Pale skin. Trembling form. Emaciated body. Strained breaths. Bloodshot eyes. Uncontrollable itching. Shriveling muscles. Unimaginable pain that was what Liliana was constantly experiencing.

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Her very cells popped and burst into tiny fireworks within her due to the uncontrollable mana that was running amok inside her body.

I estimated that within a few minutes, she would die. Yet, here she was begging for mercy.

No! I flatly responded.

The reason behind my judgment was simple. I couldnt trust her. Anyone would do whatever they could to get out of dying, she wasnt an exception.

Besides, her employer was certainly a cautious and intelligent man. I doubt she had any valuable information about him, to begin with.

Youre merely a pawn and Im in this game for the long haul. Im not ruining the whole game because of you. I said, now turning away from her.

Her expression was hard to read since she no longer controlled a lot of her facial muscles, but Liliana was desperate to live.

I could cure her if I wanted to. All that was necessary was for me to insert my mana and guide her rabid ones. Once I stabilized the berserk mana that was destroying her body, she would slowly recover. However, that was out of the question.

Youre a threat. Not only to me but my family. I stated point-blank.

Thats right. I hadnt forgotten the part she played in my mothers Mana Shock experience. It was due to this very reason that I chose to finish Liliana off in this very manner.

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Now you know how my mother felt after she stopped that lightning spell from hitting me. Die in painful silence. I whispered, picking the evidence on the scene.

As I did so, the most interesting thing happened. As a last resort, the dying woman decided to muster the last of her strength in a final attempt to save her life.

H-HELPP!!! IM DYING! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!!! Her hoarse voice screeched.

After she was done with her loud cries, Liliana struggled once more as she felt millions of cells pop in tiny explosions within her.

U-Uuu Uuu.

I looked at her for a moment with unfeeling eyes. To think she would do something like that how utterly stupid.

We have hundreds of guests the music, chatter, and commotion being generated prevent anyone from being able to hear your voice. All youve done is nothing short of a meaningless bark of a powerless cur. You will die here, and no one will come to save you

With my final words, I picked up my glass cup and hers, departing to where I came from.

Ascending the stairs, my face was too tired to display much emotion which I had pretended to have throughout the night, no, for far longer.

In the few moments of solitude given to me, I had a stoic, cold look in my eyes as I climbed the stairs.

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Its a good thing Mana Shock is such an easy way to kill. Not only does it immobilize the target, but it also prevents them from utilizing their greatest assets, Magic!

Even the greatest of mages were powerless without Magic. The potion also rapidly killed cells in the body and dried up the body. By the time Liliana would be found tomorrow, she was most likely going to be a husk.

It takes too long, though. I should take that into account My thoughts trailed.

If I tweaked the formula a little, perhaps I could make a more efficient poison superior to the Mana Shock inducer. If that was indeed the case, then it would be a revolutionary discovery on my path.

I returned to the party and was met with the unsuspecting gazes of our guests. At this point, I had already donned my kind and innocent smile, once again navigating my way around the large hall.

There you are, Jared. Ive been looking all over for you. Anabelle, my sweet mother called out.

I looked to my far right and spotted her. In a few moments, we were reunited and I gave her an awkward smile.

Gee. I really cant let you out of my sight, can I? You spent way more than the agreed-upon time. She said, knocking my head a little.

Ow. Ow. Mom, thats too violent for a noble, wouldnt you say? I said, sulking a little.

I gave a teasing laugh which made Anabelle realize I was messing with her. However, since we were surrounded by so many witnesses, she was powerless against me.

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Its not like shell give me a suplex in front of everyone here I reasoned.

I didnt want to push my luck though, so I didnt take the tease any further than that.

Did you at least get some rest? She asked, not failing to give me her usual motherly stare.

Yeah. I did. I feel better than ever now. I smiled broadly and energetically at Anabelle.

She seemed relieved to hear this, and just as agreed, we decided to continue the hypocrisy of greeting our very important guests.

As I exchanged pleasantries with the strangers, my mind analyzed the events that had just taken place, as well as my plans for the future.

Did I feel regret or guilt for killing Liliana? No.

While it was unpleasant that I had to take a life at such a young age, there was no need to feel regretful about it. Ultimately, I had to make a choice.

It was me or her!

I chose me.

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More pleasantries were made, and I gave the same sickening laughter and smile to the boring old men and women around, failing to enjoy another glass of wine. It was exhausting, but I persisted.

It was my last night in my household, and I wouldnt be returning for a while. Fortunately, I had taken care of our little mole before departing, and the ripples of my actions were sure to keep our family on their toes.

As for the mastermind, whoever he was, I hadnt given up on him, not by a long shot. I would find him and kill him just as he tried to do to me.

Its just as Alphonse made me promise no matter what happens

Laughs and cheers drowned the atmosphere. More noises that seemed like intelligible chatter continued ringing in my ears. Yet, my resolute heart remained.

It matters not how its done. It matters not what ends up being sacrificed I wont lose. In the end, the final victor of everything will be me!

I was given a second chance for a reason. I wasnt going to let it end so soon. In this life, I was determined to live a wholesome, fulfilled life, alongside my family.

I wasnt going to lose anyone close to me, and I was definitely not intent on losing my own life.

Until I reached the very roots I sought after in my past life and become satisfied with my journey in magic, no one was allowed to kill me or anyone I loved. My mother, my tutor, my father, and the new friends I would be making soon none of them were allowed to die!

With an outward bright smile, yet a cold and unfeeling gaze on the inside, I perceived the entire room. Despite all that had happened, only one thought kept appearing in my mind, and it was never going to disappear.

No matter what I will survive!

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