SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 354: 354 Maria's Soliloquy

Do you actually want me to come with you?

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Marias words hit me like a sledgehammer. Well, I expected something similar, but why was she asking such a direct question?

Her personality probably made it difficult to be more roundabout with her words.

And so, she waited for my answer with a calm look.

Whether she comes or not probably depends on my response.

Why are you asking? Its not like anything will change depending on my answer. I spoke, coyly avoiding any direct response to her question.

Even if I didnt want her to go with us, Serahs words were absolute.

If it would inconvenience you, or the mission, in any way, then Ill make a petition to drop out. So, please, be honest with me

Once again, her earnestness caused my heart to squeeze.

Am I disturbing you?

The fact that she unflinchingly stared at me with her eyes was something that unnerved me a little.

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This girl doesnt she get embarrassed or flustered?!

Even Ana wasnt this direct in our conversations! Even if she was, we were already pretty close, so I wouldnt consider it strange.

But, Maria was almost a stranger to me.

It was difficult talking to her when she was this forward about everything.

Still, since she asked for the truth with such a steadfast personality, it was my duty to give it to return the favor.

Then, Ill be honest with you I said, making sure I maintained eye contact.

Two can play this game!

I didnt want anyone else except the five I initially mentioned. It wasnt that I dont want you per se, but I deemed anyone more than the initial five suggestions to be pointless additions.

Once I said this, the look in her eyes darkened even more.

It was only subtle, but I could tell that her mood had changed.

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I see. Then its best not trouble you and

I wasnt finished, I said, interrupting her obviously downcast voice.

Her face was currently turned away from me, most likely to avoid any embarrassing display, but now was the time to strike!

That was my initial position. After Serah mentioned you, I probably still felt the same way

II see Her voice seemed even weaker.

But, with you before me now that position has changed somewhat.

Once I said this, she sharply looked in my direction.

Both surprise and slight satisfaction were now displayed in her eyes.

No matter how one tried to hide their emotions, their eyes couldnt completely fool another person.

Eyes were a window to the soul, after all.

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Youve grown, Maria. I didnt realize it before since I was busy, but now?

I smiled, placing my hand on her shoulder. Since I was taller, it was an effortless action.

Standing opposite each other in the dark courtyard, I felt the tense atmosphere lift.

I want you to come with us. After all, Im interested in you now.

How much youve grown. How powerful youve become. What your training regiment is like. How being in the Imperial Forces has helped you.

So many questions ran through my mind.

Rather than simply asking, it would be nice to have her by my side to see for myself.

I I see Her voice faltered even more and, once again, she looked away from me.

Haha! So you indeed get flustered, dont you? I mused.

Is that all you wanted to ask?

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Y-yeah She murmured, and then her eyes darted to my hand which was still on her shoulder.

Ooh, sorry about that! I stuttered, quickly withdrawing my hand.

For a moment, I saw her eyes waver once I stepped away. Was it relief or disappointment?

Either way, it was all over in a flash.

I should go now. Like you said I should rest. Maria said, stepping back from me.

But you said you were fine My mind trailed as I stared at her.

To be honest, it would be nice if we could converse a bit more.

I was curious about how she had been. Plus, I also wanted to ask about Stefan, and other Ainzlark adventures while we were at it.

But, before I could even raise any topic, the girl was already a far distance from me.

Well, I suppose well meet soon, I murmured, looking at her as she left.

There wasnt much to do at the moment, but it was never too late to get busy with more training, right?


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