SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 371: 371 Land Of The Elves [Pt 2]

Thats because I like you, Jared. Youre a different case.

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Well, I somehow had the feeling that was the case.

Of course, like here can be seen as the way someone adores a good dog, or admires a nice toy. Its nothing special at all

I see. Well, thats quite advantageous for me. I am happy to have found favor in the sight of the Princess. I made a mock bow and laughed.

Somehow the chilly glare behind me intensified, causing me to straighten up my posture in a flash.

Hahaha. Youre amazing, Jared. To think you were able to maintain your composure even after hearing that. Its like youre not at all fazed by anything.

Well, I feel youre the same. Your confidence is incredibly off the charts. I replied to her words with a genuine smile.

I was actually enjoying this conversation. From what I sensed from Freya, it was the same for her.

Just my confidence? A sly smile formed on her lips.

Oh, boy. What now? Women always tried to pull this off.

You know, Im considered extremely attractive by the people here. And Im Royalty as well. Yet, you dont seem too fazed by that fact. Even your Prince loses his composure at some point when dealing with me, but you

Oh so thats what she meant.

Well, I have had the opportunity to deal with many beautiful women before. Royalty as well. So, it must be my experience that is helping.

Oh? You dont seem all too old, though. Just how many women could you have experienced?

It felt strange that I, as a minor, was discussing something like this with an Elf who was older than me by a hundred years.

Well, if we strictly calculate our age, I should be older

Still, something about the direction of this conversation didnt feel right.

Ive experienced enough I stole a glance behind me to look at Maria.

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Hopefully, she wasnt too irritated by my conversation with the Elf Princess.

My actions were necessary! I simply wished everyone understood that.

Fortunately, Marias expression was the same as always. That gave me some peace, so I returned my focus to the Princess.

She looked slightly annoyed.

Ah, I forgot!

Why did I turn my focus when I was discussing with Elf Royalty? I had gotten so carried away by our casual conversation that I had forgotten about how positions.

Come on, Jared! Focus!

The only thing I could do now was apologize. The Princess would understand as long as I played my cards right.

Im sor

So thats how it is. I understand

Oh? She understands already? Perfect! I knew Elves were sensible, but not to this extent.

It seemed Freya was far more perceptive than I imagined.

Hey, Jared can I ask you a personal question?

Hm? I was curious at this point.

Just after accepting my apology, she wanted to ask a question. It would be extremely rude of me to refuse, wouldnt it?

Please do. I flashed my capable grin.

Alright then. So, Jared, are you perchance in a romantic relationship of any kind?

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GUGHHH!!! I never saw that one coming.

I controlled my expression, but my heart beat very fast as the gears within my head turned to process the question.

Judging from Freyas tone and expression, she was simply curious. It didnt seem like she had any ulterior motives for asking.

However, the Mana I was sensing around her was quite disturbing.

As confused as I was, an answer was due. Since I had told her to go ahead with her personal question, it was my responsibility to respond.

No. I am not. I told the truth.

Honesty was the best policy, after all.

I see. Then, thats fine.

May I ask why you asked me that question?

I have no intention of replying.

Oh. I see

The Princess personality turned more assertive all of a sudden, and I began to get bad vibes.

Fortunately, our conversation came to an end soon enough. After all, we had arrived at our destination.

The Royal Palace!


The Royal Palace guards welcomed Freya with mild surprise and happiness.

They must have all known about the incident on the Eastern Border, so they were quite surprised to see their Princess back so soon.

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She didnt give them any replies to their confusion since her first course of duty was to give a report to the Queen.

And so, they could only open the gates for her, as well as us.

The guardsunlike the regular Elvesdidnt seem to stare at us with discriminatory eyes.

It intrigued me a little, but I didnt say anything. We simply entered the luxurious Palace compound and followed Freya through a side path.

As promised, the Princess took us to our living quarters.

It was a massive apartment that had a very massive interior, as well as multiple rooms. The designs were intricate and elegant.

It was easy to see the beautiful craftsmanship of the Elves at work.

Since it was located in the Royal Palace, the building was extremely luxurious. This form of hospitality wasnt something befitting of humansaccording to Elf standards.

Thank you for this hospitality, Princess Freya.

What did you say? The Elf lady shot me an icy look instantly.

Sorry, Freya. Haha, thought you wanted me to call you that since you suddenly grew stiff on me.

Oh, that? Its nothing. I was just in thought is all.

Okay? I stared at the incoherent Elf.

Deciding to leave things as they were was the best option for me, so I let the issue slide.

Well, you should all rest well today. Ill deliver your message to the Queen, and Ill be sure to speak in your favor too.

Everyone in the room thanked the Princess.

The Queen will decide when to meet you, so please be prepared, starting tomorrow. For now, though, rest.

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Once she was done, Freya pulled me by the right hand and went out of the room where everyone was.

I do hope we speak once more

Her left hand covered the hand that she was already holding, sandwiching my right palm between both of hers.

Instantly, I felt a tingle.

It was a rush of Mana, yet it felt warm. The feeling permeated my body, and then my heart.

Instantly, I understood.

The spirits indeed blessed our encounter. I certainly hope they continue to do so.

With that, Freya turned away and left me all alonestanding in the corridor.

For a moment, I was frozen.

Memories of the first time I felt the sensation came rushing in.

I raised my right hand and looked at it, recalling the sensation I felt.

It was Resonance.

But, for Elves, doing something like that was synonymous with one thing.

Freya likes me?!

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