SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 372: 372 A Slightly Magical Night [Pt

That night, I couldnt sleep.

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The sensation on my right hand kept me from falling asleep.

The image of Freya imprinting her Mana on me kept resurfacing.

We all had our rooms in the accommodation provided, so no one could see me twist and then on the very large bed I lay on.

Ultimately, I wasnt able to fall asleep.

Should I just do some training to clear my head?

I decided against it.

Doing something intense would require me to leave the area temporarily. Since we were on an important mission, I couldnt very well abandon it halfway.

Maybe Ill just take a walk

Deciding on that instead, I dressed up for a walk and walked out of my room.

I passed by the hallway and descended the stairs.

Before long, I arrived at the ground floor and was met with the cool embrace of the wind and the flowery scent of the abundant garden.

Unfortunately, these only served to remind me more of Freya.


I shook my head and decided to walk even further, striding along the garden and enjoying the cool atmosphere of the night.

The best part about the walk was solitude. After being around so many people for so long, I finally had time for myself.

It was a pleasant feeling. If not for the multiple thoughts and conflicting emotions plaguing me, I would have enjoyed the moment more.

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Hm? Whats that? My eyes spotted a fountain just a small distance away.

It had been at the center of the garden, but I never noticed it until now.

Is it enchanted?

Deciding to check it out, I took gentle strides and approached it slowly.

As I got closer, the silhouette of someone else became visible.

My eyes bulged slightly as I noticed that someone had best me to the fountain. It would be very awkward for me, as well as the person, if I were to intrude on their moment of solitude.

As someone who enjoyed his time alone, I knew how important it was.

I wasnt so thoughtless as to invade another persons private moment.

Even if the individual in question was

Maria Helmsworth? Whats she doing here?

The silver hair of the beautiful girl reflected the moons brilliance. I witnessed how magnificent she lookedeven in a nightgown.

For a moment, I found myself completely distracted from my earlier thoughts of Freya.

Now, my mind was occupied with nothing but Maria, and how stunning she looked in her melancholy.

But, even this feeling only lasted a moment.

Sigh, what am I doing?

Ultimately, there was no point in staring. Looking at her from a distance made me feel like some sort of creep.

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Since she hasnt noticed me yet, I should go My thoughts trailed and I turned my back on her.

Jared A whisper rang in my ears.

Shoot! Did she see me already?

I swiftly turned around, only to find Maria still distracted by her thoughts.

She hadnt sensed my presence, but the girl was thinking about me.

This day keeps getting more complicated.

Her eyes seemed awfully distant, and even though she was usually stoic, I could sense sadness in her expression.

It almost looked like she had been abandoned.

Normally, I would have ignored this and gone to bed. But, Maria was also someone I considered a friend.

It would be incredibly selfish and insensitive of me to ignore her in such a sorry state.

Okay, lets cheer her up a little!


Marias thoughts conflicted.

At this point, she didnt even know what to believe, say, or do any longer.

And, all her problems stemmed from the same source.

Jared Leonard.

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Even after he told me he was interested he never even not once

Jared never gave her any attention throughout their journey together.

Maria had hoped she would win him over as they conversed, but nothing of the sort had happened.

She had felt abandoned.

However, upon realizing that there was still time, Maria had braced herself. She had intended to remain strong and determined.

But everything came crashing down when another rival appeared.

The Elf PrincessFreya Vindiel.

The vixen had sunk her claws into Jared and didnt intend on letting him go.

Maria had no idea when and how the two had become so close, but they currently seemed inseparable.

For someone like Maria, who was also gunning for something special from the boy, her heart couldnt take it.

He didnt even pay me any attention

The most frustrating event was when they were walking through the Elf Capital.

Maria had completely ignored the dissatisfied gazes of the Elves around her.

To be honest, all her attention was fixed on Jared and the annoying Elf who was always at the center of attention.

She didnt realize when her gaze turned sharp, and some negative emotions began pouring out.

Both of them seemed to have noticed this, but they ignored her.

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And so, she had no choice but to listen in to their conversation.

At some point, it got too personal!

I-is this how close theyve become already?! Marias thoughts were on cloud nine.

The only good part of their conversation was when Jared turned to look at her when he was asked about his experience with attractive women.

For a moment, Maries negative emotions vanished and she was so close to blushing. It took all her willpower to control herself.

Fortunately, she could also feel a glare from the Elf. For that moment, Maria was assured of her victory.

But, she didnt predict that the Princess also had a trick up her sleeve. She asked Jared something that even Maria had been curious about.

If Jared was seeing anyone

Fortunately, he said no. Unfortunately, the reply was to Princess Freya.

Maria could only guess how things would progress from that point on.

Was there even a point in considering the matter any further?

There was no doubt that Freya had won the battle, or at least, she was in the lead.

The young girl had thought Ana was her biggest opponent, but now, she couldnt tell anymore.

Jared She whispered in a sigh.

Should I just give up?

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