SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 519: 519 The Cult's Assembly [Pt 1]

Its been a while, hasnt it?

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The voice that echoed in the air was friendly and jovialalmost playful, even.

However, the dreary silence that pervaded the room was unchanging.

The massive room was not as one would expect the headquarters of a cult to be. It was exquisitely designed, having chandeliers, and a lovely white design.

Murals and runes were drawn all over the wall, ceilings, and floors, granting it a very distinguished aura.

In this large hallan expanse that couldnt naturally be measured by normal means since it was configured with Magica large table was set.

The table had six chairs on the right and left sides respectively and then at the forefront was a more prestigious seat belonging to someone elsesomeone greater.

Not all the seats were occupied, but a majority were taken.

The right end had all their members intact, but only two members occupied the six seats that were laid out before the table.

And, of course, each seat was labeled.

That was because this organization was strictly hierarchical. Even though it might have seemed like they valued equalitydue to their arrangementit was far from it.

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Those at the right end were known as the Upper Seat Members, while the ones at the left were the Lower Seats.

Even then, their ranks were divided into twelvethe first six belonging to the former while the lower ones had the latter title.

All in all, the right and left-end members all had this knowledge, and so those who were superior relished that fact.

Then, what about the one who sat at the forefront? The man who occupied what seemed like a throne?

What sort of rank did he have?

Indeed. I welcome you all. The leaders voice permeated the room.

His tone, while young, carried enough power to drive the room into perfect decorum.

Unlike the others on respective sides, he sat at the middle front, and while he looked younger than the rest of themwith the exception of onehis power and immense knowledge commanded the respect of everyone who listened to him.

Standing directly beside him was a beautiful maiden. She looked pure, and was garbed in silk white.

The lady had a constant smile on, and looked like a woman in the flower of her youth.

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In any meeting they had with the Leader, he always had this lady accompany him, and while she seemed quite harmless, no one could dispute the chills she gave off.

Her power was probably in another realm as well.

I have called you here, ten days after concluding the Demon Incursion Plan, for a few matters that warrant discussion.

As you are well aware, weve gathered 10 of the Arcanas. Thanks to the War, we were able to secure a few, and now we know of the locations of yet five others. Our goals are now within sight.

Everyone nodded.

It was common knowledge that they had orchestrated things behind the scenes to achieve the best result.

Thanks to their inconspicuous efforts, things had worked out perfectly.

Due to the achievements of one of our members in the events, who executed the task with absolute perfection, I have decided to promote him.

Even though no one spoke, they knew who was being referred to.

Legris Damien, you may rise.

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At that moment, one of the only two people who was seated on the left side was called forth.

He had dark brown hair and a smile plastered on his face.

I believe no one needs to be told the endless list of his achievements. From initiating the War, to retrieving The Devil Arcana. Weve benefitted a lot from this venture, so its only appropriate to reward him for his efforts. With that said, the leader beckoned Legris to step forward.

The lanky man obeyed and moved away from his seat, drawing close to the young one. Once Legris got a few inches further from him, he finally stopped.

The Arcana. The Leader stretched forth his hands.

His black hair and dangerously gleaming reddish purple eyes rang of danger and malevolence.

Even though he looked unassuming, everyone in their right mind knew not to underestimate his authority.

Here it is. Legris smiled, bringing forth the card he retrieved ten days ago.

[The Devil] yet another piece. The young man smiled, looking at the card glimmer in Legris grasp.

The Magician. The Lovers. The Star. The Empress. Death. The Papess. The Chariot. Justice. Temperance

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Those were the ones that had been secured already. Adding The Devil to the mix, that made a total of ten Arcanas in their grasp.

The time is near The moment he reached out to touch the item, the Leader paused his statement.

His body shook a bit, and then he regained his composure.

Legris what happened to the Arcana before you recovered it? Was there prior contact?

No. I took it from the source.

Hmmm this is a problem.

Everyone looked at the leader to see what the problem was. He was never one to overreact, so that meant a serious issue had surfaced.

I can clearly sense someones Mana clinging to that Arcana. It has been altered in some way.

Mana? What in the?! At this point, even Legris was stunned.

Do it. The leader turned to the woman beside him, and she bowed upon hearing his orders.


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