SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 560: 560 Kuzon And Ana [Pt 2]

He found it easy to give me away, probably because he felt it would be easier to have me fall for you than for him to muster the courage to tell me the truth that he doesnt have feelings for me.

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Kuzons eyes widened slightly upon hearing that last part.


I mean, thats just pathetic, isnt it? For someone who has done an outstanding job so far, hes just such a letdown!

I see.

Yeah. Despite my dissatisfactions, though, I have to admit he is truly something else. I know youre strong Kuzon, and I know you beat him, but Jared has done so muchand is still doing so much for the world.

From the event of Ainzlark Academy, to the War, and now the Nether Cult, Jareds acts were for the world as a whole.

Kuzon understood this very much.

Unlike him, who was simply acting on his own selfish impulses, Jareds plans were far more encompassing.

And for that, I respect him even though he still pisses me off! Ana gritted her teeth once more.

Youre a kind girl.

Where is that coming from? Ana barked, glaring at Kuzon.

Relax. Thats meant to be a compliment, right?

Yeah? Well, it doesnt feel much like one, coming from you.

I figured Kuzon murmured.

Another moment of silence greeted the two and Kuzon decided to stand from his sofa.

He walked toward Ana and squatted so they could at least be on the same level in terms of height.

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This embarrassed the girl slightly, causing her face to turn beet red once more.

I didnt ask to be like this, you know? She covered her reddened as those thoughts swirled in her head.

Im sorry.

Upon hearing those words, Anas hand slowly dropped her face, revealing a surprised expression from the girl.


I said Im sorry. I shouldnt have left you abruptly. I also shouldnt have called you dead weight. As for the kiss its not what you think.


Its true that the kiss is something similar to a farewell or greetingused especially when you wont be meeting in a long while Kuzons face softened a bit while speaking.

But its exchanged between close friends and family. I obviously considered you special when I kissed you.

Anas memory flashed to both events when their lips touched, and her cheeks turned red once again.

I didnt mean to give the wrong impression, though. That was my bad.

So, which is it?

Hm? What do you mean?

Which do you consider me as? Friend or family?

For the first time, Kuzons cheeks, especially his ears, turned pink. It was hardly noticeable, though, and it only appeared for a moment.

A friend, obviously. I consider you my friend, Ana.

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I see. Thank you for being honest with me, at the very least. Ana smiled at the golden haired boy.

Well, thanks for being honest with me too. Their smiles greeted each other, and for a moment, all either of them could notice was the others face.

So, am I forgiven?


Dang it.

Both of them instantly burst into laughter, and they found their hearts leaping. It was a strange feeling for Ana, seeing as she hadnt felt this way in a while.

For Kuzon, it was a pleasant emotion that he could only feel around Ana.

This is why I need you by my side He kept laughing with the girl.

He adored her tiny frame and found himself unable to look away.

Her flat chest, her tint body, her adorable glasses, everything about her made him happy for some reason.

Most of all, her expressions.

Unlike him, she couldnt keep her composure and would often move from being annoyed, to bashful, to happy.

These fluctuations in emotions and expressionsAnas reactionsalways amazed him.

I like this girl. He smiled.

Kuzon gulped slightly and found his hands moving on their own.

Before he could stop himself, his hand reached the top of Anas hair and he stroked them.

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Ive always wanted to do this! With his mission complete, Kuzon laughed even more.

Unfortunately, he found out it was only his voice that echoed across the vast room.

What are you doing? A voice rang out.

Kuzons body shivered a bit, but, of course, he maintained his composure.

This is another custom among my people

It was a lie, of course.

Kuzon couldnt simply tell Ana he had a thing for short girls like herespecially patting their heads.

That would be weird.

Is that so? Anas voice didnt indicate any form of understanding.

In fact, she was actually giving a very deep glare that made Kuzon immediately retract his hand.

I got carried away! He thought to himself in worry.

What had he done? If he offended Ana, she wouldnt talk to him again.

Inasmuch as watching her sulk was a pleasure all on its own, Kuzon liked it more when they talked.

That way, he had access to way more reactions.

I see you have chosen death.

Kuzon found it funny that Ana was threatening him with something like that, but he was yet to realize that there was a lot more to the concept than he realized.

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A kick to his groin was enough for that reality to set in.

His body swayed backward, recoiling from the shock of having his milkshake maker squashed by a girls legs.

Pain and pleasure courses through his bodymostly pain though.

Haa haaa He made small sounds as he fell to the ground.

Dont you ever pat my head. Im not a child, you know? Im. Not. A. Child!

D-duly noted Kuzon managed to leak out as his body shuddered.


The young Midas once again got to see another of Annabelles expression, for which he was plenty grateful.

Unfortunately for him, his body was still acclimating to the sensation he was feeling.

This girl He smiled as Anas face magnified in his blurry vision.

However, before he could complete his thought, Kuzon felt something approach the Magic Housesomething very dangerous.

Ana, look out!

His words were a little too late, though.


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