SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 322: 322 The Hero Of Ainzlark


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Loud cheers and applause emanated from the students as the honored guests arrived.

By honored guests, they were the Headmaster, Vice Head, and three Senior Lecturers.

They appeared on the elevated platform that hovered above the stagesimilar to the position that Judges had during tournaments.

Taking their positions; five seats on a floating surface, the guests of honor smiled at the students.

Aloe was excited, seeing how the presence of so many dignitaries increased the morale of everyone in the hall.

But that wasnt all.

Suddenly, the hall became saturated with Lecturers.

Usually, only a handful would be present to make sure the students behaved themselves within the Hall. However, Aloe could see about ninety percent of the teaching staff as well as several non-academic personnel, scattered across the Hall.

More were still coming in too.

Theyre all here to see Jared! Kyaaaa! I cant wait! Aloe Vida squealed internally.

The students whispered among themselves, also shocked by the presence of so many grown-ups. They didnt need a special announcement to know that this General Exhibition Event would be different from others.

Prepare yourselves, everyone!

Aloe could no longer refer to the audience as students. Among those who looked at her were seniors and superiors. As the moderator, she had to read the room very well.

Our Exhibitor today is someone who is known well among all the Lecturers of Ainzlark Academy. Even you students know his name very well!

Everyone was quiet almost religiously as they anticipated Aloes announcement.

He is a man who has achieved the impossible. He possesses an all-encompassing ability in Magic, Martial Arts, and even Scholarship. He is the epitome of perfection, someone who is worth admiration and emulation, as well as the one whom I owe my very life to

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It would seem the Moderator was forgetting herself a bit, displaying her personal bias toward the one who was being introduced.

He is known as the Hero of Ainzlark, The Unofficial Ranker, The Best of the preceding Generation

The students could already guess whom Aloe was referring to at this point, and they burst out in murmurs of disbelief, shock, and great anticipation.

No way!


Could it be?!

Many voices leaked out, but Aloes was louder.


As the audience was about to obey their moderators admonishment, a most astounding sight unraveled before them.

A blue warp in space began forming beside Aloe Vida, and then someone proceeded from it.

He had blond hair, handsome features, and a bright smile on his face.

A mere glance at his person stole the hearts of the girls, while the boys were amazed by his incredible charisma and grand entrance.

His lips parted as he turned his attention to the Moderator who stood, frozen in her tracks.

Miss Vida its been a while

J-Jared! Its so good to finally see you! She exclaimed, nearly bowing her head in his presence.

The sight of an older lady being so flustered and undignified before the newcomer made all the students realize just how much value he had.

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He was the great Jared Leonard, after all!

Oh, thats fine. Im happy to see youre doing well, and how much youve grown.

She nodded and bowed once again.

T-this much is nothing. If not for

AHEM! Someone cleared his throat.

The sound came from above from Neron.

Both Moderator and Exhibitor smiled sheepishly once Neron gave another cough, showing that his message had been passed conveyed perfectly.

Well talk later.

Upon hearing this, her heart fluttered.

Y-yes. I will be waiting. I should take my leave now.

Cool. Jared Leonard nodded at her, smiling reassuringly.

Aloe walked off the stage, unable to contain the smile of glee that appeared on her face as she disappeared from sight.

Stealing one last look at him, the womans heart raced.

What will he show us? What will he tell me? I cant wait!

Running off, Aloe decided to quickly get a seat for herself among the audience so she could get a decent view of her savior in action.


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This is quite interesting

My eyes scanned the room, and I observed the Mana Cores and power levels of everyone around me.

It was surprising.

I mean, I was also surprised when I saw Aloe had already reached the Gold Stage, but that was in a good way.

This was quite bad.

Theyre all too weak!

At this rate, even with a good educational system, the graduates produced would not be the best.

Just look at their faces

They all had excited gleams in their eyes. The kind one would have when they saw some fantastic display of fireworks or maybe some rare creature.

Only a few students had the thirst for knowledge and power displayed in their expressions.

Well have to change that

It would be easy to conjure up some neat spells or show some of the Magic tools I had been developing. But if they simply enjoyed the show and returned to their weak ways after, there would be no point.

To ensure real change, I needed participation.

Greetings, everyone. My name is Jared Leonard, and I will be your Exhibitor for today.

This sure brings back memories

I taught several lectures and seminars in my past life. While I didnt know half as much as now, nor did I have true power or confidence in my personal ability, I still managed to pull off decent lectures.

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Compared to then this should be a cinch!

For my exhibition, I will need volunteers. If youre interested, raise your hands.

As expected, quite a number of students did.

My lips formed a wide smile as I stared at the eager audience.

I have to warn you, though it will be quite dangerous.

Once I said this, a good number of hands dropped. Some were immediate, while others drooped slowly.

Eventually, only a small fraction of determined students remained. Among them was one of the students I encountered this morning.


Are you certain? Its not too late to back out now!

None of them dropped their hands.

Hmm, lets see ten, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty-one. Thirty-one, uh? Thats fair enough.

Now, then everyone who has chosen to volunteer should prepare themselves.

I could sense some fear and anticipation mixed in their reactions.

Youll all be fighting me.

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