SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 348: 348 The Crimson Mage [Pt 2]

What did you just say? Serah said in a murderous tone, removing her attention from Puck.

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As relieved as I expected the man to be, thanks to the fact that his superior wasnt going to punish him, he contradicted it.

His eyes contained extreme dissatisfaction, and I could tell that he wanted me to stop.

Is he worried about me?

Jared, what are you doing? My father whispered, looking at me with wary eyes.

Even my mom was mouthing the words No to me.

It would appear that my actions had more consequences than I initially thought.

This guy just because Neron thinks highly of you doesnt give you the chance to run your mouth! Her glare was on me now.

Did I make a mistake?

Perhaps I should have just kept quiet. However, I had come this far already.

Fortunately, many eyes were back on me. The goal was to divert attention to my person. Serah was disrupting that, which made her a nuisance

An extremely powerful one at that.

I apologize for sounding rude. I also apologize for the fact that you werent invited to this meeting. I switched to a formal tone and slightly bowed.

There was no way I would continue being defiant after so many flags were being raised.

Since Ive gotten everyones attention, its time to resolve things amicably.

Oh? You apologize, uh? Serahs glare changed to a grin.

She left the incompetent Puck and began approaching me.

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Anabelle and Damien Leonard, my parents, both looked extremely nervous by this.

The heavy atmosphere hadnt vanishedconsidering the fact that Serahs dissatisfaction had lessened.

Whats going on?

Before I could answer that question, Serah was right in front of me, with my mother still trying to pull her by the waist.

She was simply dragged around, having no strength to stop or raise the target. It made me feel slightly bad for my mother.

Yes. Please accept my heartfelt apology. I said, trying my hardest to maintain a confident look.

For a moment, an uncomfortable silence pervaded the hall, and I could feel the worried glances of everyone.

Even Maria looked at me with pity and sadness.

Hold on, why is everyone like thi

Fine. I accept your apology! She said with a smile, placing her hand on my shoulder.

Since she was taller than me, it seemed like a big sister patting me.

I thought it wasnt too bad.


But, of course youll have to take responsibility.

My relieved smile froze midway.

Eh? What did she mean by that?

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Argh! I felt my shoulder being crunched by the Crimson haired womans grip.

Even with the layers of passive protection I had on my coat, she bypassed them like a hot knife through butter.

Since you apologized for the sake of everyone, its only right you take full responsibility, right? Her grin widened.


Now I understood why no one had apologized to her or tried explaining. They were all silent as they watched in discomfort.

Yet I just had to speak up and apologize.

What did I just get myself into?!

But it wasnt like I could turn back now. The image I was trying to project to the important people was far too important.

What kind of responsibility? I said with a strained smile.

My shoulders hurt, but I ignored the pain. A bit of enhancement would have gotten rid of the problem, but I decided to wave it off as no big deal.

Oh? Youve got guts too, uh? Her sharp teeth were showing at this point.

Miss. Serah, please

One look from her was enough to silence whatever petition my father wanted to make.

My mother also tightened her hold on Serah, but it was of no use.

The woman didnt budge.

Mother. Father. Its fine. I would like to get this over with. Considering the fact that were all pressed for time, its best to resolve this as quickly as possible.

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My plans had not included so many disruptions. So, the longer we remained here, the worse it got for me.

My father, after understanding my intentions, backed off. He still looked very hesitant and worried, but since he had decided to put his trust in me, he decided not to interfere.

Anabelle too was surprisingly receptive to my words. She released Serah and returned to my fathers side, her head hung low.

Is she sulking or something?

Good. Good. I like your attitude, kid! Very well. Theres only one way to take responsibility!

Why do I have a feeling that shell tell me to fight her?

That was how people like this woman usually thought.

But, shes a Grand Mage, right? She shouldnt pull that card!

Would that even be allowed by the King? Multiple thoughts rang through my head. In any case, I had to prepare for an eventual clash with this woman.

Since she was stronger than Neron, I would need to utilize Anti-Magic at the beginning phase and overpower her with my strongest Grand Fusion.

Elemental Chamber was also a necessity. I would also be needing Mage Mode.

Maybe even Original no, I cant go that far!

If I banned its use, then I would avoid using it. Besides, what if she used her Original Magic in retaliation? Would I even stand a chance?

As these thoughts clashed in my mind, Serah brought her second hand and dropped it on my shoulder.

With both her hands on me, I felt a great amount of pressure falling upon me.

It was different from Mana pressure. This was the power of her resolve.

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She drew closer to me, drawing her face to mine.

I felt an overwhelming force close in on me. However, that wasnt all!

Her breasts theyre too close!

Yes, they were already pressing on me, close within reach, yet far away.

Unfortunately, I didnt have the luxury to stare or think of them for very long.

Her face brushed by mine, and she drew closer to my ears.

Apparently, the vivacious woman wanted to whisper words to me.

I can feel her breath! And her scent is!!!

It was overwhelming.

I felt like fainting as she was so close.

Was it simply the overwhelming power she exuded, or was this just because of her presence?

I couldnt tell.

Brace yourself, Jared!!!

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