SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 562: 562 Kuzon's Plan

Haha, so you realized, didnt you? Kuzon finally spoke, after a few seconds of silence.

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What kind of fool do you take me for?


The young man snickered, not saying anything more.

You wont find me! Not in a thousand years! Ill keep haunting and hunting you until you pay for what you did.

By sending those weaklings? Keep joking.

Tch. If not for my responsibilities to the Cult Beruel growled.

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Yeah? Well why dont we see about that when Im done!

I dont need to wait that long.

The Fairy King, though suspended in midair, sneered at Kuzon and Ana, as though forgetting who the person tied up was.

You wont be able to do it.

Yeah I know I cant. Ive tried, and with my skillset, its impossible. But Kuzon glanced beside him and spotted Anabelles innocent expression.

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Quickly carrying and raising her, Kuzon presented his trump card to the Fairy King.

I have someone who can.

W-what are you doing? P-put me down!!! Ana screamed, struggling to break free from Kuzons hold.

She wanted to cry of embarrassment as she struggled in his grip.

Together, were going to beat you!

I see so you too are a couple. Beruels voice was low, containing a different kind of menacing feel.

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Yeah, sure. Got a problem with that? At this point, Kuzon put Ana down and smiled coolly at the obviously agreived Fairy King.

You idiot! Idiot! Dont carry me like that next time! Ana beat Kuzon with both her hands, but her assault did nil damage.

In fact, the young Midas was simply intrigued by Anas struggles that he was tempted to tease her even more.

Couples all couples must dieeeeee!!! Beruels voice peaked, and his body began shimmering.

Ah, hes going to self-destruct.

Eh? Ana looked at the glowing Fairy Kings body.

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I-is that alright?

Yeah. Its fine. My strings already invaded his body, and I got what I wanted. In a flash of golden lightning, a device appeared in front of Kuzon.

It looked like a mechanical construct, no larger than a thumb.

What of the explo


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