SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 332: 332 Conflicted Emotions

Jared what do you plan to do with the Demons?

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Once Neron asked the question, I remained silent for some time. My brain was probably searching for the best way to convey my answer and the reason supporting it.

But, no matter what I said could that really justify anything? Neron wanted me to be real with him, so I intended to do just that.

I saw the blueprints. Im no Scholar, but I know the consequences of such mechanics. Plus, the core element required is too immense what do you plan on using it for?

When Maro asked a simpler version of this question, I refused. However, when it came to the man in front of me, I had to speak up.

He could be my greatest supporter or my worst enemydepending on the situation.

With this in mind, I stared at his dark eyes and opened my lips. As my mouth moved, words came out. They were barely audible, but I conveyed my message perfectly.

Nerons eyes slightly widened upon hearing my goal. The look of surprise on his face matched the weight of my decision, and I began wondering what his stance on the whole thing would be.

Thats the right choice, Jared. Dont let it weigh too heavily on you.

Had he sensed my hesitation and burdened emotions? Perhaps so. Neron was always so perceptive.

Still, the fact that he said that made me feel slightly relieved.

Ill be getting very busy soon. You wont see me for a while probably until the whole issue is settled. I smiled.

Hmm, I doubt that. Neron shrugged.

He was probably up to something again.

Since youre headed for the capital, Id like to give you one word of warning. He furthered.

What warning?

There are three Grand Mages of the Eastern Kingdom. One was the previous Headmaster of Ainzlark, who is now missing. The other two are located in the Capital

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Oh? You want me to be wary of them? I asked.

No. Just one of them. Her name is Serah Crimson. I may or may not have bragged to her about you so just be careful around her

Nerons speech contained quite a bit of dissonance when he was talking about her. His pale face was also slightly pink. It was the first time I had ever seen him act this way.

Is she that big a deal?

These Grand Mages are they stronger than you?

To my knowledge, Neron had no official title. It was hard to compare him to the highest-ranking Mages around, even though I knew he was crazy strong.

Hmmm Im not sure. He mumbled, as though still deep in thought.

Are they that strong? If so, then

I was stronger than them the last time, but I cant say the same about now

My calculations froze once I heard this.

The previous Neron was nowhere as powerful as currently. There was no way anyone who was weaker than him then could measure up to his current estate.

In essence

Hes trying to be modest?

I nearly burst out laughing, but controlled my emotions well.

There is an exception, though. Nerons voice sounded a bit chilly and stern.

You mean the woman you warned me about? Serah Crimson?

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Now that I thought about it, there was a name like that in Ainzlarks Hall Of Remembrance. She was third in ranking, directly beneath my name.

Shes as strong as you? I asked, curious about the identity of a monster beyond Nerons limits.

Was he simply joking? That could certainly be possible. Besides, he probably just wanted me to be wary of her and

She is

Eh?! My eyes bulged the moment I heard that.

Such a thing was possible?

At least when it comes to combat. Shes highly volatile and destructive in Magic, and her use of Mana is far more efficient than mine.

This was the first time I would hear Neron speak so highly of a person.

We havent met in a while, so I dont know how shes faring but just be careful. Neron looked a little worried as he spoke.

This womanSerah Crimsonwas simply that dangerous!

In that case

Compare her to me. How much stronger is she?

Neron paused and took a second to think. I watched him closely, a little nervous.

The major reason for my confidence was because of the fact that I had gotten much stronger compared to the past.

Alongside strength came weight. My words carried power, and I could prove myself to be capable enough to handle the important affairs of the looming war.

But, with what Neron was inferring, was I simply a small fish in an ocean full of much wilder creatures?

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Based on what Ive seen so far, and from my estimate, Id say shes at least ten times stronger than you.

Keuk! My heart hit a pause.

That strong?

Yeah. That woman is also very deceptive. I just hope you never run into her shes a monster! He said with a wry smile.

Was Neron trying to scare me, or was he being dead serious?

If by rotten luck, you do encounter her, do not believe any word she says. Trust in the words of your mentor!

Since he had gone out of his way to warn me about the biggest threat to my plan, I had to take it with all seriousness.


Whew! Alright then I wish you good luck. Is there any other thing you need to take care of before leaving? Neron asked with a knowing smile.

He must have had a faint idea.

Yes. I should see Ana about a promise we made in the past

That girl has feelings for you, you know that right? Neron raised his brow playfully.

I loosened my lips and sighed at his statement. It was obvious, wasnt it?

I know, but

Now wasnt the time to bother about such trivialities.

Not yet.

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The man beside me simply gave a light smile as he shrugged.

Then when?

I didnt have an answer to his question. Before I could even articulate another excuse, he was already on his way forward, quickening his pace.

Figuring that was the end of our conversation, I hurried my steps as well.

Feelings, uh

Was the problem really with Ana or me?







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