SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 335: 335 The Royal Capital [Pt 1]

About a dozen guards were stationed around the main gate of the Royal Capital.

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They often took rotations and patrols in order to avoid focusing their attention solely on one spot.

This way, efficiency and security were guaranteed.

Even though it was inconceivable that anyone would launch an assault on the portion of the Eastern Kingdom where power was centralized, this level of security was trite.

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Two of the Kingdoms three Grand Mages were currently residing in the Capital, and this place had the second highest concentration of powerful Magic Users and Martial Artiststhe first being Ainzlark.

As a result, even the six guards who currently manned the main gate while their comrades went on patrol had nothing to do.

They yawned while staring into the night sky.

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The gates were well fortified with luminous lamps, causing the entire area to shine with brightness.

All they could see before then was an empty road, no danger whatsoever.

This was a most boring job, filled with nothing but standing and yawning until ones round was over.

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The guards were not complaining, though. Their fat salaries and heavy paychecks made them more than happy to keep working in such a drab place.

This was the Royal Capital, after all.

No risk. Lots of rewards.

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Man when will the first Patrol squad be back? I want to take a walk too

They usually rotated the patrol among themselves. That way, none of them would die of boredom.

I have no idea. I just wish we had chairs we could use to wait. Just punishing my legs for nothing tch

As they complained about absolutely mundane things, the guards were unprepared for the surprise the night brought.


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