SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 432: 432 The Mad Witch[Pt 2]


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Yes, how could I forget? Jane and Emilia never got along well in my past life.

I didnt know exactly why, but it probably had something to do with meas well as a conflict of interest.

They both wanted me to dedicate an unlimited amount of time to themEmilia was my lover, and Jane was my best friend at the time.

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I cherished them both, and found the time spent with both of them rewarding, in their respective ways

But, unlike me, they didnt seem to like the idea of sharingcausing bad blood between them.

You still think she was purely a saint, dont you? But, she was nothing like that in reality. You didnt notice that because youre not a woman. I know these things, you know? I was the oldest among everyone back then

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Lemi seemed lost in our conversationhow we were talking about her mother so brazenly.

I thought she would have protested when Jane called her mother a bitch, but Lemi didnt. It was probably due to the fact that she was simply confused about what we were saying.

W-whats going on? She murmured.

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The advantage of using Fast Speech is tremendous. I smiled.

Okay, thats enough of that. Jane snapped at the young girl with her business-looking expression.

Ill play with you later, Lemi. Go hang out with your other friends.

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The Half-Elf began looking dejected the moment Jane spoke those words. Her sulking face looked at both of us.

T-theyre not my friends She also murmured.

Yeah. Yeah. Now go. Well catch up later, dont worry.

As a result, Lemi dragged herself out of the room.


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