SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 431: 431 The Mad Witch [Pt 1]

Thank you for your efforts, Lu. You may leave us be.

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The Fairy seemed like he wanted to protest, but he changed his mind midway and simply nodded.

Lu glided away from us, smiling like an idiot, most likely because he received words of praise from the woman he liked.

I know how you feel, buddy. Its too bad shell never look at you that way. I almost felt bad for the dude.

After all, I knew the one Jane Ursula loved more than anything in the world.


According to her, I came secondthough the gap was too wide to be called a competition.

Compared to such a grand cause that Jane was obsessed with ever since I had known herno, even beforesomeone like Lu never stood a chance.

I almost let out a chortle as I smiled at her and she did the same to me.

Instantly, we understood one another. Even without speaking, our emotions were strong enough to reach each other.

There was no need for such a concept as words between two best friends.

Silence enveloped the room, and we once again locked eyes, ignoring everyone else around us.

Im back, Jane. Ive missed you more than you know!


Jaaaaannnnneeeeeee!!! Someone from our group lunged at the Fairys desk, banging it with all her energy.

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W-whoah Lemi, is that you? Youre here? Hold on, that makes sense. Wait, your body its been healed! How is this

It appeared Jane was very well acquainted with Lemi indeed. Knowing the kind of personality she had, I didnt find it hard to believe.

Jane would have stayed close to Emilia and her family even after I was out of the picture. It made me wonder if she was aware that Emilia was pregnant before I died.

Ill have to ask her.

Jared did it! He healed the Miasma Poisoning!

Oh? He did, uh? Jane smiled in my direction.

From her expression, I could deduce the fact that she was giggling internally. She must have realized the kind of awkward situation I was in.

Lemi is my daughter, but

It was too late for me to take up my role with the large gap in our age. Still, I was trying my hardest, wasnt I?

What I was actually curious about was the relationship Lemi had with Jane.

Jared, why did the QueI mean, President, call you Lewis? Does she mean Lewis Griffith?

I looked beside me, watching Marias curious gaze pierce me. It felt like those eyes could see past my facade.

Thankfully, that wasnt the case.

No. Shes probably just basking in nostalgia. Shes called The Mad Witch, after all. Dont expect her to be mentally stable. I partially snickered when I said this.

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Hey! I heard that! Jane sharply cut in, glaring in our direction.

J-Jared, why would you annoy the President?

Marias hushed whispers contained hints of worry and surprise.

I was usually very courteous when addressing those in Authority. It was the only way to get what I wanted.

Since we were delegates in a strange land, it was expected that I would act cordially. But, I had caused quite the stir.

Youre being rude to Jane, Jared. Apologize. Lemi blurted out, looking at me and our group from the Fairys desk.

Shouldnt you be here with us? You came here as a delegate, not a friend.

Whats the matter? Jealous much? This time it was Jane that attacked me.

Did she think I felt intimidated by her relationship with my daughter? Well maybe I was a little bit.

But, its mostly because I dont want her to learn weird things from you! I nearly blurted out, but held on to my self-control.

Jane would be a terrible influence on Lemi, and I could already see traces of the Fairy in my daughter.

She isnt interested in Marriage. She has no one shes currently seeing. She stays holed up in her research. She sees everyone as test subjects. Ring a bell, Jane? I narrowed my gaze at the President of The Fairy Sanctuary.

I never expected her to be the one, but it was a fortuitous turn of events.

I would like to speak to your leader personally. The rest of you can go take a tour or whatever.

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Your flippant attitudes to unimportant things havent changed. I smiled, turning to my comrades.

You guys can go take the tour youve been asking for. I assume Lu is waiting for us beyond those doors. Just tell him where you want to go.

My group members were excitedenough so that they left without batting an eye.

Will you be alright? Maria asked, though, at least having the heart to care about me.

I will.

Okay then. And then, she too vanished with the others.

They opened the door and shut it behind them as they excitedly departed.

Freya turned to look at me one final time before leaving, but I pretended not to notice.

The only ones left were me, Jane, and the stubborn Lemi that refused to budge.

You too, Lemi, I spoke sternly.



Im not going anywhere. Since she said that the leader should wait behind, I choose to be the leader for the Elves.

But, youre a Half-Elf, though. Besides, isnt Freya more suited for that role?

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H-hey! Dont bring that up. Im older than her, you know? Age means more experience.

It sure doesnt look like it to me. I sneered, almost bursting out in laughter.

Hey! What did you say?!

You heard me. Now scram!

Uwu Jane, you see what I mean? Hes so mean to me. The girl began pouring to the Fairy beside her.

Janes fairy self was still on her small seat and slightly bigger desk.

You guys are incorrigible. It almost feels like Im watching you and Emilia argue.

Ah Why didnt I notice it too? Still

Emilia wasnt as ano

Oh, she was annoying. I keep telling you, love makes you see only what you want to see. Im sure you only have an image of a kind, gentle woman whenever you think of that bitch.

As expected, even till now, Jane hadnt changed a single bit.

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