SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 373: 373 A Slightly Magical Night [Pt

Should I just give up? Maria thought to herself in a lonely melancholy.

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Maybe that was for the best. She knew there was only a small chance that he would choose her.

So, perhaps it was better if she let go before she got too attached.

But, can I really do that?

Maria knew within herself how attached she was to the boy in question.

Her sole motivation for growing stronger had been because of him.

She wanted to be by his sideto be his!

Abandoning that emotion at this juncture was it even possible for her?

No, it wasnt.

Before realizing it, Maria had become too intertwined with Jared that it was next to impossible to pull away.

Yes, she had reached a point of no return!

So, what now?

Was she simply going to watch in silence and drown in frustration as Jared got pulled away by a new competitor?


I knew him first!

Before Freya. Before Aloe. Even before Ana.

She had been the first to meet him. Jared Leonard was even the one who approached her.

That meant she had dibs.

I wont lose to any newcomers!

Just as she was steeling her resolve, a shadow crept upon her.

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Thats the spirit.

Maria instantly froze.

The voice that suddenly came from above her was awfully familiar.

Slowly, she raised her head, and her clear blue eyes met his.


As her cute lips parted, and her expression displayed slight shock, the girls inner consciousness was in turmoil.


How long had he been standing there? Did he hear everything? Just how much did he see? Was she appropriately dressed for a meeting with him? What was he doing here? Why was he here?

Myriads of thoughts rang through her mind. Maria didnt know which to pick. Her heart simply raced, and she felt overwhelmed to an indescribable extent.

Maria, can we talk for some time? I cant sleep. He smiled at her.

His smile and gaze were too charming to be real. Maria thought she would just let go of her facade and melt before him.

However, she couldnt do that.

Im still mad at him for ignoring me for so long right?

Maria wasnt even sure which card to play at the moment.

All her anger had melted upon seeing him.

I-I see She managed to croak words out of her mouth, looking at the ground.

Jareds face didnt allow her to articulate her words for some reason.

Then, I hope you dont mind if I sit.

Before she could speak, he sat beside her, almost close in proximity.

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As they both sat on the fountains terrace, silence enveloped the area.

The cool night air now felt suffocating, and Maria wondered what to say to Jared.

All through their journey, she had hoped he would approach her. Now that he was right beside her, she was blank.

You seem a bit distracted, no, more like sad. Do you want to talk about it?

His question seemed odd.

Had he been watching her for some time? Just how long? Marias cheeks flushed pink a little.

I-its nothing She murmured.

Is it because of me?

Why was Jared being so direct this night? He went from 0 to 100 really fast.

How was she supposed to handle such radical change?

M-may-be Maria attempted to be cold, but failed woefully.

I see His voice trailed.

Even though Maria wasnt looking at Jareds face, she was trying as much as possible to gauge his expression based on words alone.

But, that wasnt enough!

She so desperately wanted to see his face! But, the fear of what would happen if she did, crept up on her.

She could end up completely losing her cool, after all.

Im sorry, Maria. I didnt pay you enough attention. Even though were friends, I neglected you and was too focused on the mission ahead of us.

Her cheeks blushed even brighter.

Even though Jared had added the word friend to his statement, Maria felt incredibly happy and omitted that word from her head.

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A-as long as you understand She replied, curious about what he would say next.

I actually wanted to talk to you many times, but I thought Id be disturbing you. Youre not exactly easy to approach. Even now, you dont seem to be into this conversation

Jareds voice sounded distant.

His tone contained a trace of sadness.

It was now Marias turn to feel guilty.

No! Thats not it! I just this is just how I am! She sharply turned to look at Jared.

Her eyes contained desperation. She didnt want him to get the wrong idea about her.

I was just She stopped midway, once again rendered speechless by Jareds charms.

He was smiling at her, a contrast from what his tone suggested.

I understand, Maria. Thats just how you are. But, you should be more expressive of your emotions, you know? If you want something, or if you feel like talking you can talk to me.

Her heart was racing faster than before.

Im your friend. Im here for you.

Omitting the word friend, Maria kept looking at Jared with intensifying emotions.

I cant read your mind, you know? Though sometimes I wish I could

J-Jared?! Marias heart was going to burst at any moment.

And then, as if all his words werent enough Jared placed his hands on her shoulders.

His warm hands sent sensations coursing through her body.

Maria Its a terribly long night

She fought to keep her trembling body in check.

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You wouldnt mind us keeping each other company

She gulped, wondering how Jared could be so bold as to suggest such a thing!

Were not old enough for that yet Maria knew she would have to refuse, but had no willpower to open her lips in resistance.

So, should we talk for a bit?

O-Oh Marias voice appeared, holding a tinge of disappointment and relief.

Her racing emotions plummeted. It seemed she had gotten worked up for nothing.

Sure. I could also use some company She smiled, already acclimating to the feeling of seeing Jareds face up close.

For a moment, silence prevailed between the two. Marias body trembled once more as she uncomfortably stared into Jareds eyes.

Ah, sorry about that. The boy withdrew the hands that were on her shoulder, and then


Out of thin air, he summoned a dark coat and covered Marias body.

You must be catching a cold. Youve been trembling for some time now.

As the silence broke, both friends smiled at each other. Slowly, they were getting used to talking.

The awkward atmosphere slowly dissipated.

Thanks. Maria ribbed the cloak and smiled.

If had a lovely scent attached just like Jared.

Even though the night had begun uncomfortably for both of them, Jared and Maria soon forgot about their troubles and became drowned in conversation.

Before they realized it, they spent all night togethertalking, and nothing more.

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