SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 524: 524 The Winning Team

In any case, this was an official meeting. The sooner it started, the better.

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With that in mind, I implored everyone to have their seats, and after organizing an introductory session, I finally declared my reason for bringing everyone together.

I gathered all of us here for one major reason and that is because of a new threat that has emerged.

The whole act of the Demons was a mere prelude to the emerging darkness.

At the very least, I wanted to protect my own. But, more than that, it was within my rights to squash the enemys side.

The problem was that they were a group, and so another group was necessary to combat them.

In essence, to stop the Cult, I needed to work with a team.

Everyone, I need your help.

Neron, Serah, Lemi, Maro, Aloe, Edward, Ana, Jerry, Ciara, Maria, and Ivan.

With me in the mix, we made twelve individualsenough for the kind of effective group I intended on managing.

Looking at their abilities, there are better candidates I could have employed

People like Ivan and Lemi werent even very strong. However, they made considerable progress daily.

If this would help them in their advancement, I was fine with having them on board.

So, what do you all say?


Well, this is good.

I was currently on a wide expanse, watching my dearest friends lay out before me.

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The good news was that they all accepted the request, but the not-so-good issue was that a majority of them were still considerably lacking in many ways.

That meant I had to set them straight one way or the other.

I teleported us to this vast field for a reason. I was sure many of them would recognize this place.

It was the same spot where we battled the Demons not too long ago.

Since it was located on the outskirts of the Eastern Empire, it was perfect for the kind of activity I had in mind.

Out of everyone here, Im exempting only Neron, Maro, and Serah from this exercise.

Well, I was planning on simulating a sparring experience, and adding those three would have been too unfair.

For one, Neron and Sarah were too strong. As for Maro, he was more into engineering than combat.

It wouldnt do any good by making him actively deviate from his area of expertise.

The remaining eight; Ivan, Maria, Ana, Edward, Lemi, Ciara, Jerry, and Aloe were going to be my primary focus.

Were here to train. Or rather, I want to test your capabilities.

During the war, I had the chance of observing some of them, but none were pushed to the point of displaying their limits.

If we were to go up against monsters on par with Legris Damien, I needed to be certain that my team could keep up.

Youll all be facing a single opponent. I want to see how youll fare.

I wasnt trying to insult them by putting all nine against one target, but this was simply the way I knew to balance things.

H-hold on, Im fighting too? Lemi interrupted me with an entitled yelp.

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Ah, yes I forgot.

This girl didnt have any combat experience.

Well, shes gotta learn sooner or later.

I smiled sweetly and my daughter and gave an emphatic nod.

Your Aunt placed me in charge of you. Were friends, you know?

B-but, this isnt friendship! Youre just!

Its friendship. Im doing this for your own good. Isnt that what friends do for each other?

W-well, its not exactly like

I could spot Edward smiling like an idiot as he watched Lemi throw a fit. Something about his face glowing pink made things feel terribly wrong.

Alright, enough dawdling. Lets get down to business. Ignoring Lemis pouting, I floated to midair.

Who will we be fighting, though? You? The statement came from Ana.

Her glare still hadnt vanishedmost likely because of the just-concluded exchange between me and Lemi.

Really? Well be fighting Jared?! Edwards eyes lit up in excitement.

The boy had grown even more to be a battle maniac. He resembled Gawain now more than ever.

Martial Art idiots I smiled at my muscle-brained friend.

Isnt that too unfair? Its eight against one, but still Ivan looked hesitant.

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He probably didnt want to fight me.

I dont see what the big deal is. Ill knock him down myself. Ciara made a defiant tone.

Whats with the attitude? Its not like I forced her here

After Jerry agreed to join the team, she did the same. To be honest, I wasnt very close to the girl, but I realized her potential.

It was a shame that she didnt seem the least bit interested in being friends with me, but for some strange reason, she was always involved in my affairs.

Is it because of Jerry? Hmmm To think of it, back in the Academy, she was also quite fixated on him.

The best course of action would be to ask Jerry all about their relationship later on. For now, though

Dont say that, Ciara. You dont know how powerful Jared is.

Yeah hes simply amazing.

Aloe, dont patronize him too much. You sound like a fangirl.

Whats got you so prickly today, Ana?

Alright, Im pumped up!

Ive never fought before, though

Dont worry, Ill protect you!


After watching them all converse for a few, I clapped my hands and regained their attention.

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You wont be fighting me.

It seemed they were misunderstanding many things.

But, that was also fine.

Your opponent is one of my constructs. At this point, I could make out many disappointed gazes assailing me.

Those with a lot of pride would have even felt insulted.

Its my best Automaton. If you guys manage to defeat it, Ill fight you myself.

Before they could complain, I snapped my fingers, and the platinum-armored being appeared.

Everyone, meet Gawainthe Ultimate Automaton. I smiled sweetly.

The being beside me was floating too, and his majestic form took in the gazes of everyone. Thankfully, a few more of them were now interested in fighting the thing.

Alright then. You may begin on my count.





Some people have asked, so here we go.

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