SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 350: 350 The Envoys [Pt 1]

For the Alliance, I would recommend that an Envoy of five should be sent. Excluding myself, well need four other people. I recounted my words, bringing the council up to speed.

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As for the people I wanted to recommend, I was going to make sure it had to be them and no one else.

They wont be able to refuse me, anyway I grinned.

From the scene I had seen earlier, it was clear that these people were on edge.

They were outmatched by my intelligence and Serahs brawn.

Using this chance, it was best to reap the best rewards from this expedition.

For the four others, my recommendations are thus; Fabian Lestrome. A trusted personnel that can serve as his regentsomeone of his recommendation. A highly esteemed member of the Research Department. And a Grand Mage.

Gasps could be heard from everyone around me. I was asking for a hefty sum, but I wasnt done yet!

My eyes darted in Serahs direction, and she looked at me with a bit of surprise and curiosity.

I would personally like to have Serah Crimson come with us as an Envoy!

This time, silence pervaded the hall.

What? I heard her voice.

The woman was surprised that I mentioned her, of all people.

Why would you want me to go for a boring-ass Alliance journey? She asked.

True, someone with Serahs personality wasnt good at diplomacy. It would bore her out, and it also wouldnt bode well for the Eastern Kingdom if someone without etiquette was chosen as our representative.

However that was only on the surface level.

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No one is more important among those four than her!

Even if I had to negotiate my teeth out I wanted to have her with me.

Miss. Serah you told me to take responsibility, right? Thats what Im trying to do. I smiled at the woman, giving her a wink.

Her eyes glimmered in response.

Besides our journey will be anything but boring. Miss. Serah, I promise you this you are going to have fun!

From what I had observed, her personality was similar to a certain someone I knew. If that was the case, then, rather than wasting away in the Kingdom, it was best she came with me.

Is that a promise? She said with widened eyes.

Looks like I have her on board.

Yes! I declared.

Very well. I agree!

Once she said that, I looked at the King.

As expected, his expression was enough to tell me how powerless he was in the presence of the domineering figure of Serah.

If I can have her as my backer, then everything should go on smoothly.

Excuse me for interrupting, but will it really be alright to take one of our Grand Mages from the Eastern Kingdom?

I slightly flinched at those words.

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My eyes slowly went to the one who had spoken. He moved from his corner and walked close to the king.

A Demon recently attacked the Capital. Who knows how the enemy will move yet? Is it really expedient to take one of our greatest firepowers at such a critical time?

The man was none other than the second Grand Mage of the Kingdom.

As much as I wanted to deny it, his point was validat least, with the evidence they had.

I couldnt very much tell everyone that I was the one behind the Demon assault on the Capital.

Currently, only two Grand Mages were active in the Eastern Kingdom. No one had an idea where the last one was.

Therefore, it was expedient to reserve the remaining two for the Kingdoms use!

As much as I like that opinion, I cant agree with it!

That meant I had no choice but to give a rebuttal. It was getting annoying, but we would need to drag the matter once more.

Zip it, Elrich! Im going! Have a problem with that? Serahs voice suddenly echoed through the hall.

Instantly, even the hooded Grand MageElrichflinched.

I watched him cower and shake his head.

I didnt think so. Serah smiled.

Like a wounded dog, the man returned to his corner.

Amazing! She beat logic with her words alone damn!

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I was beginning to grasp the true nature of society more and more.

As long as one had unstoppable power, they could do anything.

Or was it just because of the kind of person Serah was?

Not only was she of high Nobility, but she was also the head of the Imperial Forces, and then she was a Grand Mage herself.

The Court Magician just couldnt compete with her unbridled authority.

Im so happy Im not on her bad side! My mind rang in relief.

It would have sucked if I made an enemy out of such an invincible figure.

Then may I ask a question? The King, now as mellow as could be, spoke to me.

His voice was calm and unimposing.

Yes, your Majesty. I smiled.

I can understand why you would want a Royal, a close retainer, a Head Researcher, and even a Grand Mage, but why did you specifically choose the ones you did?

I expected this.

For the selection of the Royal, its simply because I have had prior interaction with the Prince, Fabian. Since we attended the same Academy, he is the most familiar to me.

I further explained how it would be easier to cooperate since we had worked together in the past.

Of course, that was all bullshit.

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I knew Fabian didnt like me at all. But, there was a deeper reason for choosing him.

As for a loyal guardian for him, I was certain who Fabian would choose.

Damien Lawcroft perfect!

I made no specific mention of who I wanted for a Head of Research since any capable person would do, but my selection of Serah was based solely on preference.

I dont exactly need a Grand Mage, but I want her to come with me.

The whole Grand Mage stuff was simply an excuse.

Since I couldnt tell that to the King, I made up a flimsy reason.

She has the presence required to convince some of our potential allies.

I wasnt completely lying, though. Serah would come in very handy when handling the Beastfolk.

Once I gave a satisfactory response, the King nodded.

So, does my son, Fabian, agree to this? He looked at the Prince.

My smile increased.

Come on, Fabian. Lets hear what you have to say.

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