SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 334: 334 Last Destination

Glad to see you like them. Theyre books I found on my journey. Ive gone through them already, so Im lending them to you now Im sure theyll be

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Before I concluded my statement, Ana jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

It was unexpected, and my body slightly tilted backward as she rested her weight on me.

Shes so light

I could smell a faint whiff of her. She smelled goodthough a bit sweaty.


A-ah! So-sorry for being so forward Ana snapped after a few seconds of being locked in my embrace.

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As she began drawing away, I pulled her back and smiled.

No, its fine.

Its my fault for not hugging her back

Even though we were friends, why was I being too formal?

No more!

If I didnt give her enough emotional support, Ana could end up kissing another guy. If this was what I needed to do for her then I wasnt going to hold back.

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I brought her close to my chest and hugged her too. Anas head rubbed upon my shoulders, and I felt her hair tickle my face.

Ana wait for me, okay?

Once I was done with the Demons

And when I had completely eradicated the threat my enemies posed to me

Ill finally have an answer for you

Till then, this was the best I could do.

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Ana kept thanking me profusely, grabbing all the books excitedly.

It was as though she was never tired.

With this, shell understand that Lewis Griffiths Theories are complete. With that, shell be able to build upon it and achieve greater heights. Both in Magic and engineering!

Then, she was also delving into Alchemy.

Her long range of talents and skills never ceased to amaze me.

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Once all the excitement died down for a bit, I bid my farewell to her.

She was initially hesitant to see me go. However, after we spoke for a while, and shared some words the girl finally agreed to part ways.

When we next meet I would have grown even better than this! She declared brazenly.

My lips curled up in a smile and I nodded.

I expect nothing less.

Rising from her bed, I gave one last farewell, and activated The Tower Arcana.

With sparks of blue energy, and the warping of space, my body vanished from Anas room and I departed for my journey.



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