SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 353: 353 Meeting Before Dawn

After leaving the presence of his Majesty, I found myself in the Palace courtyard.

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The breeze of early morning tingled my nostrils, and I felt the cool embrace of the vanishing darkness.

In a few hours, it would be dawn.

Then the real challenge would begin!

As I enjoyed the fresh night breeze, I felt the subtle presence of someone approaching me.

I figured youd come to see me. I smiled, looking behind me.

Still wearing his cloak and multitude of Magic Items, was one of the most important figures of the Eastern Kingdom.

Well, I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that you expected even this. He smiled.

Well you are a Grand Mage, after all. Since youre the closest to His Majesty, I expect that youd have some concerns about me and my plan. I smiled.

Well, Im glad you understand. The man, Elrich Lendertwale spoke in a polite manner.

I knew very little about him, but I was certain about one thing.

Hes not my enemy.

And so, I greeted him with a warm smile.

He finally pulled down his hood, revealing the face he had hidden underneath.

My eyes widened in mild surprise.

I dont usually do this when I meet people, but Ill consider you an exception. A young man stood before me, speaking with a bright smile.

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He looked twentyno, even younger!

According to what I had heard about him, he was older than the current King of the Eastern Kingdom.

How was it possible that he looked younger? The answer was quite obvious, though.

You used Magic to keep your Youth? I said to him in a mildly curious tone.

His cloak was enchanted with Magic that prevented recognition. That was why many people didnt know what he looked like. I could have peered beyond the blocking Magic, but I decided not to.

That would have brought unwarranted trouble.

Still, who would have thought he would show his face to me?

The mans white hair was the only thing that told me of his age.

The rest of his pale, perfect skin, didnt show me any sign of such. He had a mole under his right eye, and was adorned with some facial jewels like a couple of earrings and even an eyebrow ring.

They were all enchanted with Magic.

Elrich Lendertwale looked more like an overdressed big brother, rather than a powerful Grand Mage.

Jared Leonard, I have to discuss some things with you if you dont mind.

Of course, I wasnt going to refuse.

I had some business with him too.

Looking at the time, it would be more than enough for both of us to conclude what we wanted.

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After a little over an hour, Elrich finally left.

Before going, though, he whispered something and gave me a meaningful look.

Looks like Im not the only one who has business with you.

His mischievous smile made me grin a bit as well.

I had also noticed the presence of someone else. I thought they would leave after seeing that I was conversing with a Grand Mage, but that person remained till Elrich was about to leave.


I probably knew the answer to that.

Elrich Lendertwale bade me farewell and vanished from sight.

The moment he disappeared, I looked in the direction of the corner where my other visitor was standing.

You can come out now. I know youve been waiting there.

The person flinched as I spoke, moving slowly to reveal herself.

As expected, its you

Once she made her full appearance, I was once again at a loss for words.

Maria Helmsworth.

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Her pretty eyes and captivating body handy diminished since the last time we spoke. No, it seemed she had gotten even more attractive.

If there was a difference between then and now, it would be the change in height; her bodys structure had also morphed to a more mature look.

The once-innocent and child-like look in her eyes had transformed as well. Now, she donned a more ferocious look.

Youve grown, Maria I smiled, approaching her where she stood.

From what I could sense, her Mana Core was already at the Gold Core Grade.

How amazing was that? In simply three years, she had reached this far!

Ana was still in the Silver Core Grade, but I understood why.

Unlike Maria, who was mostly focused on her growth as a Mage, Ana was mainly a Scholar.

She spent a great deal of time in research and experiments, rather than actively practicing with her Mana.

Ana had invented quite a few things as well. Plus, with the new project I left in her care, as well as the books I entrusted to her Ana was too busy to develop properly as a full-time Mage.

In a way, reaching Silver Core Grade was already plenty impressive for her.

Still, that didnt diminish Marias current growth.

Gold, uh? Just how hard did you work to achieve this? My thoughts trailed as I finally reached her.

The moment I was just inches from her, I stopped.

Moving any closer would probably be uncomfortable for both of us.

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You were waiting for quite some time, Maria. Whats the matter?

Her face, stoic and calm, didnt flinch at my question.

I wanted to talk about the Envoy issue. Her speech faltered a bit.

It was as though she wanted to say something else, but changed her mind mid-sentence.

Youll be coming with us, right? Its in a few hours. Shouldnt you be resting as much as possible?

My question seemed to have been the wrong one since Marias eyes darkened once I finished speaking.

Im fine. Her tone was firm.


I mean, she was a Gold Core Grade Mage. I was well aware that her capabilities were well-honed, but common sense still demanded that one should rest before something so tasking.

Well, I wasnt one to complain, considering the fact that I was guilty of the same offense.

So, what would you like to talk about? I asked, staring into her icy-blue eyes.

Compared to the brightness in Anas iris, Marias looked a bit darker more mature.

Still, I sensed hesitation in her gaze. And so, I waited for her delicate lips to open, and for her smooth voice to be heard.

Do you actually want me to come with you?

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