SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 523: 523 Happy Reunion

Ed!!! Anas small body jumped on the very muscular person in front of her.

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His tan skin and hulking body made him appear to be way older than his age, but he was only fifteen years old.

Its been a while, Ana.

Edward, even with his hardened look, gave a soft smile as he returned the embrace of his dear friend.

Though, since her body was so small in his grasp, and she seemed so fragile that he could snap her like a twig, Edward maintained caution.

Ive missed you! You missed out on a lot of action!

It was currently twelve days since the end of the war, and a lot had happened since then. It was crazy how Edward wasnt present in any of them.

I had a little errand to run for Jared. Is he around?

Both of them were currently within Ainzlark Academys grounds.

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While Ana was wearing her usual lab coat, shirt, and skirt, Edward donned a simple travelers cloak.

He had nice trousers, and his boots looked sturdy too.

However, he was bare-chested, causing his skin to glimmer in the morning sun.

Yeah. Weve been expecting you. Everyone is waiting. Ana smiled.

Edward smiled and nodded.

His eyes scoured the massive compound, and he couldnt help but feel a wave of nostalgia. It had been a while, after all.

Lets go!

Ana did the most amusing thingclimbing on Edwards broad shoulders while holding his head and pointing far into the horizon.

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Eh? It had been a while, so Edward had almost forgotten about this habit of hers.

Even as a kid, he did it often. It was probably why he was able to develop such a strong back.

Yeah, yeah. Now feeling a bit self-conscious thanks to the stares of students and staff around him, Edward kept his head low and began moving.

Faster, Ana yelled, causing him to quicken his pace.

This continued until he was practically running.


Edward, my man! Jerry Keller hugged the buff guy.

He too seemed small in his embrace, but it didnt matter at this point. Despite their respective height or size, they were still friends.

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Still hugging people at your age? Hmph! A dissatisfied voice rang beside him.

It belonged to the brunette called Ciara, and she was certainly not pleased by Edwards closeness to Jerry.

She acted like she didnt care, but if anyone looked at Ciara closely, they would see that the girl was observing the twos closeness and gnashing her teeth.

Jealousy was such a mysterious thing.

Hey, Maria how have you been? Ciara finally found a way to distract herself as she went to the young lady.

Edward, look how much youve grown. Ivan guffawed as well, feeling quite intimidated as he approached.

The young man had been working out to increase his muscle mass, but he was nowhere close to the beast in front of him.

Are you sure youre fifteen? He spoke his thoughts aloud.

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Edward could only laugh awkwardly.

Perhaps he overdid it a bit, but all he did was adhere to his training regiment whole eating a lot of monster meat.

He hadnt noticed just how big he had gotten until he met fellow humans.


The room everyone was currently in was a lounge reserved for honored guests at Ainzlark.

Currently, it was something like an alumni meetingbut only for the small circle that Jared invited.

Wheres he, though? Edward looked around him.

Currently, the people present were; Ana, Ciara, Jerry, Edward, Ivan, and Maria.

They werent expecting anyone else except the host of the meeting. And, as always he was fashionably late.


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