students, to the General Exhibition Event!

More deafening voices burst out.

Even from the stage where she stood, Aloe Vida was laughing uncomfortably at the wild cries of the wards she had been entrusted with.

Ill never get used to this

Still, her job demanded this much from her. After being given a second chance at life, she wasnt going to be lax in any way.

That was why, when she received news that her savior had left something behind for her before leaving, she was so grateful and determined not to let him down.

So far, she had done well for herself.

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Other than advancing to the Gold Mana Core Grade, she had also learned quite a number of Advanced Magic. Her ability was so great that Neron Kaelidas Headmastermade her a professor of Magic.

She readily accepted the position, hoping she would be able to see a hidden gem like Jared Leonard among them. Unfortunately, none even came close. Still, Aloe wasnt giving up!

It bestowed me this gift from him for a reason I wont betray his expectations!

As the Moderator for the General Exhibition Event, she had been given the order of programs. With the prelude taken care of, she would be introducing the one who would be leading the days exhibition.

Its Professor Maro this time, uh? Hopefully, he motivates the students well She smiled.

As time stood, the man had to be within the premises, so all she had to do was call for him and he would appear.

I didnt see any materials to be used for the exhibition, though. Are they still in transit? Is he not ready yet?

Aloe began to consider stalling for time until she was certain about the arrival and complete preparation of their lead exhibitor.

The impatient cries of all the students convinced her otherwise.

Ill just do my part!

Let us welcome todays Exhibitor! Get ready to get your mind blown. He is

As she was about to call out Maros name, a mental link became established between her and someone else.

~Miss Aloe, change of plans~

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Her eyes bulged. The one speaking to her through thought was none other than Neron Kaelid.

Without wasting much time, she replied telepathically.

~Ill be attending this event, along with the Vice Head and Senior Lecturers. Announce that.~

Aloes response was swift, full of shock.

The General Exhibition Event was primarily meant for the students. Most Lecturers didnt even bother attending since they were already quite experienced in their field.

It would be a waste of time attending an event to watch something displayed and explained when one practically knew of it beforehand.

Does that mean what will be exhibited is something even the higher-ups are interested in? Aloes inner thoughts raced.

As she began to get excited, the lady couldnt have predicted the next words that came.

~Also, the Exhibitor for this event has changed. Its no longer Professor Maro~

Aloe already knew it had to be someone of great interest since Neron and the upper cadres of Ainzlark Academy were going to show up.

~Its Jared Leonard. Introduce him well~

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With that, the connection was cut.


Aloe Vidas mind nearly broke.

Did she hear wrongly? Was she dreaming? Did Neron Kaelid just say the name of the man she most respected?


The loud voices of all the students poured out, snapping Aloe from her myriads of thoughts.

A-ah, my apologies

Her body was already trembling at this point.

No longer did she feel like the confident and powerful Professor, but her current state was no different from the studentsno, even greater.

Hes back

She was beyond excited.

Hes coming!

With eyes glimmering with unrivaled anticipation, Aloe proceeded to resume her duties.

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