SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 518: 518 Golden Emergence

The clacking of shoes sounded, and an individual finally appeared from the shadows.

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He had a wide smile on his face, and the cool demeanor he exuded was befitting of someone of his caliber.

Even the aura that oozed out of him made Damien realize that he was special.

You know, it makes sense that youre one of them His voice was calm.

Even though his golden eyes stared coldly at Damiens pathetic form, the persons smile didnt fade.

The young mans golden hair swayed, a portion of his face covered by it.

His outfit resembled a traveler, but they were all extremely well-made Magic Itemsbefitting of royalty.

I never liked you very much back then too.

Y-you!!! Damiens eyes seemed to ring out as he looked upon the face of a boy he recognized.

The most exceptional student he had ever seen in his Instructing days at Ainzlark Kuzon Midas!

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Well, now that youve performed your role well, theres no further reason to keep you alive.

MMMMPHH!!! Damien struggled to speak, realizing that his life would come to an end if he didnt say anything.

Looks like you want to say something. Alright then, speak.

Puah! T-thank you very much for


The young mans eyes narrowed further. It was condescending beyond description, but Damien didnt have the luxury of complaining.

A-ah, why dont you spare me? Youre after the Organization, right? I-I can help you. They betrayed me too. They used and threw me away. I have no loyalty to them. I help you. So what do you say?

It was a classic betrayer move, but Damien had run out of choices.

His Original Magic didnt work, and, for some reason, his entire body couldnt move. His only chance of survival was for

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Pfft. Youre so pathetic, its hilarious.

Damien had expected some resistance, but not this.

I dont know which is funnier. Your desperate desire to live, or how ignorant you are.

Damiens fear was temporarily disabled by an entitled rage that he felt anytime he was looked down upon.

You didnt realize this, but someone put a tracker on youmost likely to trace your location. If I have to guess, Ill say its Jareds work. It could also be Nerons, but Id still go for the former.

W-wha?! Damiens rage was completely submerged in an ocean of shock.

Look at your face. Youre so stupid, arent you?

Damien didnt understand how anyone could have placed a tracker on him without his knowledge.


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Dont worry, though. I disabled it. Theres no need to get those people involved in my business.

Damien was still trying to comprehend how he had been hoodwinked when a hand suddenly tapped his shoulder.

It was Kuzons.

The young man was squatting, placing a hand on his shoulder which brought about a greater degree of pressure.

A portion of Kuzons face was covered by his golden hair, so only one of his eyes could be seen by Damien.

It was so cold and condescending.

Youre wrong about so many things. My intentions, and your worth.

There was something Kuzon hadnt told anyone.

His true motives, the reason he had killed two members of the Organization, and was about to kill anotherwithout any shred of remorse.

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It was all because of a certain mana member of the Cult that he had been after since forever.

Of course, he wasnt going to tell Damien the details. Still

Let me ask you this. If you answer well, I could let you live.

Damien gulped. Despite the fear squirming within him, he wasnt going to miss this opportunity he had to live.

Do you know anyone by the name of Kido?

Uh? Damien Lawcroft was clueless.

Was he supposed to know the individual? He had thought his assaulter would ask him a question about the Organization, but he simply asked about a person.

I see you dont know him, uh? Figures. Youre just a 10th Seat.


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