Its finally time. Jared, you Ill miss you.

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As Anabelles sweet sobs rang in my ears, I stared lovingly at my mother. Somehow, why did it feel as though I was the father and she was the daughter who didnt want me to leave or something?

I gave her my usual charming smile, the best a 12-year-old could come up with, and reassured my mother.

Ill be fine, mom. I promise. Besides, this is for the best My voice trailed.

As soon as I said this, my expression stiffened a little. She had to admit this was the best alternative, not just for my growth as a Magic-User, but for my safety. To know the reason for that, one would have to backtrack to the discovery the servants made early this morning.

After the party ended late in the night, and our guests left, I was escorted to my room in order to get enough rest for my journey the next day.

My mother also went to her room to relax, since she had exerted herself a great deal to accommodate guests. The servants took care of everything, making sure the cleaning and disposal of wastes were expertly taken care of.

Since I was still mulling over the incidents of what happened during the party, I couldnt sleep.

My mind was working, and I was studying various ways to alter the original poison I concocted to create a more potent dosage and reduce its circulation time.

I could hear slight whispers across the hallway, excited sounds of servants concerning the party we just had, as well as the luxurious foods they got to enjoy as a result of the party.

Out of all the things I overheard while in my study, something stood out.

Who knows where Liliana is? I havent seen her all evening!

I have a brief sigh and continued studying, realizing that the truth was bound to be revealed sooner or later.

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And as I rightly guessed, it didnt really take very long before the servants found Lilianas corpse where she died.

It happened early in the morning while they patrolled the area to ensure no single spot was overlooked.

It was no understatement to say that everyone in the house was roused as a result of the loud shrieks brought about by the servants when they saw Lilianas shriveled-up body.

I was told to remain in my room when the servants revealed the situation to my mom, but after insisting on seeing it for myself, my mother allowed me to witness the scene.

W-when we saw her she was like this. I-I dont know how it happened or what could have caused something like this, but-! The servants spoke, clear emotions obvious from the tone they used.

My body twitched when I finally saw Liliana after leaving her to die the previous night. It was just as I thought.

Her body was dried up till the bone, and her bloodshot eyes were nearly popped from their sockets. To say she was just an empty husk of flesh and bones would still not do the terrible sight justice.

As soon as Anabelle saw this for herself, she regretted bringing me to the scene, but as it was too late, all she could do was cover my eyes and whisper comforting words to me.

I found her words a little ironic, considering the fact that Lilianas killer was none other than her.

After covering her body up, the servants took Liliana to the morgue after my mother cast preservation magic on the corpse and told them to add spices and preservatives to ensure the body would be in perfect condition until it was analyzed.

While Mana Shock caused Lilianas death, no one was aware of that fact yet. They never even considered it. Why?

Because no one thought Liliana could use Magic, to begin with. Not even my mother. The maids and servants were employed from lineages incapable of magic, i.e. Inepts.

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In the first instance, Magic-Users wouldnt be working as maids when one considered it well.

That was why Lilianas death was bizarre. The mystery remained unsolved even as I entered the special carriage prepared for me.

Ill make sure to investigate it thoroughly, Jared. So, dont worry about me or this household, okay? Just be safe. Anabelle smiled at me.

I could tell that hidden behind that smile was the anxiety of a worrying mother. She was most likely scared to death for my well-being since another incident of murder had occurred within the Leonard Estate, something that was rarely heard of among high-ranking nobles.

My heart ached a little for Anabelle, but this was for the best.

The autopsy and magic investigation will ultimately reveal her death to be from mana shock as a result of the lingering traces of mana in her dead cells

Once that happened, Anabelle would slowly come to realize their ploy, and even though she wont understand why Liliana died without completing her mission to kill me, shell be extra careful.

The next time I return home, Ill be sure to find a much more impressive state of security. This way, Anabelle will be more motivated to protect herself. My thoughts trailed.

Ah, before I forget Anabelle said, her expression depicting thought suddenly appearing in her head.

She dipped her hand into her long robe and brought out a book from within it. It was dark brown, most likely made from good leather and the parchments would also be high-quality.

Alphonses gift came very late last night. You were already asleep, so I decided to wait till today My mother said, smiling a little.

Welp, Im pretty sure I was still awake, though I mused.

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I would have given you earlier, but this whole thing happened, and then before I knew it, the carriage was ready for your departure, and-

If I left her to herself, Anabelle was going to keep rambling and there was no way I could have that. There were better things the both of us could be doing.

I get it mom, thanks. I flashed a smile, proceeding to receive the book from Anabelle.

Well, it appears Ive kept you waiting long enough. You should go before I hog you even more for myself. Anabelle laughed.

I laughed as well, and for a brief moment, we stared passionately and lovingly at each other. The bond between myself and this woman, even though it was only for 12 years, was one I would forever cherish.

Bye Jared, my child. I love you!

Embarrassing as it was, I pursed my lips and opened them responding with the exact same words as my mom.

I-I love you too, mom.

And I absolutely meant it!

The carriage suddenly started moving slowly as the coachman stirred the horses into motion. Jerked by the propulsion of the vehicle, my thoughts shook a little, and a question that had been puzzling me for years suddenly appeared.

Bonds. Love. Relationship.

So far, I had made so many, but the most bizarre one was still with my Magic Tutor, who was still a stranger to me.

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And so, as I slowly moved away from the loving gaze of my mother, curiosity got the best of me and I had to speak.

M-Mom! My voice called out to Anabelle.

Her eyes lit up in surprise, wondering what else I wanted to say.

Who exactly is Alphonse?!

The burning question within me, and one of the few mysteries I had yet to uncover in all my life was now laid bare before the one who knew the answer.

Upon hearing my question, my mother made a spurting sound of laughter as she remained standing amusedly.

Pfft. To think youre just asking me this now

As the carriage drew further away, her voice grew fainter, replaced by the sounds of turning wheels and the clamping of horse hooves on the ground.

Still, my eyes were fixated on Anabelles face as she gave me the answer. My eyes bulged as soon as I read her lips and heard the faint whispers of the truth that was never told to me all this time.

Alphonse was

your Grandfather, and my own father, Anabelle said.

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